For some reason teachers have become a sacred cow. If you question anything "the wonderful and caring teachers" think, do, or say, or you question all the time off and other government perks they get you hate children. Teachers can do no wrong!
Eerily similar to four years ago where if you questioned the official narrative, didn't wear a mask, social distanced, or got a shot not only did you hate grandmothers but you wanted grandmothers to die! Someone once said "to learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize".
Outside of politicians and bureaucrats has any other profession failed the American people more than teachers have in the last 30 years?
Education has been going downhill my entire life and our politicians have done nothing but aid and abet this descent. There is a sinister side to this slide however, it was by design. The establishment/money owns and runs the government and the establishment/money have used government to kill the schools.
The US Dept. of Education was a result of a Rockefeller (establishment/money) program. The General Education Board, which became the US Dept. of Ed., was created to give us complicit docile workers and not critical thinkers. By design.
Since Jimmy Carter signed into law the US Department of Education, in 1979, our schools have steadily dropped from #1 in the world to #16. In 2023 the US Dept. of Education employed 4,147 people with an average annual salary of $137,889. Establishment/money have used these bureaucrats to destroy our schools.
Teachers, when you first thought about getting into education would you have chosen the career path knowing that you'd be working for an agency designed to dumb down and not educate the students? Would you have chosen education knowing you'd be complicit in indoctrinating children into believing that they are nothing more than space dust basically soulless and meaningless rather than what they really are, spiritual beings?
We now have a generation of children who don't know the difference between a democracy (which our founding fathers thought was bad) and a republic (which we have). The kids have no moral compasses, never taught about virtues, can't give change, no discipline, most can't tell you anyone on the US Supreme Court, their congresspeople, the branches of government, BUT the kids do believe in socialism, the government, that human existence is meaningless, and that there are 845 genders. Just "trust the science" and don't question what the teachers are teaching is what the Dept. of Ed wants and if you question them, you hate children. Sadly, there is a darker side to what teachers have done.
What teachers are doing to our boys should be a crime. Boys are not designed to sit all day and regurgitate the drivel that the U.S. Dept of Education is feeding them. Studies report that at some schools 25% and higher of students are taking amphetamines (ADHD drugs) to deal with this idiotic system that our boys are being forced to endure. The studies show boys are twice as likely to be medicated as girls.
And shockingly enough, not really, the FDA approves giving these amphetamines to kids (the FDA, as with most government alphabet agencies, has been taken over by the very people they are supposed to regulate/protect us from). A total of $2.3 billion (money controls government) is spent annually on ADHD medication for children ages 5-17. Our schools are not allowed to spank children but they can keep them in such unholy and unnatural conditions that they become drug addicts. None of this make sense.
Boys need to run, jump, explore, wrestle, and figure stuff out on their own and when they do this, it creates imaginative critical thinkers and leaders ("leaders" is the part that scares the elites/establishment/money). Alabama has the second-highest percentage of children medicated with amphetamines (ADHD drugs) in the nation. The same people that run our schools own Big Pharm, coincidence? Thank you teachers as Rockefeller would be proud of what you have done!
Has it occurred to anyone in education that it might be easier to make schools more accommodating to how boys learn instead of turning them into drug addicts? Wouldn't drugless well adjustede kids be better for Alabama and humanity?
Arguably during the last 40 years no other organization has had more influence on our state's legislative body than the Alabama Education Association (AEA). Education has been failing Alabama for a very long time yet the politicians in Alabama have been complicit. Why?
From 2000 to 2021 students and teachers increased 5% yet principals and assistants increased 39%, and administrative staff increased by 95%. Why?
Our kids futures are being compromised by a bloated ineffective educational system that dropped us from #1 in the world to #16 since the creation of the US Dept. of Education.
The schools have created a generation of drug addicts who believe life has no meaning.
Teachers, it's not too late to take your industry back! In fact it might be the perfect time as there's an awakening happening. Stand up to the AEA as they work for you and say NO MORE! Power to principals, teachers, and to the classrooms!
"We the People" have to have an epiphany and a seismic shift in the way we vote if we are to save the United States. In the 1800's when America was becoming great the people never voted for the monied/establishment candidates. Money not only did not help you get elected it actually prevented you from being elected. If you had money no one voted for you. Simple. When "We the People" start doing this again all our problems will be solved.
The Dept of Ed/AEA/Establishment and their candidates are "The Money".
If we stop voting for the money we can take our schools back and there will be another renaissance, another enlightenment, and our children's and mankind's futures will be beautiful!
Let's try this in our next election. Could you imagine having politicians that actually sees what has been going on yet does not owe anyone anything? Nor trying to raise money to keep his or her job. They could actually do what's right! This not voting for the monied/establishment candidate mentality is what made America great!
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