The people's voice of reason

"The Honeycomb Chronicles" A Podcast Review

Estimates state that there are 546 million listeners to podcasts worldwide. With there being over six million podcasts in the world. And that in the US, 47% of the population twelve and up listen to a podcast at least once a month. In an effort to reach some of the listeners in this popular digital audio file market, the Moody Bible Institute has developed a faith filled audio drama aimed at kids ages 8 to 13 in their podcast, "The Honeycomb Chronicles". With the purpose of "The Honeycomb Chronicles" being to help get some truth into the lives of children amidst the hustle and bustle of all of the social media of today.

Done in partnership with the Moody Bible Institute's "Today In The Word's Family Study",

The Honeycomb Chronicles" follows the adventures of three school aged kids, Max, Lina, and Colin in "The Honeycomb Club", a faith-based after-school program led by a Mr. Mitchell, who in the series created The Honeycomb Club to help kids connect with God and understand God's Word. "The Honeycomb Chronicles" is predictably religiously didactic in nature given that it is produced by the Moody Bible Institute. With each episode ranging from 11 to 15 minutes in length.

There are some very good points made in each episode of "The Honeycomb Chronicles" such as how to deal with adversity at school, why it is better to be honest when making a mistake than trying to hide it or other things, and learning from the books of Job and Ecclesiastes. For the Christmas themed episodes of "The Honeycomb Chronicles", entitled "The Wish List" parts one and two, Max, Lina, and Colin are encouraged to look at the Christmas Story from the perspective of thinking of something they want for Christmas. The one thing that they want more than anything else in the world, and once they've decided on what that one thing is to think about how that one thing would change their lives.

"The Honeycomb Chronicles" is written by Luke Morris. With the voice overs for Lina being done by Victoria Garcia, Max by Trenton worship, Colin by Mackenzie Weatherford, and Mr. Mitchell by Reese Amstutz. The audio quality is particularly well done in "The Honeycomb Chronicles" as the influence of Moody Bible Radio's high quality of digital production is evident in the podcast. And in an example of the popular saying that "The more things change, the more things stay the same", older listeners report that they enjoy listening to "The Honeycomb Chronicles" as it reminds them of the days when their families would gather around the living room listening to the radio.

"The Honeycomb Chronicles" is available on Apple Podcasts, RSS Feed, Spotify, and Youtube as well as from the Moody Radio website at: Honeycomb Chronicles | 820 Podcasting Network | Moody Radio.


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