The people's voice of reason

Ann Eubank addresses conservative group about her fears of public private partnerships

March 19, 2025 – MOUNTAIN BROOK – Ann Eubank, the director of the conservative Alabama Legislative Watchdogs – spoke to the Gathering – a conservative Christian group in the Mountain Brook area at Olexa's Tea room in Mountain Brook Village.

"Our supermajority Republican legislators, they passed the VA reorganization bill (SB67) to make the VA commissioner a cabinet position because Mee Maw (Governor Kay Ivey) got mad." Kent Davis was fired as Commissioner and Governor Ivey has already appointed someone into that position.

Eubank did acknowledge that the legislature has provided some tax relief this session.

"We got $192 million out of the legislature," said Eubank. "They only have a $1.5 billion surplus."

"They (the Alabama House of Representatives) did lower taxes on retirement income," said Eubank. "And they lowered the tax on groceries from 3 percent to 2 percent."

"They (the House) passed a less than useless post-election audit bill," said Eubank. "I am not sure what one precinct in one county shows."

"The chem trail bill is stuck (in committee). They are not going to play with that," said Eubank. "I am not up on the social (conservative) bills. I am more of the economic."

Eubank said that she is opposing a bill in Pell City where law enforcement would join with homeowners to tap into their ring doorbells.

"Pell City wants to connect their ring doorbell system with their police camera systems. We don't need to do that."

Eubank opposes innovation districts, which she warned are "part of 2012's UN Agenda 21."

Eubank said that the state has already passed a law banning participation in UN Agenda 21.

"Understand that anything the UN does in Alabama is illegal," Eubank said.

"What we are doing now is government and business joining together which is fascism," Eubank said of recently passed "Public-private partnerships" and "Stakeholder capitalism."

She said that the impetus for Innovate Alabama, "Came out of Davos in 2020" and that they use the language about "Stakeholders instead of shareholders" and that all this is about anchor corporations and public – private partnerships so that "Government and corporations working together to determine the economic future of America. Innovation is the new buzzword."

Eubanks said that there, "Are 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs)" and that many of them have been adopted by governments in Alabama. "I spend a lot of time figuring out their codewords."

She listed Birmingham, Fairhope, Opelika, Decatur have all been coopted into the SDGs

"Obama passed the Strategy for American innovation," continue Eubank. "All 50 states are involved in this. President Obama signed the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIAOA). Every state has a WIOA website where you can read their plan. Companies cluster around the anchor companies, then incubators, and mixed use developments."

"In Alabama we have 8 target sectors," said Eubank. "Forest and Wood Products, Agriculture and Food, Bioscience, Technology, Mobility, Metal and Advanced Materials, Chemical Manufacturing, and Defense."

Eubank said that Alabama's importance in the defense sector is behind the manufactured dispute with former VA Commissioner Kent Davis,

"She (Governor Ivey) has to have control of the VA because it is one of the 8 economic sectors," said Eubank. "The Department of Mental Health wouldn't give him the $7 million for veterans' mental health out of the ARPA funds. His board told him to file and ethics complaint."

That dispute led to Ivey firing Davis and then introducing and passing SB67.

"Alabama was divided into 7 Workforce Innovation Districts," said Eubank. "$98 million in ARPA funds for startup companies."

Eubank said that most of the companies picked for this were involved in the Green New Deal/

"The government is going to take control of all the land," Eubank warned. "America was found on individual rights given to us by God."

Eubank also warned of expanded free genetic testing to produce "individual vaccines to cure disease those volunteers did not know that they had."

Eubank said that there will be eight AI powered data centers across the country so that eventually the authorities will have the genotype of everyone in the country.

Eubank warned that the education system is dumbing down children so that most of them will become workers for the favored corporations.

"Common Core was step number one so they needed to dumb down our children," said Eubank. "Only the elite children will go to college. Only one third of our students can read on grade level or do math on grade level so the other two thirds will be herded to career tech centers where they will be paired with corporations and taught specific jobs within that corporation." "This came straight out of Agenda 2021 and Agenda 2030. We are fighting to get rid of social emotional learning."

Eubank said that this pairing children with workforce jobs at an early age is part of "The (Lt. Governor Will) Ainsworth Gameplan."

"If you educated our children like you should they could get their own job," said Eubank. "Alabama Pathway Act gave us a new diploma where they took off two years of math and two years of science."

Instead of learning the full curriculum these children are being herded into career training so that they can work for one of the favored corporations.

"They passed a housing credit for employers to build federal low-cost multi-family housing on the work site or near the work site," said Eubank.

Eubank warned about Innovate Alabama combining government and corporate power to pick winners and losers.

Eubank said that another goal is to "Drive all of our people off of their land and into the cities to work. Farming will all be done by robots."

"How are they doing this in Alabama? 7 bills 4 of them passed last session despite the fact that we have a law saying we can't do Agenda 21. You can't sue because to sue you have to have standing and you have to have damages."

'The legislation exempts the innovation districts from specific state laws," said Eubank. "They will not be controlled by the state they are their own entity."

"They built another live in high school in Demopolis where the children are being taught healthcare," said Eubank. "My child will not leave my family. One of the Communist goals is to separate the family."

"There are some people in the Legislature we need to vote out," said Eubank but she warned that "It is hard to go against BCA, Alabama Power, Regions Bank, and these companies."

Eubank is a conservative thought leader who formerly headed the Rainy Day Patriots (a prominent trea party group) and spoke out for years against the adoption of Common Core principles in the Alabama course of study.


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