The people's voice of reason

The Invasion Is Here

(September 4, 2024) Want a Get Out Of Jail Free card? All you have to do is move to a sanctuary city and tell the cops you’re an illegal!

“Because we’re a sanctuary city. I’ve arrested a double homicide suspect in this city before and let him walk out the door because we’re in a sanctuary city. We’re not going to call ICE to come pick up and deport him.”

The above quote comes from a video that blew up the internet this weekend, and was made by a cop speaking to a man who was trying to report a crime committed by an illegal.

Full disclosure: no one has been able to verify the location or time of this video that I could find. The Gateway Pundit has tried, and I expect the netziens to give us an answer soon, but we don’t have it yet. I’ve linked Gateway Pundit’s report below. Watch it for yourself and make up your own mind.

It doesn’t look like a staged prank video. Based on the dialogue my best guess is that it’s from New York City or its environs, but I can’t be certain. One lesson here is to ALWAYS watermark and time stamp your videos, sweeties!

There’s more to this video, but it’s mostly variations on the theme of “we’re a sanctuary city, we don’t report, we don’t call ICE.”

The video‘s popularity was fueled by last week’s reports that an apartment complex in Aurora, Colorado (a suburb of Denver) had been taken over by the Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua. Another video allegedly showing armed gang members entering an Aurora apartment went viral. The Mayor and a City Councilman said there was gang involvement, but the acting Police Chief denied this. Independent journalist Tyler Olivera went to the complex and found third-world conditions in a complex overrun by Venezuelans, frequent gunshots and anxious residents—but no clear evidence of gang violence reported by the Venezuelan residents. The neighbors, however, confirmed gang involvement and the increased violence as the Venezuelan population had increased over the past year.

Monday, a group of 32 armed Venezuelans took over an apartment building in Chicago (the 911 call is linked below). Ominously, the day before, a Black Chicago resident posted on TikTok that:

“(T)his ain’t Colorado, this ain’t Utah, this ain’t like none of them places. This is just like where you are from. The only difference is you use a lot of handguns and old revolvers and machetes and sh*t. We got switches. If you’re not familiar with what a switch is, we will show you.”

A “switch” is a small device that attaches to the slide of a Glock pistol and converts it to full auto. Attached to a gun or not, it’s regarded as a machine gun (and thus illegal) by the ATF. Obviously, that’s given as much consideration by the good 2A-loving people of Chicago as it deserves, right along with Illinois’ strict gun control policies.

It’s not like pulling out the Glock would be anything new in Chicago. There were thirty one people shot, five fatally, over Labor Day weekend. Pretty tame holiday, by Chiraque standards.

Have Chicagoians finally had enough of Biden/Harris’ open border policies? For months, Black Chicago residents have been unwell with the city’s generous assistance for “newcomers” while their people suffered under socialist Mayor Brandon Johnson. With this blatant Venezuelan gang activity, it certainly looks like things are moving that way.

It’s not just in Colorado and Chicago. Citizen journalists have reported that Venezuelan gangs have taken over an apartment complex in Dallas. About 75% of all arrests for violent crime in Midtown New York are “suspected illegals,” and units of the U.S. Army have been deployed at a NYC hotel being used to house “newcomers.”

If that weren’t enough, Mexico will now be providing buses with police escorts to transport “newcomers” to the U.S., as part of a deal struck with Border Czar Kamala Harris and old Joe’s administration!

Hopefully, they’ll all go to California, get their $150,000 “loan” for a house down payment, and start living the American Dream—despite not being, you know, Americans.

The Biden/Harris administration threw open the borders and opened the spigot to a massive invasion of “newcomers.’ Komrade Kamala will continue those policies, regardless of what her campaign staff tells her to say on any given day. They’ve done this, and will continue to do this, despite the majority of Americans, including rising numbers of Democrats, wanting just the opposite.

The immigrant invasion is not about what American citizens want. It’s about the elites of the Democratic Party who want to import all those new Democratic voters. It’s about the corporate elites who want all those new low-skill, low-wage workers to further depress wages for American workers. It’s about all those NGOs working on the Great Replacement to finish Cloward-Pivening us into a progressive utopia. It’s about Barry Soetoro and his allies and puppet masters wanting to fundamentally transform America into a third-world craphole.

It’s about an historically effective way of destroying a country by flooding it with immigrants, promoted by people who hate the very idea of government by “We The People”—and it’s working.

A Kamala Harris “victory” (read: steal) on November 5th will guarantee these open border policies will continue. I’ve seen nothing to indicate the Establishment RINOs have the stomach, desire or spine to stop it thus far. Why should the RINOs change in the next Congress?

Regardless of what you think about Donald J. Trump, he’s the only viable path towards slowing the flow of invaders into our nation. He may even be able to do what most Americans want—send these illegals, migrants and “asylum seekers” back where they came from.

I hope he can start the deportations, but I already know it won’t be easy. It won’t be painless or bloodless. And he will have to fight the Democrats, corporate interests and the compromised members of his own Party every inch of the way.

We have to get a handle on this problem, and quickly. Our cities are powder kegs just waiting for the right spark. When that spark comes, it’s going to be Citizens versus Invaders, and it won’t be pretty.

Because we got switches.

@gatewaypundit, @vincentearenastv, @tyleraloevera and @libsoftiktok all contributed to this piece


Get Out Of Jail Free video:

Aurora apartment video:

Tyler Olivera investigation:

Libs of TikTok 911 call:

We got switches:

Dr. Bill Chitwood is a retired Child, Adolescent and Family Psychiatrist who does political consulting and media relations. He is the author of Beyond Maga, available on Amazon under his pen name, Doc Contrarian. He can be found on Substack and social media as @DocContrarian.

Opinions expressed in the Alabama Gazette are the opinions and viewpoints of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Alabama Gazette staff, advertisers, and/ publishers.


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