The people's voice of reason

Lies, Damn Lies and DNC

(August 20, 2024) I watched as much of Monday’s DNC as I could stand.

All in all, about two minutes. Maybe less.

Honestly, I just couldn’t make myself watch any more. I haven’t seen so many self-aggrandizing narcissists and floridly delusional souls since I worked the admissions unit at Bryce. That, plus the bare-faced lies of these people?

Unwatchable. At the very least, very difficult to watch without the intense desire to reprogram the TV with an axe.

Maybe that’s why the DNC’s main program didn’t officially begin until 10 pm CST. Were they hoping everyone would be in bed by then? There were the usual speeches by the party’s “minor luminaries” (aka “nonentities”) enjoying their 15 minutes of fame during the evening, but the real show Monday was the Biden Family Send-Off. FLOTUS Dr. Jill came out at 10:13 pm, and to everyone’s surprise wasn’t wearing upholstery fabric! She strutted out looking like she was ready to ditch her Sugar Daddy and go out clubbing afterwards—maybe with Mr. Kamala?

Monday’s headliner, Old Joe, the Slimeball from Scranton, didn’t come out until 10:25 pm, after being introduced by his daughter, Ashley. Ashley showered Joe with praise, and for those of us who read the diary, it was more than a little creepy when he hugged her and put his face in her hair.

Joe lost me early on when he asked the crowd “Are we ready to vote for democracy and America?” Considering that four weeks ago he was forced out as the nominee in a palace coup, and before that he was installed as nominee via some of the most undemocratic primaries ever, that was…ironic.

Need I mention that having the sitting President of these United States speak on the first night of the convention was a horrible slight to old Joe? The only way they could have been more insulting and demeaning to him would have been to not let him speak at all—and that would have raised all manner of inconvenient questions the DNC power players don’t want asked. Questions about his mental and physical status, and how long it’s been decaying, and who was involved in covering it up? Little things like that.

Joe gave his last speech of consequence Monday night and is now done for all practical purposes. He is now the lamest lame duck in history. Whether he (or his body double) actually makes it to January or not is immaterial. I suppose I should say something nice about him at this point, but…okay, I’m trying, gimme a sec…nah, I got nothing. He’s been a hack, a grifter, and the worst kind of empty suit, empty-headed political scammer for decades. Joe Biden is a great example of everything that’s wrong with our current system of government and will always be on the short list for “Worst President Ever.” If he gets on a mountain, it’ll be Mount Flushmore (not Rushmore, Nancy). Good riddance to bad rubbish. Buh bye.

The most interesting things to happen in Chicago Monday weren’t the speeches. The platform released by the DNC, that will be voted on later in the week, had “President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris” in various forms listed 17 times.

Really? You’ve had a month, since Nancy Pelosi told Joe they could do this the hard way or the easy way. Ever heard of Find/Change? It should have taken an hour, tops, to fix that in Word.

Or, was somebody trying to emphasize just what a cut/paste stand-in Kamala really is? Because if that’s what they were trying to do, they succeeded brilliantly.

The point’s now been driven home that both Joe and Kamala are sock puppets for the same handlers who’ve been running the country for the past three-plus years, and who’re determined to keep running it. Forget the Crazy Cat Ladies for Kamala gushing about how “she’s the woman we need.” She’s a DEI hire who’ll do exactly what she’s told, when she’s told to do it—just like Joe. Kamala’s built an entire career out of doing just that, and there’s no reason for her to change at this late date.

Outside the hall, the Party that doesn’t support a border wall had a wall built just for themselves. The Party that hates voter IDs was requiring delegates to show their IDs to enter. The Party that wants to defund the police had an extra-heavy police presence to protect them from other Democrats who were protesting the Democrats inside.

I guess the Dems inside didn’t want to risk having to run a gauntlet of “mostly peaceful” protests while they were going and coming. It might have given Tim Walz flashbacks to when he let Minneapolis burn four years ago, or something.

That probably wasn’t an unreasonable fear, since GPS tracking data from Tony Seruga and FirstNet showed more than 104,000 Antifa phones and devices, many of them not domestic, clustered around Chicago as of 7:00 am Monday:

“It appears about 60% are staying not only out of the convention area but Chicago proper. Why? What are they waiting for? They appear to be clustered in groups of 20-50+ and are spread out around the greater Chicago area.

“With many residences having concentrations of 20-50+, everywhere from Oak Park, Maywood, Brookfield, Lyons, Hazel Crest, Robbins, Burbank, Ridgeview, Markham, etc., etc. It seems very organized and totally circling Chicago.” (

Curiouser and curiouser. With the Dem’s barrier already breached once Monday by a “small group” of protestors, what could tens of thousands of “From The River To The Sea” Antifoids do? When will they do it? Who will stop them?

Given how Tim Walz delayed calling out the Minnesota National Guard in 2020, it wouldn’t be unreasonable for Antifa to think the same might happen again. That being said, I doubt the Dem elites who are running this show will allow themselves or their donors to experience the full “justice” of the Burn Loot Mob like Minneapolis did.

I’d hate to be in the Planned Parenthood van getting my free abortion or vasectomy when the Antifa/BLM party kicks off. Somehow, I don’t think the gender-neutral bathrooms or Muslim prayer spaces the DNC’s put in will be good places to shelter, either.

Several lawyers from the National Lawyers Guild (NLG) have also been tracked, mixed in with the Antifoids. NLG “legal observers” are infamous for filming police and then filing huge lawsuits against municipalities. That's something else Chicago has to look forward to.

It remains to be seen how well Chicago does from this DNC. Conventions are usually huge money makers for cities, but there are reports that areas around the DNC venues are boarded up and/or closed. Several businesses have told their employees to stay home because of safety concerns. Deep Blue Chicago has already been struggling under their socialist mayor, and Biden’s open border policies have gifted the city with tens of thousands of “newcomers” to enrich its diversity—despite quite a bit of pushback from Black Chicagoans. One large “mostly peaceful” protest followed by a few multimillion-dollar police brutality suits could easily make this DNC a net loss for the Windy City.

Wouldn’t that just be a crying shame?

So, no; I didn't watch the propaganda-fest that was Monday’s DNC. Why bother? The cognitive dissonance alone—the speakers alternating between saying they know how people are struggling, then crowing about how “great” Joe’s and Kamala’s economy is doing—has been, and will continue to be, mind-boggling. Between that, the same old lies about Trump and the bilge about “saving democracy?” No, thank you. Hard pass.

I’ll catch the highlights, and the fact checks later (or never). After all, none of this really matters. This entire convention is a complete, total and utter sham. It’s part of the massive, ongoing psyop to set up another stolen election. The Democrats disenfranchised 14 million primary voters to install Kamala, and their machine & their allies are planning on doing the same to 70+ million Trump voters in November.

Given what’s going to happen in November, why should I waste time watching this kabuki convention?

Dr. Bill Chitwood is a retired Child, Adolescent and Family Psychiatrist who does political consulting and media relations. He is the author of Beyond Maga, available on Amazon under his pen name, Doc Contrarian. He can be found on Substack and social media as @DocContrarian.

Opinions expressed in the Alabama Gazette are the opinions and viewpoints of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Alabama Gazette staff, advertisers, and/ publishers.


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