November 8, 2024–Have you felt the 2016 vibe these last three days?
No, those flashbacks are not your PTSD acting up. The Left are collectively melting down harder than they did in 2016, and it’s even more hilarious now than it was back then.
There are a number of things that are virtually identical, of course—the celebrities threatening to leave the country, for instance—but the Left turned it up to eleven and twisted off the knob this time around.
Eight years ago we laughed as the special snowflakes needed crayons, coloring books and puppies in safe spaces to process their collective angst over Hillary’s loss and Trump’s inauguration. I haven’t seen a lot of that this week, even though a few on the Right have sarcastically offered them.
No, this time the meltdowns have been more outlandish. The pronouncements have been more dire, and the sheer level of hysteric lunacy has been off the charts.
Journalist Mark Halperin predicted on Tucker Carlson’s Shaw that a Trump victory would precipitate the greatest mental health crisis in our nation’s history, and I think he may have been right. He said, and I tend to agree, that it won’t just be severe, it’ll be long-lasting.
I’ve already gotten calls asking me to diagnose some of the videos that are circulating. Technically, I’m not supposed to do that, but…these people are just bat guano crazy.
There are several reasons all these breakdowns are happening, and for most of them the fault lies with the Left itself. They had eight years of Trump, in and out of office, to build him up as the ultimate boogie man. Their entire campaign strategy, even back when Dementia Joe was their nominee, was to demonize Trump and what they claimed his election would mean. They told their base (and the rest of us) that Trump’s stormtroopers would be forcing women to live in The Handmaid’s Tale, rounding up transsexuals and his other enemies for the concentration camps, carrying out summary executions of his enemies, weaponizing the government against all who disagreed with him, starting World War III—how could it not have an adverse effect on some of them?
And let’s just be brutally honest—a significant portion of the Left aren’t that mentally well put together on a good day. Yes, I have that data if you’re interested, but a good look around should be enough to convince you.
A couple of things stand out about this cycle’s meltdowns:
—TikTok wasn’t a Thing in 2020, and now it’s the “Look At Me” platform of choice. I may have to get an account just to see the screaming fits before they’re shared elsewhere. Everybody’s a Star on TikTok, at least in their own mind, and boy, it shows.
—the Dobbs decision made abortion THE major hot-button issue this cycle, much more so than in 2016. Yes, the right to kill babies (and implicitly, use it as birth control, thereby giving young women a free pass to behave like alley cats without consequences) has always been a Democrat dog whistle, but Dobbs made it critically important this year for the Dems.
—between Dobbs and a female nominee, the race quickly devolved into a male vs. female issue. If you didn’t support Kamala, it’s because you’re a misogynist, and evil, and, and, and. And they wondered why that turned men off…
—race, as always; except that it was rolled into the female thing. That Kamala’s “Black” label was iffy at best didn’t help her campaign. Nor did it help when Obama tried to Black-shame the Brothers into supporting her.
So, in the minds of many of Kamala’s devotees, their reactions are perfectly justified as legitimate expressions of dismay and anger at all those bitter deplorable fascist Nazi garbage Trump voters.
Yeah, no. Sorry, buttercups; the economy, the border invasion and the rampant crime were what mattered, not your “joy.”
As it turns out, when 70% of the country thinks we’re on the wrong track—when your candidate spent most of the last four years telling us the economy really wasn’t that bed, it was just us that didn’t understand how good it was (while we watched food and gas prices skyrocket with our lying eyes)—when you flat-out lie about your opponent and what he’ll do when he’s in office—when you have the most undemocratic nominee ever, but insist you’re defending democracy—when you have billionaires saying you understand regular people—when your candidate is obviously not the brightest bulb in the pack, and her Veep is just weird—and you build a campaign on gaslighting, sex, race, baby killing and bad-mouthing everyone who’s not supporting you, just because your DEI-hire candidate “deserves” it?
Don’t expect it to go well for you.
A woman who demonized her opponent didn’t work in 2016, and it didn’t on November 5th. And, just like in 2016, the Resistance has already started—except this time, we’re ready for it, and MAGA is NOT in the mood. We’ve got Elon, Bobby Jr., Tulsi and even Ron Paul.
You just think the meltdowns are bad now. I think we ain’t seen nothing yet.
Dr. Bill Chitwood is a retired Child, Adolescent and Family Psychiatrist who does political consulting and media relations. He is the author of Beyond Maga, available on Amazon under his pen name, Doc Contrarian. He can be found on Substack and social media as @DocContrarian.
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