The people's voice of reason

The Biggest Scheme/Scam in World History

Three companies (Black Rock, State Street, and Vanguard) currently own controlling interest in 95% of the publicly traded companies in the United States and on track, within the next five years, to own 60% of all our single family homes. The three companies are really one company as they own each other's stock however.

How is it possible for one firm to basically own the richest country in history?

One theory makes sense.

In 1913 Congress ceded its constitutional authority to "coin money" to a small group of men. With the passage of the Federal Reserve Act, a private "foreign banking cartel was made the physical agent of the United States" (the not federal FED). In layman's terms this means the privately owned FED prints money for themselves, if the United States needs to borrow money. Oddly it seems the US always needs to borrow money, coincidence?

Wars, emigration, and entitlement programs all create debt. Debt means the FED prints themselves money. The audacity (for lack of a better term) is they charge interest on the money they print.

As a result of our insane monetary system an extremely small group of people own everything including the government. The majority of political donations, on both sides of the aisle, comes from the publicly traded companies that they own. This is why nothing changes no matter what party is in office.

Congress created a small group of globalist oligarchic overlords that dominate all commercial and political activity. The good news is Congress can fix it, overnight, if the people demand it.

The reason you don't know about this scheme/scam is because they also own the media.

Ken McFeeters is a former Congressional candidate for Alabama's 6th district. Co-founded an Independent Insurance Agency in 1981. Past President of the Mid Alabama Republican Club. Been very active with his industry in Governmental Affairs both in Montgomery and DC. Authored a children's book "Hannah and he Cajun Navy". And just founded "The Men of Alabama" with the intention of getting young men in Alabama to incorporate Ben Franklin's 13 virtues program into their lives.


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