The people's voice of reason

2025 Came In With A Bang

January 1, 2025–A pickup flying an ISIS flag plows into a New Year’s crowd on Bourbon Street. A Cybertruck driver locks himself in and detonates a cache of flammables in front of Trump Tower in Las Vegas. In a Queens nightclub, at least eleven people are shot and wounded.

2025 is literally starting with a bang.

Of the three major incidents that happened Wednesday, as of this writing (in the wee hours Thursday morning) we know the least about the Queens nightclub shooting. The story literally broke late Wednesday night and there’s still some disagreement as to exactly how many people were wounded, but it’s at least eleven so far.

We know a bit more about the Las Vegas shooting, mainly from people gushing over how the toughness of the Cybertruck prevented more serious damage from being done.

Personally, I have to wonder…was the Cybertruck designed before or after Tesla laid off all those American workers and replaced them with H1Bs? Yes, I’ve been working on the Tech Bros vs MAGA disagreement for several days now and I’m not happy with what I’m finding. The H1B Pickleball coach at $90k a year is just one outrageous example of how Americans have been screwed by the H1B system. I used to think it was a well-intentioned but broken system that could be repaired and put to good use. Now…I know better, and I’m miffed at Elon and how he’s been responding to his critics these last few days.

The Las Vegas bomber that killed himself and wounded seven others has been tentatively identified as Matt Livelsberger, a former Green Beret living in Colorado. That’s interesting because the explosive in the Cybertruck was reportedly made of gas and fireworks (or gas cans and camping fuel), which is odd. One person on X commented that “ if the Las Vegas guy is actually a Green Beret and made that crappy of a car bomb, we are going to lose World War 3.”

His LinkedIn was still up at 2 AM, and I really didn’t see anything “radical” there. I won’t bother linking it here, because it’ll undoubtedly be deleted soon.

We know a bit more about the New Orleans bomber, Shamsud Din Jabbar, age 43 of Houston, TX. Aside from killing at least 15 and wounding twice that many, he was a former Army officer. He and Livelsberger reportedly served at the same military base, per Denver7’s Tony Kovaleski (@TonyKovaleski). Kovaleski also reports that authorities are investigating the possibility of a connection between the two.

Details have emerged from New Orleans that point to this being much more than a “lone wolf” operation—but keep in mind that modern technology lets ISIS manage their operatives around the world. Multiple explosive devices were discovered around the French Quarter, including two that were found near the Cathedral. Authorities are also looking for several other people, three men and a woman, who may have been involved in planting IEDs. A fire at the AirBnB where the bomber stayed led to the discovery of bomb-making materials at the residence in the Marigny. The truck itself crossed the southern border two days prior to the attack, with another driver.

Authorities have admitted that the New Orleans bomber defeated their safety plan for New Year’s Eve. Road-blocking bollards that would normally have blocked the road are being replaced for the Super Bowl. A police car was blocking the street, but the driver drove onto the sidewalk and went around it.

Interestingly, the FBI Special Agent in Charge refused to call the attack a terrorist event, despite an ISIS flag being flown from the back of the truck. This was quickly changed.

Even then, old Joe wouldn’t call it a terrorist attack. Go figure.

Of course, the FBI raided the suspect’s Houston home—but the New York Post had reporters there before the FBI got around to showing up. To make matters even more interesting, the mosque nearest his home has warned all of their members NOT to respond to questions by the FBI or other authorities, but to refer the authorities to CAIR.

We know next to nothing (yet) about the Queens shooting, but we know enough about Las Vegas and New Orleans to know that something hinky’s going on. That the same people who investigated the 2017 Las Vegas shooting—and came up with a frankly ridiculous conclusion, in the opinion of many—are going to be investigating the Cybertruck bombing doesn’t exactly fill me with confidence. The New Orleans agent’s reluctance to call it a terrorist event doesn’t help. The guy was flying a frakking ISIS flag. What more “evidence” do you want?

Let’s be brutally honest. Do any of us trust this FBI? After years of not being able to find out anything about the DNC pipe bomber, they suddenly have three men and a woman as suspects in less than a day? Do we really expect them to solve these cases? Aren’t they too busy locking up J6 grandmothers, or busting people praying outside abortion clinics, or trying to sabotage Trump’s re-election, or surveilling churches for lockdown violations, or putting moms who yell at school boards on terror watch lists?

This FBI has become so DEI-obsessed, so politicized, so weaponized and so corrupted that I’m not sure there’s enough good left in it to be worth saving at this point. I hate saying that, but it’s true.

That’s a problem, because everybody in the FBI and at the DoJ know that in 19 days a new age will dawn. They’ll have to justify their jobs, if not the very existence of the FBI to a new administration.

In a way, these attacks have been a godsend to the FBI. They can now point to them and say “See? You need us desperately!” even though they completely failed to prevent these attacks. If Las Vegas was just one man, a Green Beret at that, I can almost see it. In New Orleans, a group of five people, maybe more, working together to set this up? Were they so good that nobody caught a whisper of it?

And what about the odd connections between LV and NO? Both principals are ex-military. Both served at the same base (and let’s hope somebody’s looking closely at that base in the days to come). Both vehicles were rented on the same car rental app. This is just what’s come out in the first 24 hours. What other connections have yet to turn up?

I’d love to have complete confidence in the FBI to not only get to the bottom of these attacks but to keep New Orleans safe during the Sugar and Super Bowls. I’d love to think they were the incorruptible G-Men of myth and legend. I’d love to think they’d be working to keep all of us safe, and to secure the inauguration and associated events in a few days.

I’d also love to have won that billion dollar lottery, but that didn’t happen either.

I’m not saying we don’t need the FBI—these attacks show us that we probably do. What we don’t need is a bunch of DEI Stazi who are too busy pursuing their master’s agendas to keep us safe.

Because if they can’t keep us safe, or at least give us confidence that terrorists who succeed will be brought to justice? I’m not sure we need to bother with them.

As usual, I’ll put the links in when I post this on my Substack, You don’t have to sign up to read it, and it’s free.


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