The people's voice of reason

The No. 2 Debate

The No. 2 Debate

October 2, 2024–I expected the Vice Presidential debate to be a big, stinking pile of No. 2.

I was only mildly disappointed.

I can say two good things about it: it's over, and we won’t have to endure another one.

Okay, three things: it wasn’t as badly biased as the Trump/Harris debate. Tiny props to CBS for that.

It was amusing to watch J.D. Vance fact check the fact checkers on the CBP One app. That made me giggle. Then, I dozed off halfway through because BORING, until right before the closing statements.

At least the Presidential debate kept me awake, but that was because I was yelling at the TV.

Tim Walz is a better debater than Kamala Harris. He could hardly be worse, without lowering his IQ down to her level (reportedly, 78). He came loaded with talking points, ready to defend the indefensible Biden/Harris record and her radical policy positions. ALL the talking points—the same old, tired, transparently fake and fabricated talking points the Harris campaign and their media stooges have been shoveling since they forced old Joe off the ticket.

J.D. Vance is a better debater than Low-T Tim and came loaded with facts, figures and the brutal reality of both Biden/Harris’ and Walz’s records. He was prepared to deal with the same three-on-one we saw at the Presidential debate—and it’s a good thing he did, because that’s largely what we saw.

The bias of the moderators wasn’t quite as egregious as it was during the Presidential debate—CBS obviously paid attention to the backlash against ABC after the Trump/Harris debacle—but the moderators just couldn’t help themselves, especially on climate change, abortion and other hot button lefty issues.

Vance’s comeback to a Walz response pretty much sums up the evening: “I asked you a specific question, Governor. You gave me a slogan as a response.”

Another good moment was when the moderator actually challenged Walz on his lying about having been in Tiananmen Square during the infamous massacre. Walz waffled on, trying to avoid answering, but when the moderator kept pressing him, Timmie finally had to admit that he “misspoke.”

Shocking, right? That a CBS moderator made him admit to lying about this surprised me. Pity they didn’t call him on all the other exaggerations, half-truths and outright lies he’s been caught in. Stolen valor, anyone?

I guess the moderators wanted to save that time for asking Vance about all the things he’s said when he didn’t agree with his running mate, Donald Trump. Vance expected this, because he’s been challenged on these before, and he’s already answered these questions a zillion times. Vance did say that when you misspeak or change your mind, you should own up to it, which he’s done. That takes strength of character—the same strength of character a Vice President needs to be able to tell The Boss when he disagrees with him on a serious issue. In private, of course.

That’s something I want the Vice President to be able to do—tell the President when and why he’s wrong, as a final check on the power of the office.

Of course, I also expect the Vice President to publicly support the President, or to resign when they can’t. That also takes strength of character, and I haven’t seen much of that from Tampon Tim these last few weeks.

I’ll give Walz this: he’s the perfect yes-man to Kamala Harris. He doesn’t seem to disagree with her on anything. That’s what worries me.

If Tim Walz becomes Veep, he’ll go along with whatever Kamala’s handlers tell her to say. He’ll serve the same function in a Harris administration as his DEI-hire boss served in the Biden administration—Vice Sock Puppet. That means the same motley crew who’ve been running the county for the last four years (God knows it hasn’t been Joe Biden) will keep running the show.

I’m not sure the species can survive four more years of this madness, much less the nation. The cockroaches, probably. Humans? Not so much.

I doubt more than a dozen people nationwide will make their decision on November 5th based on Tuesday night’s debate. If you’re still undecided at this point, you probably don’t need to be voting, anyway. The differences between the candidates, their records and their visions for the next four years could hardly be more different. You can either vote for Harris/Walz and get more Bidenomics, more open borders and “newcomers” invading, more interminable foreign wars (with a possible WWIII) and more “fundamental transformation” of America into a third world crap hole. Or, you can vote for Trump/Vance and a return to peace, prosperity and the MAGA agenda.

Voters face a stark choice this November. Will they choose Trump/Vance and America First? Or will they choose Harris/Walz and their big, stinking socialist pile of No. 2?

Dr. Bill Chitwood is a retired Child, Adolescent and Family Psychiatrist who does political consulting and media relations. He is the author of Beyond Maga, available on Amazon under his pen name, Doc Contrarian. He can be found on Substack and social media as @DocContrarian.

Opinions expressed in the Alabama Gazette are the opinions and viewpoints of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Alabama Gazette staff, advertisers, and/ publishers.


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