The people's voice of reason

Another Day, Another Assassination Attempt

(September 16, 2024) Another day, another Trump assassination attempt. Are you surprised? If you are, why? Because many of us certainly weren’t surprised to hear about what happened Sunday afternoon.

President Trump posted “0-2” on his Truth Social account shortly after reassuring us he was okay—and they wonder why we love him!

The former (and future) President then posted the following:

“FEAR NOT! I am safe and well, and no one was hurt. Thank God! But, there are people in this world who would do whatever it takes to stop us. I will not stop fighting for you. I will never surrender! I will always love you for supporting me. Through our unity, we will Make America Great Again!”

Jack Posobeic pointed out that Trump has now survived more assassination attempts than Kamala has given interviews. Does that mean that Kamala has to give another interview? Is that how it works? Just asking for a friend….

The DEI candidate Herself gave this insipidity lame response:

“I have been briefed on reports of gunshots fired near former President Trump and his property in Florida, and I am glad he is safe. Violence has no place in America.“

This from the woman who joked about assassinating President Trump on the Ellen DeGeneras show back in 2018, who told Stephen Colbert the BLM “mostly peaceful” protests were “not going to let up, and they should not,” and who has repeatedly called Trump and his supporters a “threat to our democracy.”

Here’s what happened in brief, as of early Sunday evening:

A little before 2 o’clock Sunday afternoon, President Trump was golfing at the Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Florida. Two Secret Service agents in a golf cart saw a gun barrel sticking through the shrubbery on the edge of the course. The Secret Service agents fired four shots, and the suspect fled. A conscientious private citizen whipped out their cell phone and took pictures of the perp and the black vehicle the suspect jumped into. The license plate number was recovered from the pictures, and the subject was apprehended. The President issued a statement that he was safe and harmed, a press conference was held by the authorities, and the FBI swooped in to take over the case.

Show of hands: who thinks Christopher Wray’s FBI is going to actually be useful in this case? Especially since the Agent In Charge, one Jeffrey B. Veltri, was forced by his superiors to remove several anti-Trump social media posts?

Less than six hours after the event, the obfuscation had already started. Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta deleted the shooter’s Facebook account—pity all his pro-Kamala, pro-Ukraine war, anti-Trump hate posts, chock full of Democrat talking points, were already saved and screenshotted. It’s too bad that videos of him talking about how he lived in Ukraine for eight months and was recruiting “revolutionaries” (mercenaries) to go fight in Ukraine hit social media in droves. And yes, we knew he was a white male even before we knew his name, because that was one of the first things the media made sure to tell us. What they didn’t tell us, but had already hit X, was that he’d been donating exclusively to Democrats via ActBlue for several years now.

We also found out early on that he had an “AR-15-style rifle”, along with two backpacks filled with ceramic plates and a GoPro action camera stuck in the fence. Presumably he was going to use the ceramic plates (like those used in body armor) as protection, and the GoPro would get footage of Trump’s death.

Obviously, we need Congress to act immediately to ban GoPros and pass strict backpack-control laws! Stop GoPro violence! And if it only saves one life, isn’t banning all backpacks worth it?

Okay, I’m being a little silly, since GoPros should be protected under the 1st and 4th Amendments. Just like the AR-15 is protected by the 2nd, right? Remember that “shall not be infringed PERIOD bit?” The Lefties never do, and we all know what’s coming from them vid a vis the shooter’s AR-15. Soooo predictable, soooo boring.

One question that’s already being asked is just how the shooter knew Trump was going to be golfing today. It wasn’t on his official schedule. I’d also like to know not just how he knew, but when did he know it? How much advance notice did he have? How much advance planning went into this? Did he have info from someone within those people charged with protecting the President?

In other words, was this an inside job?

Given the fustercluck surrounding the first assassination attempt on Trump two months ago, I don’t think it’s an unreasonable thing to ask. Pity we’ll not be getting an answer we can trust—not from this Special Agent In Charge, heading up this FBI’s investigation!

You know what else we won’t be getting? Any kind of acknowledgement from any Democrat or media shill that their rhetoric contributed in any way to this assassination attempt. Because of course it didn’t. *insert eye roll here*

Do this thought experiment: imagine if Kamaladingdong had now dodged her second bullet. What would we be hearing 24/7 from the mainstream media? How many ways could they say “Trump saying mean things caused this.” How often would they blame those horrible gun-clinging deplorable MAGAs for the threats to America’s sweetheart VP? (Even if she’s only been the sweetheart since late June, when old Joe went Tango Unicorn at the first debate—remember how unpopular she was before that? I do.)

You can just hear the whining of the media in your mind, can’t you? It’s easy to imagine because they use the same script over and over again. Soooo predictable, soooo boring.

If there’s a silver lining to Sunday’s heinous act, it’s the citizen who snapped the pics of the perp and his license plate. Without that, it’s likely the shooter would have gotten away clean, leaving only the rifle, backpacks and GoPro behind. If he was careful with fingerprints and DNA, there might be little or no evidence to go on—especially since the Secret Service shot four times and apparently missed.

Anybody want to bet there are people in windowless offices cussing that citizen for ruining the op?

Regardless of who [or which Alphabet(s)] planned it, Trump is alive and well. The perp is in custody (at least until he “suicides”), and the FBI is now in control of the investigation—make of that what you will.

It’s likely this won’t be the last attempt on Trump’s life because those who oppose him are desperate, and getting more so every day. They’ve tried just about every trick in the book to stop his candidacy and they keep falling short. Assassination and another election steal are about all they’ve got left, and I expect them to try both.

That’s not me having any great prophetic vision or amazing psychic powers. It’s me knowing psychopaths and fanatics, and knowing how they react when they’re facing serious consequences for their psychopathological, fanatical acts. They’re terrified Trump will win, and projecting (as Lefties always do) their motivations and behaviors onto him. They’re horrified he might do unto them as they’ve done to him.

The Trump-haters fear a second Trump term more than anything, which is why they’ll do anything to prevent it. Unfortunately, they seem to have forgotten to consider one small thing:

What will MAGA do if Trump is assassinated, or another election is blatantly stolen?

They got a pass in 2020, and Trump literally dodged a bullet in Butler two months ago. My sense is that there are no more Free Election Steal cards left to play, and if a future bullet hits its mark?

God help us all.

Dr. Bill Chitwood is a retired Child, Adolescent and Family Psychiatrist who does political consulting and media relations. He is the author of Beyond Maga, available on Amazon under his pen name, Doc Contrarian. He can be found on Substack and social media as @DocContrarian.

Opinions expressed in the Alabama Gazette are the opinions and viewpoints of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Alabama Gazette staff, advertisers, and/ publishers.


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