The people's voice of reason

Virtues- Why are our schools not teaching them?

Why was I never taught about virtues in school?"

Having virtues is the single biggest indicator to having a successful life yet we don't teach them, why?

Virtues change destinies.

The single most important thing we can teach the next generation are virtues.

Ben Franklin was one of the most successful and influential men of the last three hundred years. Why was he so successful? Because he taught himself virtues.

When Franklin was a young man he designed a program to teach himself the virtues necessary to have a successful life. He called it his "Plan for Moral Perfection".

Franklin's "Plan for Moral Perfection" was a system to "acquire the habitude" of thirteen virtues: Temperance, Silence, Order, Resolution, Frugality, Industry, Sincerity, Justice, Moderation, Cleanliness, Tranquility, Chastity, and Humility.

Franklin made this plan a daily habit, and he credited it for the considerable happiness and success he achieved.

In his autobiography, Franklin said, "no qualities were so likely to make a poor man's fortune as those of probity (strong moral principles, honesty, and decency) and integrity".

Ben Franklin knew that people don't decide their futures, they decide their habits. Their habits decide their futures.

Our schools aren't teaching these virtues any more. They're teaching wokism and virtue signaling. The media only encourages this, and the government regulates it right into our kid's heads. They are sabotaging the future of our country by ignoring, or actively attacking, the virtues that made this nation great!

Our children's futures are only as good as the quality of their thoughts.

Our Founding Fathers knew an educated populace was necessary for our republic's survival. They saw education as necessary for instilling the VIRTUES necessary for self-governance.

Virtues are the number one indicator for success in life so why did we stop teaching them to our youth? Our schools have many problems, but this is Number 1!

To my friends in the Alabama legislature. Our founding fathers wanted you to teach virtues to the children of our nation and our educational system is not doing it. You hold the purse strings to education. Not one more dime until virtues are taught to every child in Alabama.

Ken McFeeters is a former Congressional candidate for Alabama's 6th district. Co-founded an Independent Insurance Agency in 1981. Past President of the Mid Alabama Republican Club. Been very active with his industry in Governmental Affairs both in Montgomery and DC. Authored a children's book "Hannah and he Cajun Navy". And just founded "The Men of Alabama" with the intention of getting young men in Alabama to incorporate Ben Franklin's 13 virtues program into their lives.

Opinions expressed in the Alabama Gazette are the opinions and viewpoints of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Alabama Gazette staff, advertisers, and/ publishers.


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