The City of Montgomery, AL, celebrated Veterans Day in grand style beginning with a special patriotic parade from the AL Capitol continuing down Dexter Avenue past the fountain to Court Street. Special Veterans Day activities were held at the Riverwalk Stadium. Thousands of veterans and others attended as the events unfolded with the arrival of a military helicopter that landed on the baseball field. COL John A. Eidsmoe, a U.S. Air Force veteran, served as emcee of the ceremonies. An Honor Guard from Maxwell Air Force Base presented the Colors followed by the singing of the National Anthem by Major Thomas Simmons, Staff Chaplain, US Air Force. Chaplain Major Steven Wichern, Staff Chaplain, U.S. Air Force, gave the invocation.
Joseph Simon, a 99 year-old WWII U.S. Army veteran, who fought as a combat engineer in the South Pacific, was introduced. Montgomery Mayor Steven L. Reed addressed the audience followed by COL Shameka Toliver, Commander 42 nd Air Base Wing and Mrs. Valerie Russell, Acting Director, Central AL VA Health Care System.
Mr. Robert Hendry, Walmart Director of Community Relations, announced that Walmart was giving a free turkey to each veteran present at the event. The program concluded with the playing of the Armed Forces Medley by the Capitol Sounds Concert Band led by its conductor, John Jackson. After the program, a Resource Fair was held with vendors from many organizations on the Stadium's concourse providing gifts and information to veterans, and a free lunch was provided to veterans from seven food trucks.
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