The people's voice of reason

The Billy Graham Association's Election Prayer Guide Is Now Available

The eight-day election prayer guide written by the granddaughter of the highly regarded Billy Graham, Cissie Graham Lynch, is now available for free from the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. Known for her "Fearless" series in which Cissie Graham Lynch tackles important modern day social issues from an evangelical Biblical perspective head on, the prayer guide

implores readers to research the candidates, to pray fervently, and exercise their privilege to vote. Opening with a verse from 1 Timothy 2:1-2 which states that "First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way", the eight-day prayer guide includes footnotes for every section. The prayer guide also features insights from Billy Graham, himself, such as "The secret strength of a nation is found in the faith that abides in the hearts and homes of the county." And the prayer guide emphasizes that while billions of people around the world don't get to choose their leaders, in America we have "the responsibility and privileges of determining who will represent us to make the most important decisions in our country."

Acknowledging that many Christians have become acclimated to the "deterioration of righteous behavior as the norm" in popular culture, the prayer guide points out that people should never forget that Christians have "a real enemy with a calculated scheme". And while it is understandable to be wary of "politics and the ugliness of it", Cissie Graham Lynch emphasises

that she believes that "we have a clear responsibility as Christians to do everything we can to place godly leaders - or those with views friendly to our Christian faith - in power."

Day 1 of the election prayer guide covers the economy and protecting the next generation of Americans. Day 2 focuses on immigration and how Christians are called to a life of

compassionate service with the command to "love your neighbor as yourself". But, also pointing out how everyone suffers when stability and safety are damaged, and when resources are badly strained.

Predictably, the election guide covers the sanctity of life. And this is the focus of Day 3 of the election prayer guide with the commandment "Thou shall not kill." Including a surprising statistic about how one out of three women sitting in a Church pew have had an abortion. Day 4 for the election prayer guide shifts towards education and how to protect and prepare

one's children from the various ideologies pervading public school education. And since it is part of Cissie Graham Lynch's "Fearless" series, Day 5 of the election prayer guide focuses on

the issues pertaining to transgender complete with responses to common questions surrounding that issue. Day 6 covers LGBTQ + and how a third of all films and television shows released in the USA recently included LGBTQ+ characters. With the guide's take on that issue being that often those issues are really about people searching for identity and relevance.

Day 7 turns towards religious freedom by stating that the founders of the USA "never envisioned that we would live out a quiet, hidden faith" given that they included religious freedom in the very first sentence of the first amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Day 8 of the prayer guide concludes with the topic of marriage and how the best way to destabilize a society is to attack the nuclear family. And with 40% of all marriages ending in divorce today, about 85% of Generation Z and millennials "believe marriage is completely unnecessary for a fulfilled and committed relationship."

As part of the "Fearless" series, the election day prayer guide definitely covers a variety of issues that are controversial in the public sphere no matter which side of the political aisle one is

on. But, it does conclude with a pleasant reminder from The Lord's Prayer to pray that "Our Father in Heaven, hallowed by Your name. Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on Earth, as

it is in Heaven."

Both hard copies and digital copies of the eight day election prayer guide are available for free from the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association here: Fearless Digital Election Guide | Billy Graham Evangelistic Association

Luisa Reyes is an attorney in Tuscaloosa with a bachelor's degree in mathematics from Judson, a master's degree in library science, and a law degree from Samford's Cumberland School of Law. She is also a piano instructor and vocalist.


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