The people's voice of reason

Tim Walz's Week Just Got Worse-An Accuser Video Has Been Released

October 17, 2024–On Tuesday, I warned you Tim Walz’s week was going to get worse.

It did.

Wednesday, the X account @TheWakening published a video of a young man alleging that Tim Walz sexually assaulted him in 1997 when Walz was his teacher at Mankato West High School. The young man was a senior at the time.

The video is at and a complete transcript is as follows:

“My name is Matthew Metro. I'm a survivor of sexual assault.

“For the past few years we’ve seen many powerful men, even celebrities, being held accountable for their sexual assaults. There’s something I'd like to say to each and every survivor of sexual assault. I believe you. People believe you. I’ll now share my story cause this happened to me too.

“It happened in 1997. I was a student at Mankato West High School in Minnesota. Well, I’m gay, and I realized this when I was 14 years old. I never came out to talk about it. No one knew about it. Not my parents, not my classmates, as things were different back then.

“In my Senior year, I had a lot of problems piled up. My parents were going through a terrible divorce. And, you know how it happens. Sometimes all you need is someone to talk to. We’ll, in my case it was my teacher, Tim Walz.

“One day, I approached him and asked him if we could talk. He agreed and asked me to stay after class. After all my classmates had left, just the two of us in the class, I started to vent. I told my about my parents, I told him about the struggles with my classmates. He seemed rather understanding, but then at some point the conversation got a little weird.

“I was sitting at my desk. He was standing there at first, but then later he came closer and sat next to me. It was OK and it seemed right because I was getting emotional. It was almost as if he wanted to comfort me.

“Once I was done talking, he gave me this very weird look and he said, “I know what your real problem is, and you have nothing to be ashamed of. I was confused. Seeing me confused, he said, “I know how do you feel about men cause I feel the same way too, and I can help you.”

“He placed his hand on my knee and said, “it is OK, don't be afraid.” He moved even closer, his hand reaching up, almost touching my couch (sic).

“I froze at that moment. I couldn’t grasp what was happening. Maybe he thought my silent (sic) meant I gave him a consent (sic) but I just couldn't move.

“He unzipped my pants, his hand rubbing my genitals. I couldn't hear what he was saying. He started kissing my neck. I don't know how long it lasted, maybe 15 seconds, maybe five minutes. I just couldn’t tell.

“I heard someone running down the hallway. Finally, I felt I could move, so I backed off and I ran away. I even left my stuff at school.

“I've never told anyone about this. Not to my parents, not even to my school counselor. I was too afraid it was going to ruin my life. “Who was going to believe me?” I kept telling myself. After all, I was the only black guy in my class.

“Why do I come forward now? Because Tim Walz visited Mankato West High three days ago. It made me feel as if this happened just yesterday. I also read about other sexual assault survivors planning to come forward. This gave me an odd kind of relief, because I always blamed myself for what happened. But, when I heard there was someone else, I felt horrified. Maybe if I’d come forward some 27 years ago, I could have prevented some other assaults.”

Yearbook and social media pictures/info and seem to indicate that Matthew Metro was indeed a student at Mankato West High School in 1997. A number of people have disputed that the pictures are the same man as in the video, but I can’t prove or disprove that at this time. I do see what looks like discrepancies in both ear and jaw shapes between the video and social pics, but again, I can’t be certain either way,

I immediately put the video through AI Deepfake image detectors. Deepware said “No Deepfake Detected.” TrueMedia initially fussed about the file size and said “analysis may be limited” but then said “Substantial evidence of manipulation.” Screenshots of both of these are linked below. To my eye, it looks like a real video—scripted, rehearsed and edited, but a real video nonetheless.

As expected, X’s Community Notes began poo-poo-ing the video in short order, attacking the accuser and @TheWakening. For those of us who are accustomed to the Left’s organized troll swarms, this was completely predictable. It’s a chronic problem that I suspect will never go away, because the Left is just better at organizing their screeching against anything they don’t like than we are on the Right, for Reasons. It is what it is.

So, a video accusation has been made, and savagely attacked by some, with varying degrees of believability. This young man, a high school senior at the time, is clearly separate from the 14 year old DocNetyoutube described on Sunday. That person denied he was gay, while Mr. Metro says he is gay. The 14 year old related an incident in Nebraska, where Alliance High School is located and the school board voted 6-0 to accept Walz’s resignation on July 1, 1996. Mankato West Hugh School is in Minnesota, and Mr. Metro alleges Walz assaulted him in 1997.

