The people's voice of reason

Calling Donald Trump a Fascist: Last Gasp of a Failed Campaign

As we stand on the precipice of this crucial election, Americans are looking for real solutions—answers that will pull us out of the quagmire of crises engulfing our nation.

From skyrocketing inflation, energy insecurity, and a crumbling border to our cities ravaged by crime, it feels as if our country is crying out for competent leadership. What does Kamala Harris have to offer? Name-calling. Apparently, all she's got left in her closing pitch is calling Donald Trump a fascist and implying he is the second coming of Adolph Hitler.

This change in tone represents a shift but is not an anomaly. After a “Brat summer” of good vibes, memes, and uplifting messages about “not going back,” Harris’s last few weeks of messaging have struck a comical tone of a non-serious candidate: Name Calling.

Our nation faces a moment of crisis—one that demands a strong vision rooted in American values: liberty, self-reliance, and free enterprise. But Comrade Kamala and her minions in the Democratic Party are offering nothing but empty rhetoric and tired slogans. Instead of addressing our porous borders, they're preaching about "compassion "and a path to citizenship while the floodgates remain wide open. Instead of discussing how to reinvigorate our energy sector, they're focused on mandates that will make us more dependent on the likes of China. When it comes to crime, they refuse to support law enforcement, ensuring that our cities descend into chaos.

The truth is, every policy prescription Kamala Harris has on her platform is socialist in nature. Free healthcare—socialist. Free college—socialist. Rent controls and government-run housing—socialist. And the all-time favorite of this administration, sweeping climate regulations that stifle our economy—all straight from the socialist playbook. They're peddling government control at every turn, and they've got the nerve to call Donald Trump the fascist? It's almost laughable.

Our economy, the greatest in the world, was not built by bureaucrats and central planners. It was built by free men and women, by entrepreneurs who took risks, by small businesses that flourished in an environment of liberty. Government control is not the way forward. It didn't work in the Soviet Union, it doesn't work in Venezuela, and it certainly won't work here in the United States.

This nation was founded on the ideals of freedom and self-governance, not dependency on government handouts. We thrive when the American people are left alone to make their own choices—to work hard, to dream big, and to keep the fruits of their labor. That's the engine that drives prosperity, and its exactly what Kamala Harris and her cronies seek to dismantle. Their vision is one where government becomes the answer to every problem, where power is concentrated in Washington rather than distributed among “We the People.”

It’s Kamala Harris's pronouncements reveals her deeply troubling authoritarian streak, one that has all the hallmarks of fascism. Her calls for expanding the government's power to control various aspects of the economy—from healthcare to energy production—point to her alarming desire for -consolidation of authority. Her push for strict regulations on speech that she deems "misinformation;" also shows an unsettling disregard for the First Amendment, aiming to silence dissent and dictate what Americans can say or think. By weaponizing federal agencies to pursue political opponents and using executive power to override states' rights, Harris's policies exemplify the very definition of centralized, unchecked government control, which is more fascist than anything she is accusing Donald Trump of promoting.

Let me be clear: Kamala Harris is not running on solutions. She's running on division, fear, and name-calling. The American people deserve better than that. We deserve leadership that believes in the principles that made this nation great—free enterprise, limited government, and individual liberty.

Kamala might think that calling Donald Trump a fascist will sway voters. But the American people are smarter than that. We see through the smoke and mirrors. We know that the policies she promotes are not the answer—they are the problem. Socialism, no matter how it's packaged, leads to the same end: less freedom, less prosperity, and more power in the hands of a distant elite. As Americans, we have a choice to make. We can choose the failed policies of socialism that have led to misery wherever they’ve been tried, or we can choose the timeless values of freedom and opportunity. Let’s send a message loud and clear: We’re not buying what Kamala is selling. This nation was built by free people—and that’s the way it’s going to stay when we elect Donald J. Trump the 47th President of these United States.

Perry O Hooper Jr is a former State Representative who writes columns on his political perspective and has been published in a number of publications around Alabama and beyond. He was an early supporter of Donald Trump and was the 2016 Trump Victory Chair.

Opinions expressed in the Alabama Gazette are the opinions and viewpoints of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Alabama Gazette staff, advertisers, and/ publishers.


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