The people's voice of reason

Here We Go Again

After I wrote my latest Robservation, almost as soon as I sent it in, Iran started launching missiles at Israel - - again!! According to the news, the Iranians launched almost two-hundred missiles, drones and rockets into Israel. Thank God, our God, almost all of those projectiles were defeated and sent down without causing too much damage or casualties. But watching the attack on the television this morning was something that angered me.

The entire world, with some notable exceptions, seem to be standing against Israel. The worthless U.N. is arguably the worst. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu said it best when he said that nobody was crying for a cease-fire until Israel started fighting back. This is true. Yet our Vice-President, just today could not say that Netanyahu is an ally of the United States. The people of Israel, yes. Netanyahu? Crickets – pathetic. So now Israel, out-manned but certainly not out “Godded,” will be forced to stand against forces wanting nothing less than their total extinction.

I stand with Israel. Deal with it. I read that Iran state media said Israel will face “crushing attacks” if they respond to the Iranian strikes. Can you believe that. One country launches hundreds of projectiles in an attempt to kill your people and destroy your cities and they have the gumption to say, “Yeah, we attacked you. But you had better not hit us back.” I am not sure but I am willing to bet that there are a couple of million middle fingers in Israel tonight getting ready for a busy day tomorrow.

Since this is just unfolding, there will me more of this to come later.

It is a Principle

Know well the condition of your flocks, And pay attention to your herds;

For riches are not forever, Nor does a crown endure to all generations.

When the grass disappears, the new growth is seen, And the herbs of the mountains are gathered in,

The lambs will be for your clothing, And the goats will bring the price of a field,

And there will be goats’ milk enough for your food, For the food of your household, And sustenance for your maidens.

Proverbs 27:23-27

Hurricane Helene did a number on the United States and the death toll continues to climb. I love the book of Proverbs. Included in my daily quiet time, I always read the corresponding Proverb with the date. For example, today, the 7th of October, I read Proverbs 7. I have been doing this for years. What I love about the book of Proverbs is that it is full of principles for life. There are so many facets of our lives that are covered that it seems that no matter how many times I read this book, I am gaining insight to something I did not see before. That is why the Word of God is “living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword. . .” But principles, just like the principles of war I often talk about are just that; principles.

The verse at the beginning of this section is no different. No matter how much we try to dilute the truth, it is a Biblical principle that are leaders are to take care of their people first. This of course deals with homelife as well in this context. But leaders are to “know well the condition of their flock.” So many times, I hear people, usually non-Christians, spout words that are contrary to the Word and I just shake my head. They say it is the Christian thing to do to take care of all the people who come to this country. Even those who come here illegally. I wholly disagree. The Christian thing is to take care of your people first. Then, if there is money and resources left over, absolutely, 100%, you help others. But if giving billions of dollars to other countries while your own people are suffering from a natural disaster and you can only give a little money to help them, you have lost your focus. Unless that is in fact your focus to begin with. Free housing, free education, and medical at the expense of your own people is criminal in my mind. Why on earth would you want to help others before you help Americans? Homeless vets, the victims of Helene, etc. The Left’s solution? Let’s give more money to the Ukraine and to the people of Lebanon first. Let’s dole out millions of dollars, raiding the FEMA coffers, in order to help illegal aliens while saying there is almost no money left to help Americans. This administration: shame on all of you and many others.

She Said the Quiet Thing Out Loud

They are not even hiding it anymore. The Leftist are proudly proclaiming what they what to accomplish. It should not be any surprise because the Left has done anything but pull back on the rhetoric after two assassination attempts on Donald Trump. They almost seem proud to be a part of a movement that wants to kill any opposition to their warped vision of America. But the other day, Hillary Clinton actually said that “quiet thing out loud.” Talking about free speech, one of the primary targets of the Left, totally in line with all of their fascist and socialist doctrine, actually admitted that we need to limit free speech. In the link above, you can find the video of her making this claim. Although the quote is too long to publish here, she in part said concerning social media that “We need national action . . . This should be at the top of every legislative, political agenda . . . whether it’s Facebook or Twitter or X or Instagram or TikTok, whatever they are, if they don’t moderate and monitor the content we lose total control.” She said we need more “guardrails” and “regulations.”

Although this is cleverly crafted in terms of trying to protect children, we can and should all be able to “zwischen den Zahlen lesen” - - read between the lines. The true purpose, in addition to perhaps protecting children (I am not convinced they truly care about this), is to limit what these platforms can say. The left wants to determine that which can and cannot be published. Who gives them the right to determine what is truth? Oh, they do. Remember Nina Jankowicz. Just like Josef Goebbels. Right now, he is looking up from Hell admiring the principles that he put into place taking hold in the United States. But like I said, perhaps most troubling is that the Left is not even trying to hide their goals. It is out in the open and unfortunately there are millions of lemmings and lambs out there numbly nodding their heads in agreement.

The founding fathers had it right. Communists, socialists, progressives, and fascists all stand in opposition to this basic fundamental right. Where do you stand?



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