The people's voice of reason

The Jabpocalypse Is Not Trump's Fault, Nicole

(August 28, 2024) Last week Nicole Shanahan, RFK Jr.’s then-VP running mate, said "The hesitation we have right now in joining forces with Trump is that he has not apologized or publicly come out and said Operation Warp Speed was his fault.”

Shortly thereafter, Bobby Kennedy suspended his campaign and endorsed President Trump.

Over the weekend, while the Dems were scrambling to recover from the shivving RFK Jr gave to Kamala’s campaign, one of the things they tried to latch onto was Shanahan’s Operation Warp Speed comment. It didn’t really get any traction, but I expect it’ll come back again and again between now and November 5th.

The recent closure of Johnson-Abernathy-Graetz (JAB) High School in Montgomery, Alabama for “deep cleaning” after some students testing positive for COVID shows that the hysteria, idiocy and abreaction of the last few years are still with us. Since another round of closures, mandates and social distancing would allow the Dems to flood elections with mail-in ballots (again), don’t think another bout of COVID (or monkeypox, or West Nile, or Eastern Equine Encephalitis, or Sloth virus or Creeping Eruption) is impossible. Obviously, some people haven’t learned anything from what we’ve been through. Resurrecting those scamdemic policies will only fuel the Left’s attacks on Trump over Operation Warp Speed.

Okay, maybe not Creeping Eruption, aka Cutaneous Larva Migrans. You get that by walking barefoot on beaches where dogs have pooped, and it’s not uncommon, especially on the Gulf. Wear your flip flops!

As far as I’m concerned, Trump’s culpability for the mRNA not-vaccines is a dead issue. We know, in hindsight, that many of the top “experts” were not only lying to the President (and all of us) but were also pursuing their own agendas. That was clear almost two years ago, and since then we’ve only seen more evidence of this.

In December, 2022, one of the first Substacks I wrote addressed the issue of Trump’s responsibility for Operation Warp Speed. I discussed why I did not believe that he can be held responsible for the damage the mRNA jabs did to us. He was not an expert in the field, was given bad advice, and despite that bad advice did all he reasonably could do to mitigate the effects of what we were told was a plague of biblical proportions.

Were mistakes made? Yes. Were they unavoidable? Possibly, but at the time they may have seemed perfectly reasonable. Before we condemn Trump, we need to consider the circumstances at the time those decisions were made—especially the panic, hyperbole and fear-porn we were all being bombarded with 24/7.

And because the arguments I made in December 2022 are the same arguments I’ve found myself repeating these last few days, I wanted to share the original piece with you. Hopefully, you’ll find it useful:

“The Jabpocalypse is not Trump’s fault!”

It’s now evident that the COVID-19 “vaccines” (aka “the jabs”) have been of little actual benefit, if not actively harmful. The jabs—for which the definition of ‘vaccine’ had to be changed to fit the experimental genetic therapies produced by Pfizer, Moderna and J&J—are being linked to clotting disorders, cardiac disorders, autoimmune conditions, decreased fertility, cancer and sudden death. Data from several countries is also beginning to show significant increases in overall death rates and decreases in live births since the introduction of this “specific body-system intervention”. These increases in deaths above the expected background frequency and decline in live births are occurring around the globe, and there seems to be at least some correlation with the percentage of the population that has been jabbed and boosted (and boosted, and boosted, and boosted…).

The wheels are coming off the COVID narrative, and at some point it will be too much for even the Mainstream Media (MSM) to ignore. We are far beyond the point of “the vaccines are safe and effective”—as we were told ad nauseam—until suddenly J&J’s wasn’t. With the data now pouring in, how long will it be before the same about-face has to be done for Pfizer’s and Moderna’s jabs?

If it’s ever proven in a court of law that these manufacturers willfully concealed critical safety information from the initial trials of their not-vaccines, their recent billions in profits won’t be nearly enough to cover the wrongful death and damage lawsuits. Remember, willfully concealing critical adverse event data invalidates the legal immunity Congress bestowed on them when this all began.

Once the class-action suits begin, they’re going to be epic. Welcome to the Jabpocalypse.

It’s inevitable that President Donald J. Trump will be blamed when the toxic nature of the jabs breaks into the mainstream consciousness. Blaming Trump is the Establishment’s default reaction to anything and everything, and they’ll rush to point out that the jabs were developed on his watch under Operation Warp Speed (OWS).

