December 27, 2024–Somebody at The Hill is desperate for clicks. Why else would they be fomenting insurrection the day after Christmas?
Boxing Day—December 26th—is a slow news day. People are still recovering from Christmas, or making the rounds of friends, or finishing their Christmas shopping at the After-Christmas sales (admit it—you’ve done it) or returning the gifts that don’t fit or are too weird to keep in the closet for next year’s white elephant gifts. News organizations realize this, and just roll with it.
Unfortunately, The Hill decided to do something a little different this year. Thursday they published not one, but two incendiary OpEds they knew would get a lot of attention.
One of these ran with the headline “Fluoride in the water: An added benefit, not a harmful one.” Yeah, no. If you’re still pro-fluoride at this point, you’re either a shill for the Fiendish Fluoridators or you actually want dumb, docile serfs with pretty teeth. At some point I’m going to have to do a piece ripping into the pro-fluoride crowd, but not today. If you’re curious, start with the Fluoride Action Network’s home page and go from there. Then ask yourself why your government actively suppressed its own report on fluoride’s harmful effects on kid’s developing brains. I’ve put the link to this OpEd below because that’s how I roll—don’t click it. Never reward bad behavior, it only encourages them.
Today’s real winner for The Hill was the OpEd “Congress has the power to block Trump from taking office, but lawmakers must act now.” Again; yeah, no. That link is below, too, same caveats apply. Let me save you the trouble of actually reading the silly thing.
The OpEd’s thesis is that Trump is ineligible to be President because of the 14th Amendment, which states in Section 3 that:
“No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any state, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.”
The authors flatly state that “The evidence of Donald Trump‘s engaging in such insurrection is overwhelming.” They cite three cases in support of their argument: Trump’s second impeachment trial, the Colorado Supreme Court's decision to remove Trump from the ballot (later overturned by SCOTUS) and the “bipartisan” J6 committee.
So, a politically-motivated impeachment, a far-Left kangaroo court and a group of ultra-libs and RINOs. Uhhhhh huh. This is me being NOT impressed.
For the record, of the more than 1,200 J6ers charged and nearly 500 convicted, not a single one of them was charged with—much less convicted of—insurrection. And that’s in the ultra-liberal bastion of DC, which voted 92.2% Biden, 5.4% Trump in 2020.
Jury of their peers, my adipose hirsute gluteals.
To be clear, seven Senate “Republicans” did vote to convict Trump in his second impeachment (along with every single Democrat drone) but failed to reach the two thirds majority required to remove him from office. Looking at the names—Burr, Cassidy, Collins, Murkowski, Romney, Sasse and Toomey—it’s crystal clear they’re all first-rank RINOs and Never Trumpers. The fact that the Uniparty failed not once but twice to impeach Trump should be enough to bury this claim forever.
Likewise, no one who’s serious pays any attention to the Colorado SCOTUS or the J6 witch hunt committee. One group is so far left they make Karl Marx look reactionary, and the other was a blatant kabuki theatre production by the Uniparty to advance their agenda and aid their cover up of the stolen election of 2020.
That a member of the J6 committee has been referred for prosecution (with more likely to come) is just icing on that cake. Let’s just hope that Kash Patel and Pam Bondi go after the rest of them, starting in a few weeks.
The country is long overdue for a reckoning for the Big Steal of 2020, the atrocities and malfeasance of J6 and the subsequent coverups, political persecutions, licentious lawfare, perversions of justice and agenda-driven anarchy we’ve had to endure these last four years.
Now The Hill has shown exactly where their sympathies lie with this OpEd. I’d say I was surprised, but…it's The Hill.
Remember that video of Democrat Rep. Jamie Raskin spouting the same 14th Amendment nonsense? The one where he said “They (SCOTUS) want to kick it to Congress, so it’s going to be up to us on January 6th, 2025 to tell the rampaging Trump mobs that he’s disqualified. And then we need bodyguards for everybody in Civil War conditions” because the SCOTUS smacked down the Colorado Supremes. Raskin said this back in February 2024, and he’s been consistently parroting this drivel ever since. And let’s not forget—Raskin was on the J6 committee, so he may well be referred for his own prosecution in the near future. We can only hope….
Aside from wanting the clicks, why did The Hill drop this piece? Towards the bottom of the piece, the authors discuss the “Electoral Count Act, which “provides a detailed mechanism for resolving disputes as to the validity of Electoral College votes.” They point out that:
“To make an objection under the Count Act requires a petition signed by 20 percent of the members of each House. If the objection is sustained by majority vote in each house, the vote is not counted and the number of votes required to be elected is reduced by the number of disqualified votes. If all votes for Trump were not counted, Kamala Harris would be elected president.”
And there you have it. “Kamala Harris would be elected president.” Let’s ignore the fact that the voters spoke decisively on November 5th. The Democrats, their media lapdogs, Uniparty RINO allies and Deep State masters don’t care about that. They all believe, as Hillary said, “We just can't trust the American people to make those types of choices ... Government has to make those choices for people.” Besides, they stole 2020 and installed a senile sock puppet in the Oval Office—why not pull a fast one and install a DEI-hire sock puppet this time?
There are a lot of reasons it won’t work this time. People have seen what four years of unbridled Democrat “progress” have wrought—a horrible economy, crippling inflation, a border invasion and global dumpster fires as far as the eye can see. More and more people have taken that red pill, and they aren’t willing to be good little sheeple any more.
Now Mr. Raskin is invoking “Civil War conditions?” Obviously, he thinks a few bodyguards will protect him and his ilk if, God forbid, it actually comes to that.
I think there are two things in play that Mr. Raskin and the authors of The Hill’s OpEd aren’t considering. First, they think MAGA will quietly accept another stolen Presidency and another round of J6 persecutions. Second, they think any brief resistance will be quickly put down and it’ll be back to business as usual.
I believe—I fear—that Mr. Raskin, the OpEd authors and those around them who are feeding and reinforcing these two beliefs are dead wrong.
For Congress to disqualify President Trump after he soundly defeated Kamala at the polls would almost certainly spark that Civil War Mr. Raskin talks about so glibly. Invoking the 14th Amendment to install President Kamala would immediately be rejected by more than half the nation. It would be such a blatant betrayal of the electoral process that Trump would have little choice but to declare himself the true President and call the nation to rally around his banner. That would give Mr. Raskin and The Hill their Civil War, and it would quickly become very UNcivil. Odds are the Dems and their allies would lose that war. If they think otherwise? They’re delusional. Our side has too many 2nd Amendment fans, too many Veterans and too many current military who haven’t succumbed to the woke mind virus to lose.
Because that’s all this is—wishful thinking and delusion from the Left. It’s just one more manifestation of Trump Derangement Syndrome. It’s yet another hit of hopium for the desperate Lefties that somehow, some way the Orange Man will be denied the Presidency—an office nearly 77 million of us think he deserves. The Hill has generated a lot of attention and clicks with this article, which is exactly what they wanted. The Left are furiously making TikToks and X posts and writing OpEds about how this will save them…and the rest of us are doing the same to laugh at them.
I’ll give The Hill this much: they certainly caught people’s attention on a slow news day.
Pity it couldn’t have been with something other than pure delusion and wishful thinking that promoted REAL insurrection and/or seditious conspiracy against a duly-elected President.
Yes, I’ll put in all the reference links when I post this on my Substack,
Fluoride in the water OpEd:
Fluoride Action Network:
Congress has the power to block Trump OpEd:
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