November 25, 2024–Surely you didn’t think it’d be as easy as winning one election, did you?
News Flash: winning the Presidential election was just the first, albeit critically necessary, step in the fight to restore the Republic.
The Resistance began organizing itself the day after Election Day, when it became apparent that President Trump's victory was too big to steal. Props where they’re due: Lara Trump and Co. at the RNC did a stellar job of getting their legal ducks in a row before election night. There were brief mentions of legal challenges being brought and won all during the day, and the very lack of coverage by the media tells us just how effective they were. It took almost everyone by surprise, myself included. I’d expected to not know the final result for several days instead of the wee hours Wednesday morning, and most of that is solely due to Lara Trump’s efforts.
At any rate, the core of the Resistance was announced the very next day (Wednesday, 11/6) on Fast Company. A group of The Usual Suspects—MoveOn.Org, Public Citizen, the ACLU—and newer additions Indivisible Project and the Working Families Party had already been coordinating with Rep. Pramila Jaypal and over 100 smaller groups to have a series of weekly Zoom “mass calls” to thwart President Trump’s agenda.
Then, New York Dem Rep. Wiley Nickel, who apparently completely missed his party’s crushing defeat stated that “We can’t let Donald Trump’s radical agenda go unanswered or unopposed.” His idea? “We need to borrow from our British friends and appoint a shadow cabinet to fight back against the worst excesses of a second Trump administration.” He went on to suggest that “Democratic leaders Hakeem Jeffries (New York) in the House and Charles E. Schumer (New York) in the Senate could appoint 26 members of Congress to go one-on-one with each member of Trump’s Cabinet,” and gave a laundry list of names that are too cringeworthy even for me to list.
How remarkably Anglo-centric of him.
I wonder—has anyone chided him for culturally appropriating this idea from the British? Stealing an idea from a patriarchal-centric organization (the Mother of Parliaments)? I thought the Dems were all about memory-holing anything associated with old dead white guys, but I guess it’s okay in this case, or something.
All this was pretty much as expected. We all knew the Dems were going to roll out their 2016 playbook, dig in their heels and Resist like mad. Yes, it’s boring and doomed to failure, because Trump and MAGA are just NOT in the mood.
Unfortunately, the most serious opposition we’ll be facing for the next two years will be from the traitors within “our” own party—the Never Trump, RINO Establishment, Cuckservative Inc. wing of the DC Uniparty.
It started with that old fossil Mitch McConnell calling early leadership elections in the Senate, with two anti-Trump candidates—John Thune and John Cornyn—immediately popping up. Despite a strong push by President Trump and MAGA, we got Thune as majority leader.
Again, props where they’re due: Senator Tommy Tuberville strongly supported Rick Scott (the MAGA choice) for Majority Leader, as did Senator Katie Britt in the first round of voting. When Scott was eliminated, Sen. Britt changed her vote to Thune, which was arguably the lesser of the evils. Unfortunately, Thune has already shown himself to be a Big-E Evil choice, and confirmed to all of us that he is indeed McConnell’s creature. Then again, we’ve known that since McConell elevated him and Lisa Murkowski in 2009 in the wake of the John Ensign scandal.
The first real spasm of RINO resistance caused Matt Gaetz to withdraw from consideration for Attorney General. We know (from Gaetz) the names of the Senators who absolutely opposed him—McConnel, Susan Collins, Murkowski, and Senator-elect John Curtis of Utah—so no surprises there. The three incumbents have been consistently RINOstablishment for decades, and are all poster children for term limits (and why every state needs the ability to RECALL every single elected official!). Now Curtis looks to be joining them. Oh, joy.
Convention of the States boys and girls, please take note: add a Recall provision to your wish list, please? Pretty please? I’ll even bake you cookies if you do—promise!
