The people's voice of reason

"God will Deliver You"

You want to know the incredible thing about God? Not only does He say that He will deliver us from the hands of our enemies when we are going through a trial, but He will do so and take the riches of our enemies and give them to us. If you're going through a trial right now, you need to hear this message.

This comes from Exodus chapter 3. This is where God talks about how He Is going to deliver the Israelites from the hands of the Egyptians…where they've been in slavery for hundreds of years. They've been in torment from their enemies, the Egyptians, for hundreds of years.

God says, “And I will make the Egyptians favorable towards you, so that way when you leave, you will not leave empty-handed. Every woman is to ask her neighbor and any woman living with her for articles of silver and of gold and of clothing, which you will put on your sons and your daughters. And so you will plunder the Egyptians.” Exodus 3:21

And what happened? Not only did God lead the Israelites out of the Egyptians hands and out of the hands of their enemies, but He did so by taking their riches and giving them to the Israelites, and they did not leave empty handed.

Friend, I want you to know if you're going through a struggle right now, God is not silent in your struggle. He hears you, He sees you and He is working. He will deliver you on the hands of your enemies. And not only that…when he delivers, He will deliver with abundance. He will deliver you with the riches of your enemies and give them to you.

Many Blessings!



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