The regime (the Establishment Left and Right, along with their GovHealth, MSM, Big Pharma and Big Tech/Big Social co-conspirators) will be forced to blame Trump because the alternative—accepting responsibility for screwing America and the American people so badly—is completely outside their conceptual framework.

Admitting their errors about the jabs also opens up the possibility of compensation for the significant harm done not just by the jabs, but by the jab mandates as well. The loss-of-income damages alone could easily soar into the billions.

And, if Pandora’s Box is opened for suits demanding recompense for the butcher’s bill from other policies like lockdowns and mandates? Business failures? Suicides and substance abuse? Civil rights violations related to church closures? Damages to kids from a loss of development, socialization and education time that can never be recovered, only (hopefully) made up? Normal childhood growth and development, especially in the early years, is dependent on certain things happening in order and on schedule. Kids are remarkably resilient, but if the perturbations are severe enough over a long enough period of time? Bad things happen. For example, not seeing your peers’ faces for a year or more at the pre-K and kindergarten stage? Language and basic socialization skills are just two areas that suffer, and the downstream effects of messing up something so basic can be devastating.

Once these dominos start to fall, the end results could be significant. Many billions, if not trillions of dollars, worth of ‘significant’.

Thus, the urge by the Regime to blame Trump. I can see, in my mind’s eye, the endless stream of talking heads on ABCBNBCNNSMBC chastising Donald J. Trump for producing and endorsing the (soon to be) proven ineffective, harmful, cancer- and infertility-causing, often fatal jabs (hat tip to @stkirsch for doing the math). Not to mention, they clearly aren’t vaccines in the traditional sense, and never should have been approved in the first place. Damn you, Orange Man!

There are a couple of problems with this, but that won’t stop the talking heads.

Before we jump straight to the blaming stage, let’s consider a few of the positive steps Trump’s administration took against the virus. Early on, President Trump limited travel from those countries with the highest rates of disease to decrease the number of new cases coming into the country, cries of xenophobia be damned. He personally called the heads of major corporations to mobilize their industrial capacity to build ventilators and other necessary equipment. President Trump leveraged the Defense Production Act to ramp up production of essential items and supplies. And finally, Operation Warp Speed itself.

As a physician with a background in molecular genetics (among other things), I find nothing wrong with the basic idea of Operation Warp Speed. At the time it was initiated, the best information we had about the SARS-CoV-2 virus was that it had a mortality rate of nearly 15%. That’s almost one in seven Americans potentially DEAD—a serious threat to the nation by anyone’s reckoning. Also, the Coronaviridae are known to mutate frequently. I was taught this mutation could occur every two to four weeks, but it may happen as often as every eleven days (according to less ancient sources).

Here’s the core of the problem we faced in those dark days of early 2020: traditional vaccines take between twelve and eighteen months to produce, and have never been all that effective against rapidly-mutating viruses. It’s one of the reasons we have yearly versions of the flu shots. Sometimes the people who guess what needs to be in this year’s flu shots miss the mark. Since those guesses have to be made a year and a half in advance, in some years the shots don’t match the strains of flu we actually see. With ‘bad’ strains of the flu having a 1-2% mortality rate vs 14-15% for SARS-CoV-2, not only was it apparent in early 2018 that we couldn’t wait a year and a half for the usual vaccine process to work, but we also couldn’t afford to miss.

Operation Warp Speed began with the assumption that we were facing a horribly devastating plague of global proportions—and that was true, based on what we knew at the time. To combat that plague and prevent millions of American deaths (and possibly as many as a BILLION deaths worldwide), OWS mobilized some of the best scientists in the field, wound them up, pointed them at the problem, and opened up the money spigot to make sure they had all the resources they needed to beat this thing.

As a model for achieving the impossible, it’s worked before. Manhattan Project, anyone?

President Trump’s team set OWS up, and the President himself took on the role of Number One Cheerleader. This is just part of a President’s job, and Trump used the bully pulpit of his office to do that job daily for months on end.

At first appearance, OWS delivered in spades, producing a new vaccine technology in a staggeringly short amount of time, targeting a virus that had previously been thought to be nigh-impossible to vaccinate against. There were concerns and questions, of course (lots of dead kittens in previous animal trials of the technology, for one), but the Experts who surrounded the President assured us that TheScience™ was sound.

Unfortunately, those Experts were crass, venal, power-obsessed, greedy, lying little crap weasels who were either making up TheScience™ as they went along, twisting it like a pretzel for their own benefit and agenda, or ignoring (and perhaps, actively concealing) data to allow an experimental genetic therapy relabeled as a “vaccine” to be inflicted on an unsuspecting, frightened population.

