March 10, 2025–Linda "Lindy" Blanchard has been nominated by President Trump to be America's Ambassador to the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). On behalf of the Gazette, congratulations!
Lindy is one of the earliest Ambassadors to be appointed by the administration-I think she's eight or ninth-which is a mark of distinction. Presidents have about 4000 positions they appoint, and it takes months and months for those slots to be filled. For Lindy to get the nod this early is truly impressive.
It's also noteworthy that this is one of the better UN branches out there. Its primary mission-working with people so they can feed themselves and have access to clean water-is a very Good Thing. Yes, there's a baseline level of inherent fustercluckery, corruption and ineptitude to be expected from any international organization like the FAO, but suspicious old me thinks that's the reason Pres. Trump is sending Lindy in to keep an eye on them.
As Lindy said during her recent run for Governor, "I'm a mathematician, not a politician.' She'll need those mathematical skills to monitor the ebb and flow of money through FAO to the NGOs and governments they work with, to keep the corruption to a minimum. I'm speculating here, but it just makes sense to me.
Lindy's a successful businesswoman with a history of philanthropy both here in Alabama and abroad. Her resume alone makes her a logical choice for this post. Even more so, the President knows she's loyal, and won't stab him (and America) in the back like so many did during his first term.
It's been my privilege to know Lindy, John, her clone Mindy (or is Lindy the clone? I've never figured out which is which) and her two...three...four...herd of kids she has running around. Honestly, they wear me out just watching them, much less trying to count them. I know what she's done to help kids here and Malawi. I know what she did during Trump 45 as Ambassador to Slovenia-sadly, most of the good work she and the other European ambassadors did was quickly undone by the Biden regime-and I anticipate good things from her in this posting.
Will Lindy be able to directly benefit Alabama in this Ambassadorship? Maybe, maybe not. Certainly her ties to Auburn (she's an AU grad, War Eagle!) can't hurt, since promoting better farming, forestry and agricultural management is what FAO is supposed to do. Where else would she need to look for experts in those fields, other than The Plains? But, that's not the point.
What's important about this posting for this administration and the nation is that America's reputation is in tatters after four years of Biden incompetence and idiocy. DOGE's USAID revelations have shattered our faith in foreign aid projects, many of which were just crazy and/or obvious Deep State slush funds. Americans are rightfully wary of any future "aid" efforts, and this President has shown he's willing to yank the choke chain on Europe, NATO and the UN. Lindy was part of this same strategy during T-45, so she knows the drill.
Trump sending Lindy Blanchard to the FAO at this time is a powerful signal to those who pay attention to such things. Recall the allegory about giving a man a fish versus teaching him to fish. FAO's mission is supposed to be all about teaching people to fish, to farm, to dig their own wells and then not poop in them. If they stray from that, Trump will yank their choke-chain, too...and it will be Lindy Blanchard's hand on that chain when it happens.
So, no pressure, Lindy!
All the international intrigue aside, I'm pleased that Alabama's own Lindy Blanchard has been appointed Ambassador to the FAO. I'm certain she and Johnny will enjoy Rome (because ROME!), where she'll be posted. The Herd is either off at college, or will be soon, but I'm sure there'll be breaks spent visiting. I expect great things, and maybe a few low-key fireworks, from her and FAO these next four years.
That I've been casually slipping into conversations this weekend "yeah, I was just talking to my personal friend, the AMBASSADOR" is purely coincidental.
Dr. Bill Chitwood is a retired Child, Adolescent and Family Psychiatrist who does political consulting and media relations. He is the author of Beyond Maga, available on Amazon under his pen name, Doc Contrarian. He can be found on Substack and social media as @DocContrarian.
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