Chapter 607 of The Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA) is located in Montgomery, AL, and it meets at the Montgomery Garage at 4035 Wallace Drive, Montgomery, AL 36116 at 1:00 on the first Monday of every month. The purpose of Chapter 607 is to ensure Vietnam Veterans are kept up to date on all the latest information necessary for their well-being including health, disability claims, recent, applicable legislation. It gives Vietnam Veterans a place to meet in fellowship with others of like minds. Not only do its members have the privilege of assisting veterans during their lives, but also Chapter 607 has the privilege of honoring veterans and their families at the time of the veterans’ deaths. Chapter 607 has three teams, the Honor Guard, the Presentation Team and the Color Guard. When requested, these three teams, go to funerals, memorials, dedications, etc. and present full military honors for the fallen veterans. Although Chapter 607 honors its brothers from the Vietnam War first, it will honor any veteran whose family requests its services at no cost to the family. There are some limitations as to time and distance so please contact Chapter 607 for more information. Chapter 607 welcomes all Vietnam Veterans who served between November 1, 1965, and May 7, 1975 or in any duty location between August 5, 1964, and May 7, 1975. Please contact VVA Chapter 607, PO Box 231657, Montgomery, AL 36123 with any questions or call 334-328-0468, or, 334-324-6562. Members of Chapter 607 are looking forward to seeing you! Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans!
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