The Alabama Gazette is truly the only media outlet in Alabama that is even remotely telling the truth. Nobody else would print what I'm about to say.
The "Controlled Minority" are to blame.
Republican voters in Alabama like to think of themselves as the "silent majority" but they are not, not even close! They are the "controlled minority". If it makes you feel any better, the Democrat's voters are the "controlled minorities" in the states and cities they control. It transcends party affiliation.
The "controlled minority" are the ones who decide who gets elected in Alabama. Unfortunately the "controlled minority" does the establishment's bidding and there is something strangely perverse and sinister about that relationship.
The "controlled minority" votes for the establishment's monied-backed candidates/incumbents every single time. These candidates rarely lose and they usually win by large margins. It's what's given us our current political system. It's like the "controlled minority" never learns and they relish the lies, unfulfilled promises, dirty tricks, and deceptions. That's the perverse part.
A perfect example is the next gubernatorial election.
People close to our governor say she is not capable of running the state, has not been capable of running the state, and was not capable of running the state when she was reelected. The establishment knew about this all along. The establishment-owned media has been covering this up till now but will conveniently start disseminating this narrative to the "controlled minority" to soften them up for what's coming.
Some of Alabama's longtime political prognosticators are predicting that Kay Ivey will step down before the next election and blame it on her declining health. If this happens the lieutenant governor ascends to the governorship. That would mean Will Ainsworth will become the governor, which would make him the "incumbent" in the next election and the real reason Governor Ivey is stepping down. Voting for an establishment-backed, monied incumbent is what the "controlled minority" does best. In the "Big Book of Political Dirty Tricks" this is Chapter 12: How to Control the Governor's Office in One Easy Step.
Because of our current way of electing government officials we have had zero leadership in Montgomery or DC. Our politicians did what they were told to do and the last four years will probably go down in history as the time when the deep state/establishment made their big move. They faked a pandemic, threw a presidential election, orchestrated a fake insurrection, caused a couple wars, and took the last of our state's rights and the sovereignty of our nation away. Politicians said nothing while this was happening.
Politicians have to do what they are told by the monied interests/establishment or they lose their positions, that's just the way it is and they candidly admit it. The only way to change this is to stop voting for the monied candidates.
In the 1800's Alexis De Tocqueville wrote in his iconic book "Democracy in America": "In our day one can say that in the United States the wealthy class of society are almost entirely out of political affairs and that wealth, far from being a right (to power), is a real cause of disfavor and an obstacle to coming to power".
That mentality is hard for us to comprehend today as all we've known, our whole lives, is money rules politics and politicians. The mindset that Alexis De Tocqueville wrote about is what made the United States both an economic and military super power. Money destroys politicians.
The only way to take money out of the equation is to stop voting for the establishment-backed high monied campaigns. When we see one we vote for the other candidate. They don't get our votes. Period. Instant disqualification. End of discussion. Big money, no vote. Every time you hear one of their ($$) commercials/ads/billboards just smile and say "nope" to yourself.
This will open the door for honest people to run and honest people to get elected. It's the only way to have a real representative republic.
If the guys and gals that go to the Republican meetings, the rank and file, the foot soldiers, the Sunday school teachers, the Little League coaches, the den mothers, the people who post "truth" on social media, those that keep up with what is going on, and the people who go to work; if you all start sharing this mentality then everything changes. You can put America back on the tract to what makes great nations great.
To the people reading this: People listen to you. Each of you represents 100 or more votes as what you tell others, others tell others. No more support for the monied/establishment candidates. Ever. Period.
If our candidates don't have to raise money to get elected then they don't have to owe anyone when they are elected, and can tend to the people's business.
Big money = no votes!
It's so simple yet you almost have to have an epiphany to understand it.
If you share this article with 10 people it will start the process of giving Alabama politics back to the people.
That's my opinionated opinion. What's yours?
Ken McFeeters is a former Congressional candidate for Alabama's 6th district and Past President of the Mid-Alabama Republican Club. In 1981, he co-founded PAC Insurance Agency, and has been active with his industry in Governmental Affairs both in Montgomery and Washington, DC. He has authored a children's book "Hannah and the Cajun Navy", and recently founded "The Men of Alabama" - an organization dedicated to encouraging Alabama's young men to incorporate Ben Franklin's 13 virtues into their lives.
Opinions expressed in the Alabama Gazette are the opinions and viewpoints of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Alabama Gazette staff, advertisers, and/ publishers.
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