The people's voice of reason

The Harris-Walz Ticket: The Most Liberal Disaster in American History

Brace yourselves, America. The radical left has completely taken the reins of the Democrat Party, and the Harris-Walz ticket is the most liberal nightmare we have ever faced. This is not just an election; it is a fight for the very survival of our nation. And if the Harris-Walz duo gets anywhere near the White House, we can kiss our global standing and national security goodbye.

Kamala Harris, the laughing liberal, is now leading the Democratic ticket. A career politician whose policies are so far left she makes Bernie Sanders look like Ronald Reagan. Harris is the epitome of progressive insanity – open borders, socialist healthcare, and an economy-crushing Green New Deal. But that is not all. She is soft on crime, wants to defund the police, and her radical agenda will obliterate the American dream.

And who did Obama -- excuse me, Harris pick to complete the Democrat ticket? None other than Michael Walz, the bumbling governor of Minnesota who purposely let BLM rioters burn Minneapolis to the tune of billions of dollars of damage while ignoring calls to activate the National Guard to stop the rioting. The wannabe strategist whose foreign policy ideas during his time in Congress were so naive, they would make Neville Chamberlain blush. Walz, who stumbles through interviews and policy discussions, is the last person you want negotiating with Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, or the Ayatollahs in Iran. He claims socialism is just being neighborly whatever that means. Watz, who quit his National Guard unit rather than being deployed to Iraq. Walz, who has never visited the border, has managed to take twenty trips to China where early in his career he taught English.

Russia, China, and Iran are laughing at us. They see Harris and Walz and know America could seriously be led by a clown car of incompetence. Putin is probably raising a glass of vodka, celebrating the fact that his biggest adversary could become a global laughingstock. Xi Jinping is grinning ear to ear, knowing that a Harris-Walz administration would never challenge China's quest for dominance. And Iran? They are celebrating in the streets, anticipating the return of the weak, appeasing policies of the Obama era, amplified tenfold by this new liberal regime.

But it is not just our enemies who are taking notes. Our allies are watching in horror. Countries that once looked to the United States for leadership will no longer see a strong, decisive nation. They would see a fractured, weakened America led by a liberal ideologue and her bumbling sidekick. A Harris-Walz administration would ensure that we would no longer be taken seriously on the world stage.

Our allies in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East, who have relied on us for decades, would see a power vacuum. They will turn elsewhere for leadership, making deals with regimes with China and Russia that completely ignore our interests. The Harris-Walz administration would not just be a setback but a catastrophe.

Perry O Hooper Jr is a former State Representative who writes columns on his political perspective and has been published in a number of publications around Alabama and beyond. He was an early supporter of Donald Trump and was the 2016 Trump Victory Chair.

Opinions expressed in the Alabama Gazette are the opinions and viewpoints of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Alabama Gazette staff, advertisers, and/ publishers.

This is not hyperbole; this is a clear and present danger to our nation’s future. The Harris-Walz ticket is a recipe for a complete disaster, both domestically and internationally. It is time to wake up and see the threat for what it is. We must stand strong, reject this radical liberal agenda, and fight to keep America the beacon of freedom and strength that it has always been. Our future depends on it. Vote Trump-Vance and Make America Great Again!











The Deadly Consequences of Democrat Negligence

Perry O Hooper Jr | Aug 01, 20240




The recent rocket strike that claimed the lives of at least 12 innocent children and teenagers in the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights is a tragic reminder of what happens when our political leaders fail to stand firm in support of our allies. The Democrat Party's treatment of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during his recent visit to the United States is a glaring example of such failure, and it has led to catastrophic consequences.

Prime Minister Netanyahu's visit should have been a moment of solidarity between two longstanding allies. Instead, it became a display of petty politics and disdain. Vice President Kamala Harris, the presiding officer of the Senate and presumptive Democrat presidential nominee, did not even show up when Netanyahu addressed a joint session of Congress, a first for a sitting Vice President in the modern era. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, who claims to stand with Israel, refused to publicly shake Netanyahu's hand. Worst of all Democrat Speaker Emeritus Nancy Pelosi went as far as to call Netanyahu's speech the worst presentation by any foreign dignitary in American history. Lame Duck Joe Biden was nowhere to be found.

These actions send a clear message to the rest of the world: America's support for Israel is wavering under Democrat leadership. This disgraceful display of disrespect did not go unnoticed by Israel's enemies. Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran saw an opportunity to strike while the Democrat Party busied itself with virtue signaling and political theater.

The strike on the soccer field in Majdal Shams, a Druze town in the Golan Heights, was the deadliest attack on Israeli civilians since Hamas's brutal assault on October 7. It is no coincidence this attack occurred immediately after Prime Minister Netanyahu was snubbed in Washington. The children playing soccer had no time to take shelter, and the aftermath was chaos and heartbreak. Parents are left mourning their children, and the community is shattered. Yet, where are the Democrat leaders now? Silent. Their previous outcries for the protection of children and civilians in Gaza does not apply to Israel.

The Democrat Party's actions, or rather inactions, have real-world consequences. By failing to show unequivocal support for Israel, they have signaled to terrorist organizations that now is the time to act. The Democrat leaders' cold shoulder to Netanyahu was perceived as a green light by those who seek to harm Israel.

It is a disheartening reality that in today's Democrat Party, there is support for the Hamas terrorists at the expense of Israel, America’s staunchest ally. The progressive wing of the party is the voice for Palestinian causes, completely overlooking the violent tactics and terrorist activities of Hamas, an Iranian puppet. This shift in sentiment is evident in the reluctance of most Democrat leaders to condemn Hamas's actions unequivocally, while they are quick to criticize Israel's defensive measures. This troubling trend not only undermines the decades-long, U.S.-Israel relationship, but also emboldens terrorist groups who interpret this ambiguity as tacit approval of their heinous actions. The Democrat Party's current stance reflects a dangerous departure from supporting a democratically elected Israeli government while endorsing groups that perpetuate violence and terror in the Middle East under Iran's influence.

Because of the lack of full support from the Biden Administration and Congressional Democrat leaders, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have been severely hampered in their efforts to remove Hamas from Gaza.

This tepid backing has translated into reduced diplomatic pressure on Hamas, limited military aid, and mixed messages about the U.S.'s commitment to Israel's right to defend itself. Consequently, Israel's strategic operations have been constrained, as they navigate international scrutiny and political backlash without the unequivocal support they have traditionally relied on from the United States. This lack of decisive support undermines the IDF's capacity to effectively neutralize Hamas, prolonging the conflict and allowing the terrorist organization, heavily backed by Iran, to regroup and continue its assault on Israeli civilians.

Supporting Israel is not, and should never be, a partisan issue. It is a matter of upholding democratic values, defending a great ally, and ensuring stability in a volatile region. Both Democrats and Republicans must recognize that unwavering support for Israel transcends political divides. This bipartisan solidarity sends a clear message to adversaries like Hamas and especially their Iranian backers.

The United States stands united in its commitment to Israel's security and sovereignty. To waver in this commitment is to embolden those who seek to undermine peace and democracy. Now more than ever, it is crucial for leaders across the political spectrum to come together and reaffirm their steadfast support for Israel, ensuring that it has the full backing needed to defend its people and secure a future free from terror.

Perry O Hooper Jr is a former State Representative who writes columns on his political perspective and has been published in a number of publications around Alabama and beyond. He was an early supporter of Donald Trump and was the 2016 Trump Victory Chair.

Opinions expressed in the Alabama Gazette are the opinions and viewpoints of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Alabama Gazette staff, advertisers, and/ publishers.


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