As I reported Tuesday, DocNetyoutube, aka Black Insurrectionist initially said the following on Sunday:

“There are 3 accusers. 2 of the accusers have given testimony/information that has been backed up. One of the accusers has no possible way of corroborating the accusations. I will not be printing anything about the accuser who could not corroborate his information.”

But then…Doc went silent, with his last post being 6:38 AM Monday. He’d promised many more posts with more info, but…crickets. This was odd, to say the least. He’s generally a regular poster, and I first became aware of him a few weeks ago when he dropped the affidavit from the ABC whistleblower who alleged that ABC had given the Harris campaign “sample” questions before the Presidential debate. Doc’s got some cred, which made his silence all the more worrisome.

As it turns out, Ian Carroll (@Cancelcloco) posted a follow up on his X feed Tuesday afternoon. Ian reached out to Doc, asking to speak with the whistleblower, and Doc responded. Apparently Doc got sent to Twitter jail for 3 days—no posting, no nothing—but was able to put the accuser in touch with Ian. Ian and this gentleman talked for 40 minutes, and according to Ian, he sounded legit. Did Ian speak with Mr. Metro, or the then-14 year old? We don’t know at this point. Ian said he’s got others working on this as well, so we’ll just have to see what comes of that.

Remember, these are all just ALLEGATIONS. NOTHING has been proven, or even subjected to a formal investigation. Which, given the subject, would be the purview of the weaponized, anti-Trump FBI and DOJ. Oh, joy.

It goes without saying that these and any future allegations should be fully investigated. This should be done as soon as possible, with the results and evidence being fully released to the public. We deserve no less.

Part of this investigation needs to be why DocNetyoutube was sent to Twitter jail for breaking this story. Hello, Elon! Are you serious about X being a platform for free speech and citizen journalism? Doc took what, to me, are more than reasonable precautions, and still wound up silenced for three days, and maybe more. Somebody’s got some ‘splainin’ to do about that!

I’ve been asked about the content of the video. Specifically, about the timing of its release and the general content. As a retired Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist who had to deal with far too many of these cases, what I saw in this video was quite reasonable, given the subject. The lack of reporting at the time because of shame and fear? Common. The rationale for “why now?”—Walz’s recent appearance at the school and what could very well be a flashback to the abuse? Totally plausible. The guilt at having possibly caused others to be abused by not coming forward earlier. Oh, yeah; completely believable and frequently seen in these cases. Can I absolutely swear it happened? No…but there are rarely any cases like this where you can do that. The best a psychiatrist can do is give an opinion and say how confident he is in that opinion.

If a full forensic evaluation of the video strongly suggests this is indeed Matthew Metro in a legit video, then I’d want to do a further face-to-face evaluation before rendering a formal opinion. I can always tell more in person than from a video. Without that option? I’m leaning towards believing the person in the video right now, but I’m far from certain.

I’m absolutely certain about this: we need an investigation, period. We need it now, not in a few weeks. We also need to know what the mainstream media and the Democratic Party are going to do about it.

Is it even legally and/or logistically possible for Walz to be replaced just like Joe was when he bombed the first debate? The ballots are printed and voting has begun, but would that matter to the DNC? Nothing else has for years, so why bother with laws, convention, tradition and what the voters want at this late date?

If Walz “resigns” (again) or is booted, who would replace him? I suppose it could be argued that the Veep candidate is selected by and serves at the pleasure of the Presidential nominee, but who’d even want it at this late date? Given that Kamala is sinking faster than the Titanic in the polls, who would accept the offer? Big Mike? Doubtful, although that might save the ticket. Hillary? All the women would come out, which would make the steal easier. However, how long do you think Kamala would last as Hillary’s President until she had that “tragic accident” or “suicide?” Late February? Mid March? I want $20 on President Hillary being sworn in before the Final Four. March madness, indeed!

For now, we can only wait, watch, and pray for the abused.

And Tim Walz? If more accusers come forward, his week can still get much worse.

In the meantime, here’s some links so you can judge for yourself.

Deep fake detection screenshots:

@DocNetyoutube initial post on Sunday:

Ian Carroll’s follow up:

Dr. Bill Chitwood is a retired Child, Adolescent and Family Psychiatrist who does political consulting and media relations. He is the author of Beyond Maga, available on Amazon under his pen name, Doc Contrarian. He can be found on Substack and social media as @DocContrarian.

Opinions expressed in the Alabama Gazette are the opinions and viewpoints of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Alabama Gazette staff, advertisers, and/ publishers.


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