The people's voice of reason

Town of Pike Road Veterans Appreciation Ceremony

The 13th annual Town of Pike Road Veterans Appreciation Ceremony was held November 3, 2024 at the Pike Road Veterans Memorial at Veterans Park. Pike Road Mayor Gordon Stone served as the emcee, and the event featured the Veterans Walk of Honor, the dedication of seven new commemorative bricks installed in the floor of the Veterans Memorial, patriotic music including the National Anthem and Taps by the Capitol Sounds under the direction of John Jackson, the Presentation of the Colors, and remarks by COL Derrick Iwanenko, Commandant, U.S. Air Force Officer Training School, Maxwell Air Force Base. The veterans whose bricks were installed were: (1.) SGT. Dorothy L. Baker, (2.) TSGT James A. Mill Jr., (3.) SP4 Bruce D. Oliver, (4.) Chaig S. Peterson, (5.) COL James M. Robinson, (6.) (E-4) SPC Michael Rogers and (7.) MAJ Kim Whittington. A hand-made quilt created by the members of the Pike Road Quilters was given to a veteran in attendance by the Pike Road Arts Council.


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