There is one thing I think I have been able to do fairly well since I first started writing these Robservations for the Gazette in 2015. 174 columns later, this is probably my first or maybe second “rant.” But this political season has me shaking my head and realizing as usual that stressing over things I cannot control is counter-productive and that in the end, my source is God and God alone.
Nevertheless, we all live in this fallen world and I still find myself looking at the enemy because I still want to be able to speak factually about topics. The whole “Sun Tzu art of war – knowing your enemy” thing. Years of military training has sort of engrained that into me. But I have a friend who posted something on Facebook that I initially responded to but then took it down. It was not because I disagreed with him but I thoroughly agreed; almost 100%. I just felt that since I do not know many of his friends, I decided to follow Else’s lead and “let it go.”
But now that I am here with “my peeps,” I decided to discuss certain things that I am thinking about concerning the upcoming election.
1. I am not a forever Trumper. Not even close. I cannot say that I actually like the man. Many of us don’t. There are many times when he opens his mouth or pushes the buttons to squeeze out a tweet and I blush in embarrassment. (Yes, Black guys can blush). I want to jump through the television set, take his device and crush it. I am sure that more than one advisor has told him to lay off with the stupid social media attacks and act, you know, presidential. Hmmm, imagine that? I get it. You hate certain people, but you know what, you do not have to remind us everyday that you hate them or what you think of them.
Churchill once wrote, “If you stop to throw stones at every dog that barks at you, you will never get where you are going.” I wish he shared that level of sophistication, restraint and dare I say, class? But it seems as though he cannot help himself. It is who he is and what he is. Some might say he is a bully but I see it as a guy who simply cannot stop himself and once is attacked, he is going to hit back until the opposition is crushed. In the political world, that can be both an advantage or a hindrance.
Now, all this being said, when I look at policies alone, not the personality, I am left with one decision. And no, this is not intended to be an endorsement for Donald Trump. That is not my place. All I am saying is that there is more to a presidential candidate than mean tweets and a sometimes-caustic personality. Policies and platforms are most important to me.
2. I am a Never, Never, Not Ever, Kamala Harris supporter. I find it funny how arguably the most disliked, incompetent and ineffectual vice-president in American history is now the face of hope within the Democratic Party. A friend of mine said that he only hopes that if she wins, that she surrounds herself with good advisors.
I told him that would never happen. Look, Harris is an ultra-left-wing stooge who was once voted the most liberal senator in the country. She is an unapologetic socialist with an agenda that will mirror or even exceed that of her current boss. Harris and those like her have an agenda to fulfill so why would she surround herself with good advisors who have the welfare of this entire country in mind? She won’t. She can’t.
Let’s just look at how she got to where she is right now. Was she voted in? Did she win in the primaries? No. Nobody voted for her. After Biden was forced out, uhhh, actually what he himself has implied, she was installed as a successor. Some 80 million Democratic voters were just disenfranchised (a word the left loves using) and are now forced to eat the Harris poop sandwich being shoved down their throats. But amazingly, few people seem to care. Definitely not enough to say anything. For many Americans, this is just a political version of American idol where popularity is the sole criteria for many who are voting. For many, the sole fact that she is a woman of color is THE ONLY reason they have for voting for her. I have heard people talking. And let’s be honest, can anybody give a really good reason for voting for Harris? A reason other than you hate Trump, at least it is not Trump, or orange man bad?
Just the other day, Harris said that she wants to give all first-time house buyers $25,000 for their down payment. Okay, so who in the heck is going to pay for this? Of course, that means us. Remember, there is no such thing as government funded. We fund it. She talks about getting rid of private health insurance and having state run insurance. That is pretty sickening socialist stuff to me. Guaranteed members of government will have their private insurance. That is how socialism works. The elite will still have their private insurance and amenities others won’t. “Let them eat cake.” In the words of Vladmir Lenin, the goal of socialism is communism. When these people say such egregious things, I actually take their word for it. When they first started touting student loan forgiveness, I took them at their word while some people told me, “Rob, it will never happen.” I have never been an, “I told you so person” but. . . . When the democrats called for and continue to call for defunding the police, I take them at their word. When Iran says they want to destroy Israel, I believe that is what they wish they could do. When Harris’ vice-president nominee, Herr stolen valor Tim Walz said that he would invest in a company that would make ladders so illegals could climb over any wall along our border, I believe him. Even if he would not build the ladders, it exposes the wretched darkness in his soul that he would rather support invaders from other countries than American citizens. When Hitler called his shots in Mein Kampf, the world ignored him and where did that get us?
Harris as president will certainly continue with the policies and mistakes laid down before her by both Obama and Biden. They have a goal and as Obama once said, that goal is to radically transform America (to alter, convert, or to make a thorough or dramatic change in the form, appearance, or character of something). And people, you never radically transform something you love but something you hate. If you truly love your spouse, do you really want to radically transform that person? Harris will most certainly surround herself with sock puppet ideologues who believe in the same thing. Why wouldn’t she?
What is amazing to me is how blindly people are jumping on the bandwagon for someone they were not allowed to even vote for. And when they did vote for her back in 2020, nobody voted for her and she was booted out of the primaries early in the show. “But we need her to save democracy!” Nothing cries “democracy” like bypassing the votes of millions of people. Nothing cries democracy like avoiding the press for over a month as your party’s nominee and refusing to answer basic questions on what your policies are going to be. Nothing cries democracy like wanting non-citizens voting in our elections.
How willingly some Americans are embracing socialism/ communism is both scary and sad. A poll that can be found on states that 70 percent of Millennials say they will likely vote for a socialist and 36 percent said they approve of communism. 22 Percent also said that “society would be better if all private property was abolished” while 45 percent of Gen Z and Millennials think higher education should be free. They may one day get their wish. But always be careful what you ask for. Like Harris’ promise of government price controls on things like food and gas. Has she ever read history? It has been said that those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it. The caveat? Those who ignore history are planning to repeat it. Does the 20th Century of communist and socialist history tell these people anything? It might if they aggressively taught it in our schools. Yet like goosestepping, hobnailed, jackboot wearing lemmings, many seem willing to freely step in line right off the cliff their own destruction.
The 2024 election is fast approaching, all I am saying is be careful what you ask for.
PS – Okay, here is a little nugget I want to throw out and I will address this topic at a later date. There is not a day that goes by without me reading about somebody being raped. Normally there are dozens. states that there are sexual assaults every 68 seconds in America. 15% of the victims are ages 12-17, while 54% are between 18-34. Those 35-64 make up 28% while 3% are 65 and older.
I hate rape. There are few crimes that I detest more. What rape does to the psyche of the man, woman, girl, or boy is unimaginable. I saw an article this morning where some kid raped a high school girl and beat her up so badly that she is now unable to walk, swallow or do anything for herself. Her life is gone. Her parents are now her fulltime care takers. Rape victims carry these scars around for the rest of their lives. Often, the perp walks away with nothing more than the satisfaction of his crime, unencumbered with any remorse and often nothing more than a proverbial slap on the wrist. Some young girls, so brutalized and damaged, can never have children of their own. Many victims, burdened with what happened, opt for suicide. Unfortunately, rape seems to be the crime of choice now for many people including many illegals invading our country. It must stop!!
My point. I think it is time for the law makers in this country to consider rape as a capital offense. Sorry, but I believe this. At a minimum, punishment should be life with no chance of parole. It doesn’t matter if the victim is a girl or boy, man or woman. You rape someone, you have forfeited your life. Until we as a nation decide that this crime is as horrific as it is, rapes will continue. They will. I cannot understand why we take such a light hearted view of rape. I will not.
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