December 2, 2024–If you think Matt Gaetz’s nomination for Attorney General freaked out the Deep State, you ain’t seen nothing yet. Kash Patel as head of the FBI is literally the Deep State’s worst nightmare.
Saturday afternoon President-elect Trump announced Patel would be his choice to head the Federal Bureau of Investigation, saying on Truth Social:
“I am proud to announce that Kashyap “Kash” Patel will serve as the next Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Kash is a brilliant lawyer, investigator, and “America First” fighter who has spent his career exposing corruption, defending Justice, and protecting the American People. He played a pivotal role in uncovering the Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax, standing as an advocate for truth, accountability, and the Constitution. Kash did an incredible job during my First Term, where he served as Chief of Staff at the Department of Defense, Deputy Director of National Intelligence, and Senior Director for Counterterrorism at the National Security Council. Kash has also tried over 60 jury trials. This FBI will end the growing crime epidemic in America, dismantle the migrant criminal gangs, and stop the evil scourge of human and drug trafficking across the Border. Kash will work under our great Attorney General, Pam Bondi, to bring back Fidelity, Bravery, and Integrity to the FBI.”
The howls from the Deep State apparatchiks weren’t long in coming. John Bolton compared Patel to an agent of the NKVD (the old Soviet Union’s secret police force) and called for the Senate to “reject this nomination 100-0.”
Bolton’s condemnation alone should tell you Patel is the right choice, but it certainly didn’t stop there. Patel’s nomination was THE hot topic on the talking head shows Sunday morning, with his qualifications, experience and suitability all being questioned. Apparently, having Kash Patel at the FBI would be an even greater Threat to our Democracy(™) than anything since Trump’s election itself.
Benny Johnson’s compilation of the various reactions to Patel’s nomination (linked below) is one of the better ones. Johnson sums up the reactions so well, saying “All the wrong people are freaking out,” and he’s absolutely right.
Why the panic? It’s not like Patel has been a visible and extremely vocal guest on numerous MAGA-centric shows and podcasts these past four years, talking about the Anthony Weiner/Hunter Biden/Seth Rich laptops (“the basis of a tremendous amount of criminal activity, and they’re all interconnected”), releasing the Epstein list, reforming the FISA courts, divesting the FBI of its intelligence functions and bringing transparency to the people’s business at the Bureau.
Oh, wait; he has. And, he wrote a book, “Government Gangsters,” which covers such gems as the link between the FBI and Russia Gate, President Trump’s Manufactured Impeachment, January 6th (“The Insurrection That Never Was”) and, as an Appendix, “Top Reforms to Defeat the Deep State.”
As I said, you ain’t seen nothing yet. Patel knows where all the bodies are buried. He’s named names. He has a plan, and he has the support of the once and future President—and both of them learned hard lessons during President Trump’s first term.
Matt Gatez and Senator Marsh Blackburn of Tennessee have already come out in support of Patel. Senator Tommy Tuberville said:
“Kash Patel is the perfect pick. He will restore LAW AND ORDER and end FBI corruption.
Clean house!”
I expected no less from Coach, and I couldn’t agree more.
Sen. Katie Boyd Britt…well, she hasn’t commented as of this writing. She’s Glitch Mitch McConnell’s girl as much as anything, but I expect she’ll come around and do the right thing here for President Trump and Director Patel. Until the confirmation vote, we’ll just have to keep a close eye on her X feed, and maybe make a call or six to her office to let our feelings be known.
Rumors that Elon Musk has drawn a “red line in the sand” over Patel’s confirmation and promised “political consequences” to Republicans who oppose it ought to be on every RINO’s mind.
One comment on Sunday stuck in my head, and it came from Katie Pavlich on Fox News Sunday. It neatly explains why so many Deep State bad actors are frothing at the mouth so much over Patel’s appointment:
“They're conflating retribution with accountability. And Kash Patel not only has the experience on foreign policy, but also on domestic policy as well, with all of his work rooting out this corruption use (sic) for political purposes against political enemies inside the intelligence communities and on Capitol Hill."
I think she’s absolutely right that Patel has the experience to root it out the corruption, but I don’t think they’re conflating at all. They fear that their accountability (being held responsible for what they’ve done) will come with a healthy dose of retribution (punishment for wrongdoing)—and Patel has been anything but silent on the obviously, blatantly wrong and illegal things that have come out of the FBI for years now.
Kash Patel as FBI Director is a clear threat to their rackets, their profits and pensions, and their very freedoms—and they know it.
The Deep State and their Lefty allies have (allegedly) gotten away with not just murder, but corruption, sedition, treason and various other high crimes and misdemeanors for far too long. They were counting on that run to continue under a Kamala-as-sock-puppet regime. Too bad for them, that’s not going to happen. Now, Director Patel will be doing to them what should have been done long ago.
Call it what you will—justice, retribution, a taste of their own medicine—it’s absolutely necessary that the people who have ignored the Constitution, the law and common decency suffer the consequences of their actions. There are any number of reasons why this is, from any number of perspectives. All of them boil down to two simple notions:
First, these people bent, broke or just ignored any number of laws to obstruct the duly-elected President, steal his re-election, and weaponize the federal government against him and his supporters. There must be consequences for that.
Second, and most important, the message must be sent that this behavior cannot and will not be tolerated in the future. There must be retribution—punishment for wrongdoing—to deter those who might be tempted to try these shenanigans in the future.
When a puppy makes a mess on the floor, you smack it on the nose with a rolled-up paper not just to teach it what it did was wrong, but to train it not to do it again.
FBI Director Kash Patel is the perfect man to smack a lot of Deep State puppies on the nose. The puppies know they messed the floor, and they’re already crying in anticipation of the smacking that’s to come.
All that crying will reach the Senate, where I expect fierce battles to be fought as the Deep State rallies to protect its own. Watch who opposes the Patel nomination very carefully. When Senators start opposing Patel’s nomination, ask yourself why that is. Better yet, ask those Senators. You won’t get a real answer, but their reactions to being asked will tell you a lot. Remember Chuckie Schumer’s comment about the intelligence services having “six ways from Sunday” to get you if you cross them, and start wondering what the Deep State might be holding over them. It’s likely far worse in their eyes than Elon’s promise of “political consequences.”
It’s also possible that Patel’s appointment is another 4D chess move by President-elect Trump to distract the Deep State, pull out more Senate RINO opposition (compromised? If so, by what?) and/or smooth the way through confirmation for several other appointees. It would be hard to imagine a worse, more painful FBI Director for the Deep State, and that may be the whole point. We’ll have to see how it plays out.
Until that happens, we can all enjoy thoughts of just what Kash Patel will do to the Deep State as Director of the FBI. It’s truly their very own Nightmare Before Christmas!
Benny Johnson on the liberal meltdowns over Kash Patel’s nomination:
For the references in the above piece, see my Substack,
Dr. Bill Chitwood is a retired Child, Adolescent and Family Psychiatrist who does political consulting and media relations. He is the author of Beyond Maga, available on Amazon under his pen name, Doc Contrarian. He can be found on Substack and social media as @DocContrarian.
Opinions expressed in the Alabama Gazette are the opinions and viewpoints of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Alabama Gazette staff, advertisers, and/ publishers.
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