The people's voice of reason

SAVE or Shut It Down! #SAVEorShutDown

(September 23, 2024) Why is not letting non-citizens vote even an issue?

Not a citizen? You don’t get a say in how the country’s run. Want to vote? Either become a citizen, or go home.

And yet, for Democrats and a few alleged Republicans, it’s not only an issue, it’s something they regard as absolutely essential. That’s why they recently voted to kill a Continuing Resolution (CR) to keep the government funded for the next six months at current spending levels, because the CR included the SAVE Act.

The Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act would require individuals to provide proof of citizenship when registering to vote in federal elections. There are a number of documents that satisfy this requirement: a REAL ID-compliant identification indicating U.S. citizenship; a valid U.S. passport, military ID and service record; a government-issued photo ID showing U.S. birthplace; or a government-issued photo ID that does not indicate birthplace or citizenship and a valid secondary document.

The SAVE Act puts this documentary requirement onto a decades-old law, the Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996, that explicitly forbids noncitizens from voting in federal elections.

Yes, I know; yet another bill that was going to fix immigration but didn’t. Among other things, that 750 monstrous pile of excrement $15,736,000 for Radiation Exposure Compensation (p7) and $5,490,000 for “necessary expenses, not otherwise provided for the International Joint Commission and the International Boundary Commission, United States and Canada, as authorized by treaties between the United States and Canada or Great Britain, and for the Border Environment, Cooperation Commission as authorized by Public Law 103–182” (p52).

Yes, that’s right—in 1996, taxpayers paid $5.5 million to make sure all parties were in compliance with the treaties that set the border between us and Canada. As best as I could find, the budget deficit for that year was $107 billion and change—but by God, the Canadian border treaties weren’t unattended! Sadly, immigration was not actually fixed that year—or in most years since then until President Trump’s first term.

After three-plus years of Biden/Harris open border invasion, we’re pushing 10 million “newcomers” that we know about, just on their watch. That actual number of illegals is unknown but almost certainly much higher. And with a recent study by Just facts estimating that as many as 2.7 million non-citizens may vote in this election? The SAVE Act is desperately needed if we have any hope of an honest election.

It’s an open secret that Democrats want illegals to vote for their selected candidate in November. They’re doing everything they can to make that happen. The SAVE Act may be too little too late, but it sends an important message to illegals: you are NOT allowed to vote, no matter what the Democrats say!

There’s opposition from almost every Democrat, because cheating is their best path to victory. It's also opposed by Uniparty RINOs like Glitch Mitch McConnell. Glitch Mitch, now in his 39th year in the Senate and with a reported net worth of over $22 million (not counting all those tens of millions in kickbacks from Ukraine) has said, “One thing you cannot have is a government shutdown. It would be politically beyond stupid for us to do that right before the election because certainly we’d get the blame.”

Yes, Mitch; we all realize your puppet masters don’t want Trump reelected, and making them unhappy is personally beyond stupid for your bank account. They might even interfere with your plans to shiv more MAGA candidates, like you did in 2022. Or like you did to the Tea Party years ago, that some of us still remember.

President Trump, in the other hand, had this to say about the SAVE Act:

“If Republicans don’t get the SAVE Act, and every ounce of it, they should not agree to a Continuing Resolution in any way, shape, or form. Democrats are registering Illegal Voters by the TENS OF THOUSANDS, as we speak - They will be voting in the 2024 Presidential Election, and they shouldn’t be allowed to. Only American Citizens should be voting in our Most Important Election in History, or any Election! A Vote must happen BEFORE the Election, not AFTER the Election when it is too late. BE SMART, REPUBLICANS, YOU’VE BEEN PUSHED AROUND LONG ENOUGH BY THE DEMOCRATS. DON’T LET IT HAPPEN AGAIN. Remember, this is Biden/Harris’ fault, not yours!”

Speaker Johnson has unveiled his Plan B bill that only funds the government through December 20 and ditches the SAVE Act to mollify the Democrats. This thoroughly gutless bill is no doubt what Johnson’s handlers want (remember that “different perspective” he had when he came out of the SCIF?) and avoids Republicans being called ugly names by the Democrat’s media shills—and lets millions of illegals vote for Kamala and Low-T Timmie.

The alternative is the perineal boogie man of a government shutdown (cue dramatic music! Thunder! Lightening! Howls in the distance!) that would temporarily close nonessential services and furlough nonessential workers until Congress gets their act together and does their frakking job!

Here’s an inconvenient question for Johnson, McConnell and all the rest of Congress: if they’re “nonessential” then why haven’t they been cut already? Hello, $36 trillion in debt and climbing? Interest on the debt already more than we spend on defense? Why are we not cutting everything that’s not absolutely essential, just to start?

I don’t expect a real answer to that, mainly because they don’t have a good one. Until we get term limits (to boot out fossils like Glitch Mitch who have been the problem for decades) and a balanced budget amendment, they don’t have any real answer. All they have is a spending problem—and if Kamaladingdong gets put in office via another election steal, the spending will only get worse.

So, I urge you to contact your Representative and Senators and tell them to either pass a CR with the SAVE Act, or let the government shut down. PERIOD.

We need to make #SAVEorShutDown a thing, especially since Plan B may come up for a vote as early as Wednesday of this week.

The Republicans ought to be able to tell the American people why they stood firm on this issue, but we all know Republicans suck at mass media, and the legacy media are all Democrat shills.

The only reason the Democrats want to block SAVE is because they’re going to cheat. Make that your message, stick to it, and make them defend their other lies and excuses for blocking it. President Trump will be pushing it, and you can make the Democrats own it or choke on it.

And for all you Republicans who don't? For all you who cave to the RINOs and donors and…and…and…?

We’ll be watching, and we’ll remember.

—The Just Facts Study: 10% to 27% of Non-Citizens Are Illegally Registered to Vote is at

Dr. Bill Chitwood is a retired Child, Adolescent and Family Psychiatrist who does political consulting and media relations. He is the author of Beyond Maga, available on Amazon under his pen name, Doc Contrarian. He can be found on Substack and social media as @DocContrarian.

Opinions expressed in the Alabama Gazette are the opinions and viewpoints of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Alabama Gazette staff, advertisers, and/ publishers.


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