The people's voice of reason

The Zero Sum Game ~ Trump v. Harris; ... Harris v. Trump (does it matter?. )

Keeping the moral minimums includes not drone striking, not taking lives via a September 11th style attack and otherwise refusing methods of death to deal with death. But then again - is there not also that nagging theory of "just war". And in the end - how do we make our lives even count. Are we just another organic being forgotten or otherwise yet to be consumed by the earth, irrelevant to the web and forgotten by a generation.

So yes - it was exciting. And what an honor to have two talented people love their nation square of with words and principles delivered by polished personalities. Yet - Zero Sum Game.

This theory of life in regards to anything which takes one captive is crucial. It is best offered up to the greedy when watching them lie and pretend to be dignified to maintain their financial status quo or to enrich themselves with some unjust gain. The "well my friend it is a zero sum game" helps us recollect that we are going from ashes (material) to ashes, dust to dust. Therefore regardless of "policy" if one considers actual debating from a share score card perspective one would be misrepresentative to indicate that Trump won the debate - rather it seems there was a zero sum effect. If anything, in a peculiar way Kamala like had more connection moments with the legitimate values and virtues she is communicating despite her having adopted policy compromises which do not recognize the civil rights and natural law minimums.

Truth be told - thus the political effect is like that the First Presidential Debate of 2024 will have a zero sum effect - but if a gun to the head required it - one would err on saying perhaps if connection with the fence votes was the point that Harris actually had more extended periods of virtuous human energy. Which is actually concerning because a scholar in the academic from a basic platform faith ethics standard would fail both of them. Meaning there are two very charismatic characters with few if any doubt about the perspective. Any transparency value goes to Harris for she was more testimonial than in times past and yet there is no doubt that Trump "won" with regards to quid pro quo or value laden policy articulation - simply because his platform does not have the glaring "death camps" don't exist mentality that the radical Democrats have taken.

Yet do note Mass Incarceration is a modern plight with about 1.8 million people in the US detained in "Concentration Camps" or really just "work camps" of sorts which was not discussed by either candidate - likely confirming - Aunt Kamala ain't "black" - in policy - and it appeared as if in that moment it was discussed she whispered it - but yes - yes - yes it is relevant and was not discussed to the degree that it is modern slavery or indentured servitude but is not discussed. Or is misunderstood by outlets like NPR and so no position is taken as to reform, therefore yet another virtue gap of why this people group is overlooked and has no voice.

Regardless - whoever you believe "won the debate" - it was as natural law always promises - both looked human - had human responses - made human mistakes in preconceiving some fact pattern - both could have been more respectful - but she did have a charm and if being a good President were based upon emotion, articulation and charisma - she would do a fine job. Yet it seems that is the very concern most have who care for Kamala Harris - she is selling out her own soul by platform without seeing how fearfully and beautifully we all were and in succumbing to unnatural policy perspectives. We should recognize as a nation that war does not end war - undeclared war never has a declared ending because it remains undeclared. Do we value life? Perhaps either "winner" for both were during the Debate - will truly have the charisma to force world peace - at least for a day - and then a week. Only God knows. Despite any bladder distractions - or testings of her will - in advance - for sticking to her pro-Constitutional evolving policy - Kamala did an excellent job.

It was surprising as well to not hear much about transgenderism which is truly a platform Trojan horse of DSM trickery, in most conservatives' opinion. And the repeating of the same narrowly tailored pitches by both sides - thus media has made the process very demanding while in the end it is much to do about nothing with a zero sum game effect politically - but certainly a movement of the heart for Kamala Harris passion and Donald Trump's embracing by faith of the clear sacrifices such a public office brings. He appeared to over-associate in one portion referring to being "probably a head shot" or something of that nature which remains an odd pattern of this uncleared, unsecured area - a bystander gets shot, Trumps team is being investigated and his wife is calling conspiracy. My purposes have been clear - like that of the next step peace corp of sorts - that life is valuable. Faith in God has common ground policy good when natural law by philosophy is not neglected. This leads to the Constitutional "bubbles" of rights which are a delicate balance.

Civil rights matter. And these two candidates first debate was a zero sum game with Trump believers finding him the victor and Harris' supports believing she prevailed. Praying both took a step spiritually to better understand how to continue to challenge themselves in not merely delivery but policy as they both truly gave best efforts which means they are Champions in the objective realm of competition. Prayer for their souls and the nation. Any critique of the moderators is unfounded - seemed flawless in soundings, pivots, gestations, graces and hardline questions. Faith for new days, new seasons. May all #Favilla Well.

Trenton "Trentesimo" Garmon is a Christian civil activist, a seasoned trial lawyer, and father of five. He believes in natural law, the Constitution and inalienable civil rights. He enjoys his faith, family, fishing, campfires and football.

Opinions expressed in the Alabama Gazette are the opinions and viewpoints of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Alabama Gazette staff, advertisers, and/ publishers.


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