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Alabama Republican leaders react to presidential debate

September 11, 2024 – millions of Americans watched as former President Donald J. Trump (R) debated Vice President Kamala Harris. Both candidates sought to convince voters that they should be the next President of the United States. Following the debate, Alabama Republican leaders shared their response to the debate

U.S. Senator Katie Britt (R-Alabama) shared her thoughts on the debate on the social media platform known as X.

Britt said that it is, "No surprise that Kamala Harris didn't answer whether she thinks Americans are better off now than they were four years ago. But that's the question voters will answer on November 5."

U.S. Senator J.D. Vance (R-Ohio) is the Republican candidate for Vice President.

Sen. Britt said, "@JDVance is spot on: "You have two people with a record: Donald Trump is proud of his record. Kamala Harris is running away from her record.""

During the debate, Vice President Harris made it clear that she was for continuing U.S. support for Ukraine no matter the cost. U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-Alabama) has been a critic of the Biden-Harris administration's $250 billion in aid to Ukraine.

"Does @KamalaHarris realize she's running for President of the United States, not Ukraine?" Sen. Tuberville posted on X.

Tuberville was also a critic of the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan. During the debate Harris made it clear that she supported President Biden's policy.

""I agreed with President Biden's decision to pull out of Afghanistan." - @KamalaHarris. Kamala needs to apologize to the families of the 13 soldiers who lost their lives under her leadership," said Sen. Tuberville on X.

Lara Trump is the co-chair of the Republican National Committee. Co-Chair Trump was critical of the ABC news team that moderated the debate in a recent interview with Fox News's Laura Ingraham.

"The American people deserve to see these two people and hear their ideas, and unfortunately last night we really didn't get that," Lara Trump said. "What a disservice that ABC News did to the country. They had an opportunity here to really get to really Kamala Harris and really hear about all of her radical ideas. Donald Trump was the only one that talked about that. But on the other side to give him the opportunity to get his ideas out. It was 3 on 1 he was on defense the whole time having to fight them all off

"Donald Trump is not just running against a candidate. He is running against an entire system," stated Lara Trump. "This was a continuation last night of the Hollywood production that the Democratic Party has truly become and Kamala Harris one of their best actors. You give her a line and man she will memorize it. For four years they gave her the line to say if anybody asked how Joe Biden was doing, was he up to the task she would deliver that line and lie directly to the American people."

Lara Trump maintained that Harris was ineffective at swaying voters to her side.

"The problem they are having is that the American people were not convinced by anything Kamala Harris said that she is the right fit," said Lara Trump. "They are having a hard time convincing people that she is going to change anything for them, based on the bad economy that we have right now, the open border that she has been in charge of, and the wars that have broken out under her watch. She didn't say a single thing that convinced anybody in this country that she deserves their vote and they are having a big problem with that right now."

Perry O. Hooper Jr. is a former state representative and the former chairman of the 2016 Trump Victory Fund. His columns are widely circulated including to the Alabama Gazette.

"Kamala had three and a half years to address and implement issues that she talked aboutlast night," said Hooper. "The fact is the Biden/ Harris administration just about destroyed our Country. The economy has been a train wreck, inflation has been sky high, millions of drug thugs and murders have been let in our southern border, left wing radicals have been protesting Israel at campuses all across our Country, crime is an all time high, gas prices have been extremely high and the list of failures go on and on and Kamala cannot run from it."

"President Trump last night articulated his agenda that will save our Country unfortunately ABC News was bias," Hooper continued. "They never questioned Kamala about her left wing Senate votes or the left wing policies the Biden/ Harris implemented."

The general election is on November 5.

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