I woke up this morning to the news that Donald Trump had won the presidency yet again. I will be honest. Like I stated in a previous Robservation, I am not a “Trump can never do wrong” guy and there are many things about him that I do not necessarily like. Did I vote for him? Yes. There was absolutely no way I would ever vote for Harris. No Way!! If there had been a viable alternative out there, possibly. But there wasn’t.
So, at one point I am happy that Trump won (actually several points), but at the same time there are several points that concern me. The points that please me are Trumps positions on the border, illegal immigration and deportation, the economy, abortion, drilling for oil, Ukraine, Israel and China to name a few. But guess what, these are the things that worry me about Trump’s next presidency. The border, illegal immigration and deportation, the economy, abortion, drilling for oil, Ukraine, Israel and China.
Let’s be honest here. Biden and Harris made a hash out of the last four years. It is evident they had no clue on how to handle any of these issues except for one. (For another day) From the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal, the Chinese spy balloon, student loan forgiveness, the Israeli conflict, the Ukraine, the southern border, trans athletes competing against women and the economy in general, it looks as though we have been living an episode of the Three Stooges meets a fascist anti-American rally. I said it once before, if the current administration was trying to intentionally destroy this country, what would they be doing differently? So, no matter what happens under the Trump administration, and many bad things are poised to take place, it will all be his fault and by extension, the Republicans’ fault. This is why, in some small measure, I would not have minded Harris winning because of what I have seen, she would have absolutely no clue on how to handle any worldwide problem that is facing this country. She would have been forced to deal with the problems she helped created. She would handle them just like she handled being the “Border Czar.” Like a cartoon ostrich with her head shoved in the ground, totally oblivious to the reality around her. Let’s take a look at just a couple examples.
The Border: The border issue, in the big scheme of things, should be easy to fix. You draw a line and say, “Don’t cross this line or else.” Simple. That “or else” is for this country to decide. The countries these people come from DO NOT have a say in the issue. Venezuela for example cannot dictate to us that we cannot return their people. Really? Watch us.
The real illegal immigration problem, however, is the illegals who are currently here. Let’s be honest. They never should have been allowed here in the first place – not illegally. Although Trump has mentioned mass deportations and a large segment of the American people want this, how exactly are we going to do this? Does anybody actually think that all of these people are going to peacefully line up for deportation? No way. Most of them I believe are going to fight the order tooth and nail. Why? Because they have already shown what little respect they have for our laws in the first place. I for one, do not want to see scenes reminiscent of Shindler’s List, but is that what we will see? I certainly hope not. We are better than that. But I think there is no question that in order to effect mass deportations, violence will be the end result initiated by one side or the other, but it will happen. History kind of tells me this. Because the current administration allowed millions of illegals into every part of this country, they have created an almost unmanageable problem. It is much like a bratty kid. Straightening him up at 4 years old is infinitely easier than at 16. That whole ounce of prevention vs. pound of cure, thing. Ignoring a wound and letting it fester is never the answer. Yes, this is the real border problem we face now. How do we peacefully deport millions of people? Good luck there. At the same time, I do not believe letting them all stay is a viable answer either. Clean up on Aisle 1.
War: Whether it be the Ukraine and Russia, Israel and Iran (to include all their proxies), China and Taiwan, there is a lot to deal with. Although the Chinese situation is not a result of this administration, it is clear the Chinese do not respect our current willingness to face them in any measure. The Chinese spy balloon is infinite proof of that. But now that North Korea has sent troops to fight the Ukrainians and Chechnya has offered to send 80,000 troops to help Russia, things seem to be spiraling out of control. No matter what happens there, this is an issue Trump will have to deal with and if it morphs into a greater conflict, a problem not of his making will become his fault in every way. The media will ensure that. The same thing with Israel. The day before the election, it was reported that Harris had two commercials, one shown in New York targeted at the Jewish population and one shown in Michigan targeting the Muslim population. These two ads contradicted one another showing that she had no real idea of how to handle that situation. Clean up in aisles 2, 3, and 4.
Racism and other Stupid Talk: Well, it didn’t take long. The left has already launched its campaign to paint all conservatives as a threat to democracy. I read this morning where one moron wrote that Harris lost because America is racist. Did this guy not see eight years under Obama? Was Obama not black enough for him? How about the fact that Harris had absolutely zero presidential qualities and no significant accomplishments to bolster her standing. As hard as this may sound to some, a person’s sex or skin color, in and of itself, is NOT a valid qualification for the presidency. I have heard people say that people only voted against her because she was black. In some instances that may be true, but how about this little nugget. Many, and I do mean many, people voted for her ONLY because she was a woman of color. You wanna hear another little nugget? Blacks can be racist too. This despite what some people try to pontificate.
I for one am not looking forward to four years of uncontrolled, unbridled bs hurled around. “Trump’s a racist.” “Trump’s a fascist.” “All Republicans are evil.” Hey, wasn’t President Roosevelt (D) who turned away the MS St. Louis in 1939 and sent over 900 Jews back to Germany to later be killed in concentration camps? Internment camps for the Japanese? Rhetorical question. Of course it was. Should I continue? Just several hours after the election and I have read all sorts of stupidity. Comments from many people whose biggest challenge in life is leaving their homes in the morning and finding their way back home at night. Those who have no idea what bathroom they want use and those who actively argue that communism and socialism are better than our republic. The amount of propaganda and brainwashing that has poisoned the minds millions has been largely successful and predicted.
I was at a screenwriting conference back in 2007 and I was sitting next to this one black girl. We started talking and when I mentioned I had been a pilot in the Air Force, she proceeded to tell me how brainwashed I had been. I looked at this girl and shook my head in disbelief. This girl knew absolutely nothing about me. All I can say is that after about five minutes of me crushing her with beautifully crafted verbal abuse, she got up and sat somewhere else across the room. “Bye, Felicia.” So many people on her side of the fence have way too many preconceived notions about us. To be fair, way too many people on my side make the same mistake about others. I have a brother, sister and several friends who help balance out the small things in my mind. The big issues, however, no chance.
I will concede that I am tired of the division in this country. Jesus clearly stated that a house divided cannot stand. It does not look good for the next administration because we are so divided. I for one cannot understand how any fool can argue that an illegal alien should be allowed to vote in this country. Yet here we are. I cannot understand how people think that a boy should be able to compete against biological girls in sports. Yet here we are. Not only that, while my side is trying to protect women’s sports and the athletes themselves, we are the ones who are continually called misogynists. While one side fights to protect children, another side sees little wrong with reading pornography to them in schools and starting hormone therapy on them without consent of the parents. One side still sees nothing wrong with forgiving the college debt of students who signed a contract to pay their debt. So why are we on the hook for their college expenses? Although at one time a very ignorant Democratic congresswoman said we had a “moral obligation” to pay off these student loans. In reality, we do not. We have no moral obligation to assume another person’s debt that was willingly accumulated. You signed a contract, deal with it. Sorry, not sorry. “But I will never pay this loan off.” Perhaps you should have gotten a degree that would have afforded you the opportunity to pay it off. Again, sorry, not sorry.
In the end, and I could go on but am out of space, I am glad that Trump won. Four more years of a continuation of the previous administration’s policies would have been disastrous. The economy, illegal immigration, migrant crime, wars around the world, student loan forgiveness, you name it. At the same time, this is not likely going to be a bed of roses for the next administration. There will be challenges and likely some dark days for Mr. Trump and Mr. Vance. Indeed, for all of America. But I do believe these two men are better able to weather whatever storms may be headed our way as opposed to a Harris/ Walz administration. They all need our prayers.
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