The people's voice of reason


When we follow natural law - we are obeying God. Just let that settle in and be at peace for a few moments free breathing. God has even given you His name in a format that describes “wind”, “breath” or a “7 fold Spirit” which is how we experience the Holy Spirit. Do you have the peace of living a 7 fold virtuous life - at least by being aware of the proactive expectations? Point being - to gain peace that our lives are “short-lived” but when you honor natural law it is an investment in the long game. For God’s good intentions for us and His procreative nature is revealed in natural law which should then guide the “rational human” to consider social order - thus Constitutional law. But some pass ignoring both nature and civil rights of others. If Jonathan was a “killer” turtle - would he still be with us? Or unduly aggressive? Or if he failed to every ‘come out of his shell’ - he would not be with us - his protection and long-standing interest would have waned.

So natural law does prevail - keep the minimums and note that any “parasite politician” or “lawyer” who uses law to fleece the flock - you will be fleeced. Those who “steal” by policy, fake programs, undue “windfalls” or the like - you to will be stolen from - for if natural law is ordered God - would it not make sense that your very air and life are also stolen from you in a perpetual state. Perhaps that is hell - the minimums we were not willing to keep - do not exist and the “only once in a while” mortal sin one was willing to commit - is how in fact that person dies daily or is otherwise tormented in a perpetual state of a new “bad day”. For that is a matter of the soul’s state - the desires not hidden and thus for all of eternity - without moral conditioning - the wicked/evil inherit their selfishness which lead them to perpetual death - unlike the elderly Tortoise Jonathan. Here he is a nearly 200-year-old turtle/tortoise - out living the “greatest men of their age” surviving 40 Presidents of the US. To wit:

Meet oldest living animal to walk the earth – Jonathan the tortoise who met late Queen & lived through 40 US presidents His vet revealed his stunning comeback after being on the brink of death 15 years ago Olivia Allhusen, Foreign News Reporter


Trenton "Trentesimo" Garmon is a Christian civil activist, a seasoned trial lawyer, and father of five. He believes in natural law, the Constitution and inalienable civil rights. He enjoys his faith, family, fishing, campfires and football.

Opinions expressed in the Alabama Gazette are the opinions and viewpoints of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Alabama Gazette staff, advertisers, and/ publishers.


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