I love the Alabama Gazette as it's been the "Voice of Reason" for the last 25 years and the only publication, in Alabama, that has been telling anything even close to the truth lately.
After experiencing the last four years I believe that just about everyone realizes that the only reason a person would actually watch the national news/media is to study how psychological manipulation works on the general public.
Elected officials, especially local ones, are supposed to be a bulwark against this psychological manipulation but for some reason they are not.
Our elected officials should be outraged over an extremely odd globally orchestrated response to a corona virus, to doctors not being allowed to treat and incorrectly treating patients, to drug stores that were not filling prescriptions from the very few doctors that were actually treating Covid correctly, to the unconstitutional and idiotic mandates, to a spike of 15 million Democrat votes (25% more D voters than in any of the last 4 elections) for a presidential candidate that campaigned hiding in his basement, that we had a government orchestrated "invasion" of the capitol building where the leader of the "invasion" (the Horned Guy) is videoed thanking the Capitol Police officers for leading them into the Senate Chambers, over the long jail sentences of people who were hoodwinked into entering the Capitol Building, and over the hundreds of billions of dollars wasted on globalist wars where we have no strategic interests. Why no outrage from our elected officials?
Montgomery is a microcosm of what is wrong with America. Legislatures and the executive branch have historically been used by monied interests to keep competition out, to divide spoils, to create monopolies, and basically to legislate themselves, the monied interests, even more money. In 2010 the Republicans took control of the Alabama Legislature, for the first time since the Civil War, from the Democrats. I know you'll be shocked but the same people (monied interests) who pulled the strings when the Democrats were in office now pull the strings of the Republicans that are in control. Nothing changed.
The legislators (elected officials) in Montgomery candidly admit they will not stand up to the monied interests as they are scared for their jobs and know they will be primaried/voted out of office if they defy their orders.
Under normal times the shenanigans in Montgomery/DC do not really get the attention of the average Alabamian but these are anything but normal times. We have globalist organizations like the World Economic Forum (WEF) who openly state that they want a one world government (The Great Reset/New World Order) and to lower the world's population. We have tech billionaires in charge of the world's medical organizations who also want to reduce the world's population. We also have a monetary system that created three companies that now control 95% of all our publicly traded companies. What do our elected officials do? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. No press conferences/releases. No town hall meetings. No calling out the National Guard. NO NOTHING.
The total absence of action, backbone, or any semblance of common sense from our elected officials poses the question: are the politicians complicit, compromised, or clueless?
Ken McFeeters is a former Congressional candidate for Alabama's 6th district and Past President of the Mid-Alabama Republican Club. In 1981, he co-founded PAC Insurance Agency, and has been active with his industry in Governmental Affairs both in Montgomery and Washington, DC. He has authored a children's nook "Hannah and the Cajun Navy", and recently founded "The Men of Alabama" - an organization dedicated to encouraging Alabama's young men to incorporate Ben Franklin's 13 virtues into their lives.
Opinions expressed in the Alabama Gazette are the opinions and viewpoints of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Alabama Gazette staff, advertisers, and/ publishers.
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