At the same time, old, previously-approved treatments (Ivermectin, HCQ) were being repurposed and used off-label with good results for patients. Off-label uses are quite common in medicine—or at least, they used to be, pre-COVID. But, since having effective treatments available would have interfered with emergency use approvals for a novel, essentially untested genetic therapy, doctors who promoted these repurposed drugs were persecuted, threatened and all but flogged in the public square. At the same time, the Experts were citing TheScience™ in defense of a mandatory “treatment” protocol that boiled down to “okay, you got it, but we’re not going to do anything until you’re about to die. Go home, do nothing, come back when you’re sicker so we can put you on a ventilator and start a drug that won’t do much for the Rona but may kill your kidneys. Oh, and the hospital will make big bucks if they follow this protocol whether or not you survive.”

Yes, it really was like that. Seriously.

There will be a reckoning for all of that, if there is any justice in the world. On the other hand, this is the government we’re talking about. When was the last time anyone in the government suffered any consequences for egregious behavior?

President Donald J. Trump promised to do everything in his power to fight and beat COVID-19, and by any objective measure, he did just that. As with every other aspect of his Presidency, he was under constant attack from within and without, and still managed an impressive list of successes. That what OWS produced turned out to be less than was promised by the Experts can NOT be laid at the feet of the President, for one very simple reason--he’s not a doctor.

Donald J. Trump isn’t a physician. He’s not a virologist, nor an immunologist, nor a molecular geneticist. To expect him to fully understand the ins and outs of mRNA therapy technology is unreasonable, silly and foolish. It would be like asking me, a physician, to be your New York City real estate broker. Since I don’t know anything about real estate, and the last time I was in NYC, Ronald Reagan was in his first year in office, that’d be pretty foolish, indeed.

All Presidents rely on the people around them to give the best advice they can, within their fields. No President can know everything about everything, but we reasonably expect Presidents to have access to people who know their stuff, and who will give Presidents the information needed to best serve their fellow citizens.

Sadly, in the case of the COVID pandemic, the Experts who were advising President Trump failed in their duty to him, and thereby to our nation and every person therein. Dr. Birx’s new book reads like one long mea culpa for the lockdowns, at least to me. She basically admits that she created policy on her own Initiative, bypassing her ultimate boss in the Oval Office. The CDC has just admitted that it failed in its mission, and large parts of its “guidance” was pulled out of thin air. And Dr. Anthony Fauci?

Let me just say this: any alleged scientist who says “I am TheScience™”, isn’t.

Put aside the fact that Creepy Joe was still gasping out “get vaccinated” as the toxicity data poured in. Forget about Fauci’s “no mask--mask--no mask with a jab--mask with jab--triple mask AND triple jab and more” waffling. Ignore Birx’s possible malfeasance under color of law, if not outright treason. Pay no attention to what the Pfizer data (that data they wanted hidden for decades!!!) actually shows about side effects and adverse events. Don’t believe what multiple whistleblowers have said, and now even the CDCs “adjusted” data can’t hide about adverse reactions, changes in disease and fertility patterns and Sudden Adult Death Syndrome. The mouthpieces of the regime certainly won’t call attention to any of it!

They’ll be too busy blaming President Donald J. Trump for the consequences of the jabs—consequences we’ll be dealing with for decades to come. Yes, the jabs were developed on his watch, but not by him. Blaming Trump for the awfulness of the jabs and all the other horrors of the Expert’s COVID policy failures is like blaming Greta Thunberg for the monkeypox. There’s plenty of blame to go around between those two, but they don’t connect in any real way.

Given a choice between the two, I’ll take the monkeypox.

Putting it another way, unless you’re willing to write me a LARGE check for this lovely Bridge in Brooklyn I have to sell, you’ve got no case for blaming Trump for the epic failures by Fauci, Birx, Walensky, Bourla and a host of others. As I said, plenty of blame to go around, but since it's the government I’m not going to hold my breath.

We were told to buy the ticket. We were told to mask up and get on the ride.

Welcome to the Jabpocalypse.


The original Substack, dated December 28, 2022, may be found at

Dr. Bill Chitwood is a retired Child, Adolescent and Family Psychiatrist who does political consulting and media relations. He is the author of Beyond Maga, available on Amazon under his pen name, Doc Contrarian. He can be found on Substack and social media as @DocContrarian.

Opinions expressed in the Alabama Gazette are the opinions and viewpoints of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Alabama Gazette staff, advertisers, and/ publishers.


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