The people's voice of reason

4B, MATGA and the Lethal Ladies of the Left

November 12, 2024–Just when I think the Loonies on the Left can’t get any more unhinged, they go and surprise me.

We’ve seen a plethora of liberals—mostly women, but a few putative males—posting their mental breakdowns on social media for the last week. It’s been completely predictable, and the “déjà vu all over again vibe” has been the same toxic stew of rage, angst, disbelief and tearful virtual-signaling we saw in 2016, turned up to 11 and the knob twisted off.

I’d never heard of the 4B movement until a few days ago, but it’s apparently become A Thing for some Kamala followers. The movement began in South Korea in 2019, after they elected a conservative President. It takes its name from four Korean words that all begin with the prefix “bi-“, which means “no.” In short, the women in the 4B movement swear to withhold four things from men:

—no dating

—no sex

—no marriage

—no having children

The U.S. version of this involves not only declaring a sex embargo against all men (not just Trump supporters) as a collective punishment, but also shaving their heads and wearing blue bead bracelets, so they can show their devotion to the cause, or something.

All right, fair enough. It’s not as creepy as the woman from Brooklyn who wants a law passed that all Trump voters have to wear their MAGA hats 24/7/365 so we can be easily recognized (I guess the six-point yellow star was taken, or was just too 1930s for her). And before you ask, yes; she seemed totally oblivious about the implications of publically marking a group for public ridicule based solely on her hatred for that group.

And they say we’re the Nazis.

Hey, if a group of women want to stop slutting around, voluntarily take themselves out of the dating pool and stop jumping into doomed-to-fail marriages? Knock yourself out, ladies!

See, I know a couple of interesting things about the women who are doing this. They weren’t terribly stable to start with. They’re mad because they can’t use abortion as birth control, and they’re a large part of the reason men have withdrawn and started to MGTOW—Men Going Their Own Way. Every single 4B woman I’ve seen has set off all kinds of alarms in my head. They’re all some type of B-cluster personality disorder (narcissistic, hysteric, antisocial or borderline) and, speaking on behalf of all men everywhere, we’re well shed of them! The 4th wave feminism, toxic entitlement and sheer chaos they cause has wrecked dating, made marriage a zero-yield proposition for men, and ensured that they’ll be alone and bitter for the rest of their natural lives.

Think I’m joking? Search YouTube for “Women hate MGTOW” and watch a few videos, then get back to me.

Yes, the 4B, or “Femcel” (Female Celibacy), movement women are weird. So what? As long as they only torture themselves and make attention-seeking videos (which are hilarious!), I see no reason not to support them.

In fact, let me just say now and for the record: I fully support the 4B movement! You go, ladies! Shave those heads! Wear those masks and beads! Anything that makes it easier to spot your crazy carcass in the grocery store so I can avoid you, I’m all in favor of!

That some abortion clinics may go bankrupt if the 4B sex strike continues is just one more reason to cheer these ladies on! Sadly, I don’t think it’ll last. It’ll collapse like a house of cards when they finally wise up and realize that not only are they giving conservatives exactly what we want—less promiscuity, fewer abortions, lower divorce rates, better dating culture for sane people—but that most men really don’t care. They’ll still be bald, though.

If that was as far as things have gone, we wouldn’t have a problem, but guess what? Some of these crazy chicks just had to go a bit further.

Giulia Tofana was the leader of a group of six poisoners in Italy in the 1600s. They were responsible for more than 600 deaths, most of them husbands. Their poison of choice was known as “Aqua Tofana” and was sold as a perfume. It was colorless, odorless and tasteless, slow-acting and stumped the physicians of the day.

For the last few days. “Aqua Tofana” searches on Google have spiked. Aqua Tofana videos have been appearing on TikTok and other platforms, usually with women pouring liquid from a small vial into a goblet (as in a classic picture of Ms. Tofana.

Like everything else these days, it’s become a movement: MATGA—Make Aqua Tofana Great Again.

Yes, there are videos out there of women actively threatening to poison people, white men specifically, because their girl lost the election. Poisoner’s rings have suddenly become fashionable. “Your body, my choice” is their new refrain…and it’s only a matter of time before one or more of them move beyond venting on Instagram to actually poisoning someone.

How do I know this? Well, I was the Attending Psychiatrist at Julia Tutwiler Women’s Prison. I assure you, it’s not just possible—it’s almost a certainty.

Watch some of these videos. Watch the women who made them. Look in their eyes and you’ll see it—a boundless, incandescent rage that wants to burn the world down, just because President Trump won the election.

It’s happened before, you know. Lucretia Borgia, Velma Barfield, Nannie Doss, aka “The Giggling Granny”—the list goes on and on. How long will it be before we add more names to that honor roll of harridans?

I called the Alabama Poison Information Center on Monday. They've always been extremely helpful, and are an excellent resource for both health care professionals and parents of small children in the “everything goes in the mouth” stage. The young lady I spoke to was unaware of Aqua Tofana, but given the very real threat of it popping up, I gave them a heads up about it. Their number is 1-800-222-1222, if you ever need it. I have it on my phone, just in case.

What truly worries me is that some of these women claim they have the recipe for Aqua Tofana and are willing to share it. I haven’t asked for it, for obvious Reasons (I already know what’s in it, historically; no, I’m not going to tell you, don’t bother asking) so I can’t swear to it’s authenticity, but…it’s a devilishly effective compound poison with components that obscure some of the effects of the other ingredients. Unless the doctor is really sharp, or the toxicology lab is really fast, by the time you get sick enough to go to the ER it may already be too late….

I did mention that it’s a creeper that takes several doses to do you in, didn’t I? And as a colorless, odorless, tasteless liquid it can be slipped into almost anything.

Guys, if your girlfriend was a big Kamala supporter and is still hanging around you? I’d eat out for the next few weeks, especially if she’s got a new ring or blue bracelet. And, I’d be careful leaving my drink unattended in bars for a while. You never know just what that woman who’s coming on to you might do if you get distracted.

Good News, Bad News time! First, the Good News: most of these women are all talk and no action. They’re getting their dopamine hit just from fantasizing about poisoning Donald Trump as a symbolic representation of every man who’s ever wronged them in any way, real or imagined.

Now the Bad News: some are just looney enough (technically, lost in narcissistic rage or borderline decompensation to the point of psychosis) to act out their bad feelings. They’ll view it as only proper and right since your vote for Trump has taken away all their rights and freedoms and destroyed democracy and all those other horrible talking points the Democrats fed them.

I expected the meltdowns, and the 4B Femcels came as a pleasant surprise. The MATGA psychowitches, on the other hand, caught me off guard. They shouldn’t have, but apparently I’ve forgotten some of the lessons Tutwiler taught me.

But take heart! There’s a fast-rising counter-trend on TikTok of Hot MAGA Chicks for Trump dancing to “YMCA” and trolling the liberals!

And, since crafting a multivalent poison in your kitchen isn’t like whipping up a batch of cookies, well…accidents happen, ladies. Kids, DO NOT try this at home, even with adult supervision, at all, period. When you poison yourself and your cats, don’t come crying to me. You have been warned.

Dr. Bill Chitwood is a retired Child, Adolescent and Family Psychiatrist who does political consulting and media relations. He is the author of Beyond Maga, available on Amazon under his pen name, Doc Contrarian. He can be found on Substack and social media as @DocContrarian.

Opinions expressed in the Alabama Gazette are the opinions and viewpoints of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Alabama Gazette staff, advertisers, and/ publishers.

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