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Katie Britt says: 'I love my state, I believe in my state, I love this nation – every bit of that is worth fighting for'

December 16, 2024 - WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Katie Britt (R-Alabama) said that she loves Alabama and the nation and that is worth fighting for. Sen. Britt made the comments on the 13th & Park podcast with host Adam Goodman. Britt was discussing her priorities in the upcoming Trump Administration, her bipartisan legislation to address our youth mental health crisis, and how she plans to continue to fight for Alabamians in the United States Senate.

"I love my state, I believe in my state, I love this nation. Every bit of that is worth fighting for, every bit of that is worth staying up and studying and asking additional questions and saying, 'Well, what if we did this, would this help more people?' Those are the questions I'm going to continue to ask, because those are the people I'm working for," Sen. Britt said in the interview.

Britt spoke about what Americans can expect in the next four years with President Donald J. Trump back in the White House and with elect Republican majorities to the United States Senate and the House of Representatives.

"On day one, you're going to see President Trump come in," Britt explained. "He is going to undo so many of the harmful policies and positions that Joe Biden has put in place, starting with the border, moving into energy, making sure that we're not only just energy independent, but we're actually energy dominant, knowing that doesn't just drive down cost here, but it allows us to be able to provide energy to our allies so that they don't have to depend on our adversaries..."

Britt emphasized returning the USA to a peace through strength strategy to foreign policy.

"We've got to go back to a place where our allies respect us and our enemies fear us," said Britt. "You're going to see Donald Trump restore the strength that our men and women in uniform deserve, that respect that they deserve. And I think that you will also see him hold other countries accountable, not take us for granted."

Britt emphasized the importance of getting the government less involved in Americans' daily lives.

"We're going to build America back, we're going to make America work again. And that's what America wants. We want to be that shining beacon on the hill, but we want the government to get out of the way and give us an opportunity to thrive," Britt explained.

Britt emphasized the importance of ending the chaos that the U.S. southern border has become under the Biden – Harris Administration.

". We are clearly a nation of immigrants. We are also a nation of laws. And the lawlessness has affected every community, every corner of our nation. It's time to regain that stability and security that we as Americans maybe at some point took for granted, but now understand how important it is . . . a nation without borders is not a nation at all," Britt explained. "Whether it's the fentanyl overdoses . . . When you're looking at young women that have lost their lives and or have been the victim of migrants who have come here illegally . . . we have to make sure now we have an opportunity to secure our border. And that goes to making sure that we have physical and technological barriers on our southern border to prevent those from coming here illegally and make sure that we're actually doing what we're supposed to when it comes to interior enforcement. For far too long, people have looked away from that . . . [Americans] deserve better, and we owe them some results."

Katie Britt was elected to the U.S. Senate in 2022.


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