Sadly, it just keeps getting worse, as Thune continues to maneuver (likely at Glitch Mitch’s direction) to stymie President Trump’s plans. Glitch Mitch himself will not only chair the Senate Rules Committee—where he can block basically anything he or his controllers don’t like—but also the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense. From there, he’ll be able to squash recess appointments and continue to push those massive omnibus spending bills the Deep State so dearly loves. That he’s manifestly unfit for public office—his two separate public “spells” were obviously not the first his colleagues and staff have seen, based on their reactions—should see him removed from the Senate to an assisted living facility. That he’s still there is a black mark on our entire system of government.
In Alabama we have an age cap of 70 on our highest Judgeships. Wouldn’t it be nice to have that on our Congresscritters, too? Just a thought…
Susan Collins will be chairing the Appropriations Committee, where she will be the Queen of discretionary spending…and spending…and spending. Yeah, I can’t see that going well in the slightest. BTW, I seem to remember back in 1996, when she was first elected to the Senate, her saying that she’d serve two terms and be done—and yet, she’s already announced she intends to run again in 2026. So much for taking her at her word. Maybe she’s going after Diane Feinstein’s record—she’s only got, what? Another 175 years, give or take, to beat Diane?
It’s time and past she was primaried out, don’t you think?
Lisa Murkowski’s most recent crimes against MAGA have been her support for ranked-choice voting in Alaska and voting for President Trump’s impeachment. Sadly, she’s not up for de-election until 2028. She’s a long-term Never Trumper (along with Thune), and has often teased leaving the Republican Party. So, I have to ask: in what way does she represent the clear mandate of the American people in support of Donald J. Trump?
That was a trick question. She doesn’t, in any way, shape, form or fashion. But, she’s clearly a McConnell girl, and has just said that all of the President's appointees should be fully vetted by the FBI.
Okay, Lisa; sure, why not? Why don’t we also do the same to all the RINOs who’re standing against the MAGA agenda? Let’s start with the head of the turtle, Glitch Mitch himself. Let’s really look into how he and Kevin McCarthy allegedly used Ukraine aid money, filtered through FTX back into their PACs, to make the Red Wave of 2022 fizzle. Let’s look into Mitch’s alleged ties to the CCP, starting with his close ties to his father-in-law. Let’s get a Special Prosecutor to put his finances through the same sieve the Biden’s dealings with Ukraine and China are going to be put through, at the same time. That way, the Democrats can’t scream that it’s a partisan witch hunt.
Okay, they’ll scream anyway, but who cares? Only the Dems and the RINOs, and no MAGA Patriot really cares about them.
There’s a lot of swamp to be drained, and a lot of swamp critters that need to be skinned. I see no reason why the first skin the new DoJ collects shouldn’t be a RINO or a turtle. Then, why not take a look at the rest of the RINOs who’ve prospered under Mitch’s tutelage. Collins and Murkowski have been in Congress for eons—how likely is it that they’re clean after all those years? And if they are, good for them! I personally will give each one a gold star. Just one, out of the cheapest box I can find of those little lock and stick stars.
They still make those, right?
As Matt Gaetz just reminded us, the Biden administration has filed hundreds of pages of briefs claiming that a Special Prosecutor doesn’t need Senate confirmation—why not use those very same arguments for Trump-appointed Special Prosecutor or six? Make liberal judges in DC shoot it down, just for the comedic value of rubbing their noses in it.
Gaetz probably wouldn’t be interested in the job—he may be too busy running for Governor of Florida—but I know the perfect person to slot into that role.
I personally would pay good money to see Sidney Powell go Full Kraken on Turtleneck Mitch. Wouldn’t you?
Until we see Special Prosecutor Sidney Powell hold her first press conference, we’ll just have to watch and take notes on what the new swamp does—because right now it’s looking like the old swamp is still in town.
I’ll put in the reference links to the good stuff when I post this to my Substack, The Substack is free, because I hate paywalls, so the links will be there if you want them.
Dr. Bill Chitwood is a retired Child, Adolescent and Family Psychiatrist who does political consulting and media relations. He is the author of Beyond Maga, available on Amazon under his pen name, Doc Contrarian. He can be found on Substack and social media as @DocContrarian.
Opinions expressed in the Alabama Gazette are the opinions and viewpoints of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Alabama Gazette staff, advertisers, and/ publishers.
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