The people's voice of reason

"The Agenda 2: Masters of Deceit" – A Documentary Review

Long time Alabama resident, Bela K. Berty, was a young child in the formative years when his family escaped from communism in Eastern Europe. Having experienced first-hand the perils of communism, the influence of communism in the modern American legal, banking, and educational systems is a matter of grave concern to him. Consequently, he and his wife, Linda Gail Berty, a veteran of The United States Navy, sponsored a showing of the documentary, "The Agenda 2: Masters of Deceit" on Wednesday at The Tuscaloosa Public Library as co-leaders of the Tuscaloosa Action Group of the conservative advocacy group, Eagle Forum.

The sequel to the award-winning documentary, "The Agenda: Grinding America Down", "The Agenda 2" opens with an interview with the Cuban native, Agustin Blazquez, as he recalls how during his childhood in Cuba, nobody ever dreamed that their island paradise would one day be communist with their cigar loving citizens reduced to being "a pawn of the state". Yet, such a startling transition occurred seemingly overnight and he forewarns American to be on the alert. As communism can seep in unawares.

The premise of "The Agenda 2: Masters of Deceit" is then revealed as it explains that the main two stumbling blocks to communism/socialism/Marxism/Leninism are Christianity and freedom. With a British expert emphasizing that "If America goes down militarily, the free world is finished." And the documentary placing further importance on the fact that the fight against communism and its various incarnations is "Not just a fight for the United States of America, but a fight for civilization, itself." As the United States of America is upheld in the documentary as "The main stumbling block to world communism."

Produced by Curtis Bowers, who served briefly as a member of the Idaho House of Representatives for the 10A district from April 2007 to December 2008, "The Agenda 2: Masters of Deceit" is a documentary designed by him to explain to people all of the things that he learned while serving in public office. With the documentary revealing that the main strategy that is used by the communists et al is to push to get what they want to get, then when the opposition gets to be a powerful force, offer a compromise, wait until the opposition backs off after the compromise feeling like they've had a victory, then begin pushing to get what they want again, repeating the cycle until they ultimately get what they wanted to begin with. The danger of this long term strategy to influence the American legal, banking, and education systems that the communists/Marxists/Leninist/socialists use is that it places the conservatives always on the defensive. And, as the documentary explains, that is why the conservatives often lose in the long run.

"The Agenda 2: Masters of Deceit" also explains how inflation is nothing but a hidden tax on the American citizens. As inflation is a way to steal the wealth of citizens, unobserved, with the effect of reducing hardworking American citizens to the status of wage slaves. And, according to the documentary, one of the main ways that inflation has become a staple of modern society was through the creation of the Federal Reserve on December 23rd, 1913. With it taking 98 dollars to buy what 1 dollar could purchase in the early part of 1913, before the Federal Reserve came into being. The reason the communists wish to weaken the power of the dollar, according to "The Agenda 2" is so they can create more dependency, thereby allowing the government to take over. For, as the documentary explains, traditionally in America, governments rule through the consent of the governed, not vice versa.

Furthermore, according to the documentary, one of the most powerful ways to change society is to go after the next generation. Hence, the communist's purposeful infiltration of the educational systems beginning with John Dewey. With Curtis Bowers having a Master of Arts in curriculum and instruction from the University of Colorado in Colorado Springs, the importance of reclaiming the American educational system is heavily emphasized in "The Agenda 2: Masters of Deceit". With the documentary explaining that the goal of a communist education is to dumb down the curriculum to make the children unfit to govern themselves, thereby facilitating a communist takeover.

As the documentary reveals, after World War II, when the USA entered Germany, they removed all of the Nazi affiliated officials from positions of governments and influence. However, this did not occur in Russia and the KGB has remained in control to the present day. The documentary further urges Americans, specifically Christians, to back the control of their political parties. As once the communists get 70% of the people behind them, they will use violence to take complete control.

Emphasis is then also placed in the documentary on how Christianity "is what emboldens people to stand firm in the right" through their faith in God. And Christians are persecuted in the United States without knowing it, as they are pretty much limited to worshiping in Church on Sunday, and not mentioning their faith in the public forum. The documentary then also explains how the communists have taken over the seminaries and divinity schools, using the United Methodist Church as an example, with the seminaries teaching a lukewarm "feel good" message instead of a Christ centered message emphasizing the need to "turn from sin and embrace Jesus Christ as Savior."

The last half hour of the documentary turns into a negation of environmentalist causes. Which raises some eyebrows as most people can vouch for some of the effects of climate change, especially in Alabama during the middle of the summer. However, it does draw an interesting correlation between Earth Day being celebrated on April 22nd and Vladimir Lenin's birthday being on April 22nd, as well.

The documentary then concludes with a powerful ending as one of the prominent interviewees in the documentary emphasizes that "God can save our country, but he won't . . . until we ask."

The running time for the documentary is an hour and twenty-seven minutes. And is available for purchase on Amazon and the filmmaker's website of


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