Oliver "Maurice" Sealey appeared on Kip Tyner's "Great Day Tuscaloosa" yesterday to discuss his "boots on the ground" campaign for Tuscaloosa City Council District 7. As Mr. Sealey explained on the show, his "boots on the ground" campaign consists of him going out to meet the people of his district. He is going door-to-door and meeting the voters of District 7. Sealey has met so many people in apartment complexes and the like who are honored to have him actually come to them and ask them for their vote. As they have explained to him, "Nobody has come and asked me for my vote, before."
As a first-time candidate for elected office, Oliver "Maurice" Sealey, also explained on "Great Day Tuscaloosa" how one of his inspirations for running for Tuscaloosa City Council District 7 is his father. While Maurice Sealey was growing up in Choctaw County, Alabama, his father was county commissioner. And Maurice Sealey saw how he helped people. Which is his inspiration for running for Tuscaloosa City Council District 7, as Maurice Sealey wants to be the person who helps people.
On "Great Day Tuscaloosa", Oliver "Maurice" Sealey also discussed his platform for Tuscaloosa City Council District 7 and how he wants to build sidewalks and increase the lighting in district 7. Skyland Boulevard and McFarland Boulevard are two of the main thoroughfares in Tuscaloosa, both of which run through district 7. Given that they are the main entryways into the city, Maurice Sealey wants to focus on revitalization and beautification in the district in order to improve the district for people to work and live in as well as grace visitors to the City of Tuscaloosa.
Oliver "Maurice" Sealey's career was also discussed on the show. With Maurice Sealey explaining how he came to Tuscaloosa in 1990 to work in the oil industry and has lived here ever since. He currently works as a licensed undertaker with Van Hoose & Steele. And is an active member of Elizabeth Baptist Church along with his lovely wife, Alfreda Prince Sealey.
Luisa Reyes is an attorney in Tuscaloosa with a bachelor's degree in mathematics from Judson, a master's degree in library science, and a law degree from Samford's Cumberland School of Law. She is also a piano instructor and vocalist.
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