The people's voice of reason

This Is NOT Proof Trump's Shooter Is A Glowie

(September 17, 2024) Today, I intended to write about the fallout one week out from the Trump/Harris debate, but things didn’t work out that way.

I’m not going to write about how the backlash against ABC and the Harris campaign has completely overwhelmed any advantage Kamala may have gotten for her debate performance. I’m not going to mention the polls that showed a clear debate advantage to Trump, including a 2:1 advantage among independents. I’m not going to mention Kamala’s many flip flops, or the serious questions that she should have been asked, but wasn’t (for Reasons I totally understand). There’s no way I’m going to talk about the deployed soldier’s “so where the f*** are we right now” response to Kamala’s “no troops in a war zone” lie, or mention that even woke AI ChatGPT called both Kamala and the moderators on their blatant bias.

I’m not going to write about how the “ABC had lost $27 million in ad revenue since the debate” is probably Fake News…but I will put a link to the Big 3 Networks most recent advertiser lists at the bottom of this post, with contact links for each of them. Not that you’d want to contact the advertisers and express your displeasure at their funding of such a biased debate, or anything.

I’m absolutely not going to address the ABC whistleblower affidavit that dropped Sunday afternoon showing that the Harris campaign was given “sample” questions ahead of time. There’s certainly no need to mention this if you’re telling any advertiser why you’ll no longer be using any of their products because they advertise on the Anti-American Broadcasting Company. And, that interesting little scandal about Tim Walz being investigated for his ties to the CCP? It certainly won’t be mentioned today.

Nope, not going to write about any of that, except to mention in passing that I always post these articles to my Substack ( within a day, with links to my sources.

Today’s column had to be about the very interesting information that’s been pouring out about the alleged Trump golf course shooter.

As a matter of policy, I won’t be mentioning the shooter’s name. It’s everywhere if you care to look, but I refuse to give him and his admirers the satisfaction of naming him. If he wants to be a martyr, fine—he’ll get no name recognition from me. I also want to reduce the risk of other crazed Lefties—because as I wrote yesterday, he obviously was a crazed Lefty—deciding to be copycats.

We used to worry about such things, and the media was pretty good about keeping the names and glorification of these loons to a minimum. But, I guess when they’re trying to kill President Trump, that all goes out the window.

It’s almost like they want Trump dead, or something.

Thanks to right wing media sites and numerous citizen journalists and investigators posting on X and other platforms (NOT Facebook), there’s been a significant amount of information coming out to suggest a connection between the shooter and elements of the Deep State—specifically the CIA. In other words, the shooter was likely a glowie.

“Glowie” is “a slang term popular on 4chan's /pol/ board used in reference to CIA or other governmental agents posing as ordinary 4chan users in order to bait others into sharing incriminating information. It is also used to call out potential bait posts made by agents in an insulting way.” Calling someone a glowie or “Fed” tags them as being likely plants or agents, usually emplaced to disrupt, agitate, entrap or otherwise incriminate people who the Deep State wants dealt with. Remember Ray Epps? Glowie. Patriot Front? Major glowies. Reason we still haven’t seen all the J6 footage? Glowies the Powers That Be don’t want exposed.

As to what’s come out, it’s more than the shooter having a Biden/Harris sticker on his truck, or donating exclusively to Democrats through ActBlue, or having an illegally-obtained SKS rifle that wouldn’t fall under the Dem’s assault weapon ban. It starts with him being arrested for possessing a Weapon of Mass Destruction in 2002 (an assault rifle) and only getting probation. It’s about being on the FBI’s radar since 2019–as we’ve heard before, too many times. It’s the video of him actively recruiting revolutionaries to fight in Ukraine, or setting up the International Volunteer Center in Ukraine to facilitate this. It’s talking about bringing Afghans into Ukraine on fake Pakistani passports (because Pakistan is so corrupt it’s easy to get passports there). It’s not that he and the Butler shooter were both in Blackrock commercials, or he (the second shooter) was in a commercial featuring the Azov Battalion (Ukrainian Neo-Nazis). It’s his ties to a celebrity chef who’s cooked for the Clintons and Kamala. It’s not that he had contact with CBS News, The New York Times, Semafor and Newsweek—all known for their anti-Trump stances. It’s that one of his first Followers (and one of his first Followed) was Soo Kim—ex-CIA, affiliated with the Rand Corporation, Yale and SAISStrat. It’s that Soo Kim’s mobile device is linked to DHS leadership, and there were allegedly “a ton of messages” between Soo Kim and the shooter. It’s reports—rumors, really—that Trump’s last minute decision to play golf wasn’t leaked by the Secret Service, but by Homeland Security, who then passed it to the FBI who were allegedly running the asset (aka the “glowie”).

It’s not any one of these things by themselves, but taken as an overall pattern? None of this is conclusive proof that the shooter is a glowie, but I can’t help thinking what Perry Mason would do with all these bits of information.

Regardless, I’m sure this is nothing. The weaponized FBI is running the investigation, and an anti-Trump Special Agent In Charge is leading the investigation. I’m sure we’ll absolutely be able to trust the results of the investigation, even after the shooter “suicides.”

Just like we can totally trust the FBI’s investigation into the first shooter, Hunter's laptop, and J6.

I’m not going to write about those things in this piece, either.

ABC, NBC & CBS Media Advertisers Lists, 9/2/24–9/15/24:

Dr. Bill Chitwood is a retired Child, Adolescent and Family Psychiatrist who does political consulting and media relations. He is the author of Beyond Maga, available on Amazon under his pen name, Doc Contrarian. He can be found on Substack and social media as @DocContrarian.

Opinions expressed in the Alabama Gazette are the opinions and viewpoints of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Alabama Gazette staff, advertisers, and/ publishers.


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