Medication is not always necessary or the best choice for treating a vision problem, and sometimes, medication isn't an option at all. But in many cases, it can certainly help with vision problems, SaveHealth reports. Conditions like glaucoma, macular degeneration, and corneal abrasions sometimes require medications to cure the condition, slow its progression, or prevent further complications.
Glaucoma is a group of eye conditions that damage the optic nerve, usually due to high pressure in the eye. While the damage is not usually reversible, a variety of things can be done to prevent the condition from worsening. While it is not the only solution, medication can help, including prostaglandins, beta blockers, alpha-adrenergic agonists, carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, rho kinase inhibitors, and miotic or cholinergic agents.
Macular degeneration is an incurable eye condition that affects the retina. It comes in two forms: wet and dry. Generally, medications can help with age-related macular degeneration, or AMD. While they don't always work, these medications can slow the process or even improve one's sight. Options include ranibizumab, pegaptanib, aflibercept, and verteporfin.
Corneal abrasions are conditions in which the eye is scratched, often by debris like sand or gravel. While the severity of this fairly common condition varies, antibiotic eye drops are often prescribed to prevent infection. Generally, you won't be using the drops long enough to experience severe side effects.
Medication is sometimes necessary to treat eye conditions and vision problems. Of course, this is highly dependent on the condition. Sometimes, the better option might be surgery, corrective wear, or nothing at all. Even the same condition, depending on severity and other factors, may require a different treatment when comparing two cases.
Sometimes, a condition can't be helped with medication. Refractive errors, some of the most common types of vision problems, cannot be treated with medication, for example. Instead, glasses, contact lenses, and surgery are used to correct them as necessary. Other problems may be treated with medication if the supervising doctor deems it appropriate. These are a few of the most common vision-related problems that can be treated with medication:
Glaucoma damages the optic nerve, generally due to abnormally high pressure in the eye. Unfortunately, this damage can sometimes be so gradual that it is hard to notice. Once your vision is damaged by glaucoma, it cannot be repaired. People who have glaucoma need periodic tests to check their eye pressure, and they will need treatment for the rest of their lives. Treatment can also be used to prevent or dramatically slow vision loss that has not yet occurred.
Lifestyle changes can be used to help with glaucoma, and surgeries can sometimes reduce pressure in the eye. However, medication is usually the chosen approach when it comes to treating glaucoma.
Medications for glaucoma usually come in the form of medicated eye drops.
Side effects include darkening of the eyelashes, darkening of the skin of the eyelid, darkening of the iris, mild stinging or reddening of the eye, and blurred vision.
Macular degeneration is an incurable eye disease in which the central portion of the retina, the macula, deteriorates. The macula focuses your central vision, which is important for fine detail vision as is needed with reading, recognizing faces and colors, driving, and other activities. This condition exists broadly in two forms.
There is no known cure, but it is possible to control your risk of macular degeneration and slow its progress. Diet, exercise, and other lifestyle factors can reduce your chances of developing macular degeneration or slow its progression. Additionally, there is a device called an implantable miniature telescope, or IMT, that can be surgically placed in the eye to correct vision. This is not an ideal solution for everyone, but it can help some people with late-stage macular degeneration. Certain medications can be used to treat macular degeneration, although almost all available medications are specifically for age-related macular degeneration.
It can help people who have proven resistant to ranibizumab (Lucentis) and bevacizumab (Avastin). While aflibercept is newer and still requires more research, it has thus far proven to be about as effective as the other two drugs among appropriate candidates. It also requires fewer injections, making it arguably better in some cases.
Corneal abrasions are a common eye problem in which the eye's cornea (an important part of the eye that allows light to enter properly) is scratched. In order to treat it, a doctor has to carefully check the eye for any debris. All debris must be carefully removed from the eye to prevent further scratching. If you believe you may have a corneal abrasion, or even just debris in your eye, see your doctor right away.
Common symptoms of a corneal abrasion include light sensitivity, red eyes, and significant discomfort and pain at the affected site. While corneal abrasions often heal on their own, they may require surgery in severe cases. Whatever the case, a doctor will often prescribe antibiotic eye drops to prevent infection. Antibiotic eye drops (Moxeza, Vigamox) are generally safe and easy to use.
As with any prescription drug, they should only be used as needed. This is especially true for antibiotics, as unnecessary use can slowly make bacteria more resistant to these drugs. Common side effects include general discomfort in the eye, redness, dryness, tearing, itching, burning, moderate temporary vision changes, and mild pain. In rare cases, you may experience more serious symptoms that warrant calling your doctor. A patient will rarely use antibiotic eye drops for very long.
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