The people's voice of reason


Yes, she is 'likeable' and despite the rhetoric - she's a good speaker. But she's a puppet. Aunt Kamala that is as she sashays around the room - whether a Courtroom or Political Debriefing Room. Only to deny proper actual tabulations of the “cause & affect” of her “ministry” or dutiful service. More people are incarcerated often in conflict of law situations (80% in the US per stats) - such as that of drug offenses wherein Federal Law bans Cannabis - while there is also a Federal Patent in the plant.

Point being - consider systemic Judicial oppression - across the board. The “feeding of the Beast” with incarceration and or program time from and by “the People”. Those most disenfranchised are “black” and yet the one most culpable of conspiring with such evils is Aunt Kalm. She waltzes into the courtroom acting “black” but leaving those with “Charges” in jumpsuits or awaiting a trial feeling “inferior” because she’s only “black” when it is convenient - hence Trump's comment.

And don’t say it ain’t so. How many “black men” has Aunt Kalm just “sold off” into the system? How many?

How many program fees and costs has she forced upon the indigent and poor black community as a prosecutor? Those are her real “career effects” which show she is “conveniently black” but otherwise is an

You see these pro aborters bloodletting by bloodletting are selling the souls of their own - right down the river.

For that is what selling out someone’s civil rights is - acting against the dignity of his/her soul. In one case an Assistant District Attorney had a guy held for a Possession of Marijuana Case which was one of other prior “crimes”. In my mind - this was a victimless crime and over time I came to learn that the man was mentally impaired, sufficient to say that his mother was his caregiver. I could not actually discern whether he was playing down to the system or was actually sufficiently retarded to be responding as he did - and offering was made to the court regarding his mental status and he had prior mental examinations. There was time already due for another charge and yet this prosecutor felt inclined that he could not just let this simple possession case go.

Back and forth, time in his office, emails and calls. Eventually we resolved the case and no additional time priors considered was due, only costs - but the 6 month sentence was “required” which ran concurrent with his other charges that were actually holding him. That’s the only case I had where I felt like I compromised - but then again - there was no professional or legal mistake or error - and he was going to be convicted - which if a trial was forced - and a guilty verdict - the judge would hammer him with more time.

Point being - it was a value laden judicial economy call - but in effect - the prosecutor abused his power to force more “money” be added to and against this guy - who eventually would be released and be forced to “work it off” in some regard. He was on Social Security but still worked and yes - he would eventually pay month by month down the “Uncle Tom” costs of possessing a plant in America. That was and is indentured servitude in a way - which I look back on now and realize - those are the frictions in law and politics that give everyone involved indigestion - but one must either say “no” early on - or become one of the systemic problems.

That assistant prosecutor became a Judge and I find him to be a sandbagger or otherwise one who creates no fresh opportunity to honor the Constitution but would rather honor the “rules of men” which are payments and programs. It was a compromise - to run the guys sentence concurrent and it was a strong arming to force us to “plea” to the costs. But the wheels on the bus go round and round.

Which is Kamala’s mantra. That is her life’s song - … right off a cliff. So naw. She is well intended but should reconsider her "values" juxtaposed to the Constitution.

Trenton "Trentesimo" Garmon is a Christian civil activist, a seasoned trial lawyer, and father of five. He believes in natural law, the Constitution and inalienable civil rights. He enjoys his faith, family, fishing, campfires and football.

Opinions expressed in the Alabama Gazette are the opinions and viewpoints of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Alabama Gazette staff, advertisers, and/ publishers.


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