The people's voice of reason

Doctors, you have big brains. Start using them!

Doctors, there is no question that y’all are the best at remembering and memorizing what you’re taught, following rules and doing what you've been told. Nobody is better at school than you guys. You are rule followers who can memorize! These qualities are not only desired by, but are mandatory for, admission to medical school.

Medical schools don’t want thinkers, they want smart people who will follow orders as medicine is now big business. That's what big business likes. Doctor’s doing just that gave us the last four years. You guys, by not speaking out, were taken advantage of and let a very small group of people dictate bad medicine. Shame!

Medical schools are to blame, and they are the reason we are where we are today.

The medical schools were taken over and their curriculums were consolidated in the early 1900’s. If you do just a little research you’ll find that a very small group of people, headed up by John D. Rockefeller, an oil guy, took control of medicine by taking control of the medical schools and also what would be taught at medical schools. This was the beginning of medicine becoming “big business”. It also guaranteed Rockefeller's vision of what medicine should be.

Taking over the medical schools made Rockefeller, an oil man, the most powerful doctor in the world and changed medicine for the next 100 years. Fast-forward to today and Bill Gates, a computer nerd, is now called “The Most Powerful Doctor in the World”.

For the last fifteen years you would be hard pressed to find anyone that had more to do with global healthcare policy than Bill Gates.

In 2010, at the World Economic Forum (WEF), Bill Gates pledged $10 BILLION dollars in a call for a “Decade of Vaccines”. Three years later Gates addressed the 194 member nations of the World Health Organization (WHO) and got a standing ovation when he stated “you MUST make vaccines a high priority in your health care systems”. Unfortunately, they listened, and eight years later billions upon billons of people took a “vaccine” that they were told was "safe and effective". It was neither.

Collectively Gates and Rockefeller and their foundations have dictated healthcare policy for the last 100 years. They consolidated healthcare to the point where a few dictate healthcare policy to the world. Not only have they dictated health care policy but they used health care to take away personal liberties.

This unimaginable concentration of power was made possible by government. Government runs health care BUT the establishment runs government so in reality, the establishment runs healthcare. Establishment happens to be the people with money.

Doctors, when you first got into medicine did you ever think you’d be doing the bidding of a couple of billionaires, with no medical backgrounds, that both want to lower the world’s population? Doctors, has it ever occurred to you that this might be contradictory and a tad suspicious? That’s the “capable of thinking” part I’m talking about.

All the above dictates the need to take the medical schools back. The schools need to start teaching nutrition and all the things nutrition can heal and how it affects health. They need to teach how to keep immune systems healthy. Healing people is a wonderful and righteous thing!

Also, medical schools should have a mandatory class on Jimmy Buffett.

From One Particular Harbour: “It’s a magic kind of medicine. That no doctor could prescribe” - Jimmy Buffett

Jimmy, may you rest in peace, you tried to teach us that it’s healthy to have a fun attitude and mindset. Healthy mindsets reduce disease and suffering, all without pharmaceuticals, and the medical schools don’t teach this, shame!

Your industry far outspends all others for lobbying and giving donations to politicians. Period. No one else is even close.

Doctors, use your big brains for good, petition the leaders of your associations and trade groups for decentralization. Make your associations and trade groups stand up to the WHO, CDC, AMA and all other government agencies and NGOs (non-governmental organizations) that the billionaires use to control health care and tell them to get out of your industry.

Decentralization gives the power back to the doctors—where it should be!

Now that I got you thinking, does what Alexis De Tocqueville wrote, in 1830, in “Democracy in America” make any sense?

“In our day one can say that in the United States the wealthy class of society are almost entirely out of political affairs and that wealth, far from being a right (to power), is a real cause of disfavor and an obstacle to coming to power”

They knew back then that money and politics didn't mix.

That mindset is what made the United States of America a world power.

Monied establishment ($$) candidate = no vote.

Right now billionaires own healthcare. Not good.

Doctors, you have to admit that I’m writing what you and most people are thinking


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