The people's voice of reason

J.D. Vance was the clear Vice President debate winner

Tuesday night, we witnessed an absolute thrashing on the debate stage. J.D. Vance came out laser focused and didn’t stop until Tim Walz was left in shambles. You couldn’t ask for a more clear-cut example of why Vance is presidential material, while Walz? Well, let’s just say I wouldn’t trust him to coach a mediocre high school football team.

Vance was everything you’d want in a leader—confident, calm, sharp, and completely unshakable. His rise from a tough upbringing in Appalachia to becoming a bestselling author, military veteran, attorney, entrepreneur and now a conservative voice in the Senate embodies the American Dream. He understands real issues because he’s lived them, and it showed.

Meanwhile, Walz, handpicked by Kamala Harris, stumbled through the night like a nervous wreck. This is the same guy who cozied up to the communist regime during his time as a high school teacher. Instead of defending law and order when Minneapolis was burning, he bowed down to the far-left crazies. And let’s not forget—he’s the genius who thought it was a great idea to spend taxpayer money on tampon machines in boys' bathrooms. That’s the kind of leftist nonsense that Walz proudly champions.

It wasn’t a debate; it was a dissection. Vance wiped the floor with Walz, fact-checked the moderators on the Haitian migrant crisis, and reminded Americans of Trump’s strong record on the economy and border security. Walz? He gave one of the most cringeworthy responses we’ve seen this election cycle admitting he learned governance from China! That alone should send shivers down every voter’s spine. And then there’s Walz’s gaffe of the century—making friends with school shooters. Are you kidding me? This is the guy the democrats want a heartbeat away from the presidency?

In contrast, Vance showed America what leadership looks like. You could see him stepping up as Commander-in-Chief in a heartbeat. Walz? He would have issues being a substitute gym teacher, let alone a leader of the free world. No wonder even his own brother is endorsing Trump. One of the most compelling moments of the debate was when J.D. Vance drove home the effectiveness of Trump’s "Peace through Strength" approach. Under Trump, America avoided new wars, maintained stability on the global stage, and projected strength that kept adversaries in check. In stark contrast, the Harris-Biden administration has been an absolute disaster on foreign policy. From the botched withdrawal in Afghanistan to emboldening enemies like China and Russia, their weakness has led to chaos abroad and a loss of respect for America. Vance reminded the audience that Kamala Harris has had nearly four years to address these issues, yet she’s failed miserably, proving that the current administration is incapable of maintaining the peace and security Trump achieved through his unapologetic strength.

J.D. Vance delivered a knockout blow when he highlighted the stark contrast between

Trump’s border strategy and the utter failure of the Harris-Biden administration which has trouble even finding the border. Under Trump, America saw a secure southern border, with illegal crossings at historic lows because adversaries knew the U.S. meant business. Trump's strong stance on national security kept chaos in check. In contrast, the Harris-Biden administration has turned the border into a disaster zone. Millions of illegal immigrants, including dangerous criminals, have flooded in, and Harris, despite being tasked with fixing the issue, has done nothing but make it worse. Vance made it clear: while Trump’s leadership ensured a secure, sovereign nation, Harris and Biden have thrown our borders wide open, endangering the American people everywhere.

Last night’s debate made one thing crystal clear: the only ticket that can save America is Trump-Vance. J.D. Vance proved that he’s not just ready to lead, but that he and Trump are the ultimate powerhouse to restore order, strength, and prosperity to this country. While the Harris-Biden administration has driven America into chaos—collapsing our borders, weakening our standing abroad, and pushing radical leftist agendas—Trump and Vance stand ready to put America First once again. Vance’s sharp intellect, calm under pressure, and unapologetic defense of conservative values are exactly what this country needs alongside Trump’s proven record of success. America needs strength, not weakness. It needs leaders, not followers. And with Trump and Vance, we’ll have a team that’s ready to fight for the American people and restore this great nation.


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