The people's voice of reason

"Live Significantly Today"

Have you ever said this to yourself? I feel like that what I do is insignificant and maybe even pointless. I'm not even sure anybody notices anymore or even cares about me.

My friend, may I encourage you? There's a story in the Bible in the book of John chapter 6 about Jesus feeding thousands of people, but there's a part nobody talks about.

The story goes that a boy brought 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread in his lunch. I like to think he was packing Star Wars lunchbox because a friend of mine in elementary school had one. He was the coolest guy at school! This boy had made the coolest guy there besides Jesus.

Disciple Andrew saw it and told Jesus there is a boy here with 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread. Maybe we could use it. Jesus took it and fed thousands of people. Amazing!

But what about that boy's Mama? What's his momma got to do with this? Well, it isn't in the Bible, I just like to think about these things. It is very likely she made that bread. It is very likely she packed that lunch. I wonder what she was like and I wonder what kind of struggle she had. Maybe she thought, “I get up every day. I make food. Clean the house and do all these things. I go to bed and I do them all over again. I don't even know if any of it really matters because it's just insignificant”. And perhaps while she was struggling with that…the very thing she had given away that morning was about feeding thousands. She just didn't know it yet.

And Y’all, I wonder what it was like when that boy came home and told her. What she had seen is insignificant became extremely significant from that day forward. It had been all along, she just didn't know it yet.

You may think, what do I have to offer? My talent, my gift? It's insignificant. Oh dear one, nothing is insignificant in the hands of God. Every single talent, every single skill, every single gift that you have is significant. And don't act like you don’t have them because you do! What you have is given to you by God himself, so let him have it.

Funny thought…I wonder if they had any mayonnaise to go with that?!?!

Live significantly today, my friend!

Many Blessings!



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