The people's voice of reason

DJT, RFK and The Populists United

(August 26, 2924) Last Friday, the American political world shifted on its axis.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. suspended his independent Presidential campaign on Friday afternoon and threw his support behind Donald J. Trump. That evening, Trump and Kennedy shared the stage in Phoenix, Arizona, where Kennedy repeated his endorsement of Trump’s efforts to retake the White House. In return, Trump saluted Kennedy’s “decades of work as an advocate for the health of our families and our children, nobody’s done more.” Trump also pledged to “establish a panel of top experts working with “Bobby” to investigate what is causing the decades-long increase in chronic health problems and childhood diseases, including autoimmune disorders, autism, obesity, infertility, and many more.”

Kennedy asked the crowd in Phoenix, “Don’t you want a safe environment for your children? Don’t you want to know that the food you’re feeding them is not filled with chemicals that are going to give them cancer and chronic disease? And don’t you want a President that’s going to Make America Healthy Again?”

Shortly thereafter, #MAHA began trending on social media, for some strange reason.

This was NOT what Team Kamala wanted to happen the day after her anointing at the DNC. It was bad enough that she lost ground in the polls the longer the convention went on—exactly the opposite reaction everyone expected—but having a prominent member of one of THE Democratic Families excoriate the current Democratic Party and endorse her Republican rival?

The optics for the Dems haven’t been this bad since Bubba’s little honey kept that stained dress out of the dry cleaners.

If that weren’t enough, Kennedy used the weekend to promote the theme of Uniting America. He invoked the friendship between his uncle, JFK and “Mr. Conservative” Barry Goldwater. He even told us what MAGA means to him, saying:

“What "MAGA" really means

“The phrase has troubled liberals who think it is a call for a return to an America before civil rights, gay rights, and women's rights. But I have a more generous interpretation, one that is truer to my experience of Donald Trump as he is today. "Make America Great Again" recalls a nation brimming with vitality, with a can-do spirit, with hope and a belief in itself. It was an America that was beginning to confront its darker shadows, could acknowledge the injustice in its past and present, yet at the same time could celebrate its successes. It was a nation of broad prosperity, the world's most vibrant middle class, and a idealistic belief (though not consistently applied) in freedom, justice, and democracy. It was a nation that led the world in innovation, productivity, and technology. And it was the healthiest country in the world. I have talked to many Trump supporters. I have talked with his inner circle. I have talked to the man himself. This is the America they want to restore.”

On Fox News Sunday, Kennedy flatly denied any quid pro quo agreement for a cabinet or other position in the next Trump administration, saying, “no, there’s no commitment.” He said that the main reasons he entered the race—ending the war in Ukraine, ending the censorship, protecting children’s health and reforming our food supply were all issues “that President Trump also wanted to work on, and he invited me to form a unity government. We agreed that we’d be able to continue to criticize each other on issues on which we don’t agree. But, these issues are so important, and their way of unifying our country. We need in this country to reach a point where we love our children more than we hate each other.”

Kennedy repeated what he’d said at his press conference earlier—that he intended to remove his name from the ballot in 10 swing states where he would be a spoiler for Trump against Harris. He also said that he'd reached out not only to the Harris campaign, but to other Presidential campaigns like the Libertarians “on the same basis” to “end the polarization and the hatred and the vitriol and start talking about the issues.” He denied that he would dismantle agencies like the FDA, CDC and the NIH, but he would “change the focus and I would end the corruption.”

End corruption. Stop allowing things in our food that are banned in Europe (and elsewhere) that are making us sick, and turning people into profit centers for Big Pharma and Big Ag. End a futile, WW III-threatening proxy war with Russia. End the censorship that’s all but eliminated our 1st Amendment rights. What a radical! No wonder the Dems refused to let Kennedy run against old Joe in their primaries!

Preliminary polling in critical swing states shows half to two-thirds of Kennedy voters following his lead and voting for Trump. That’s terrifying the Dems right now. Last week, they were merely worried when her economic plan cost her several points in the polls, and watching the polls drop with each day of the DNC didn’t exactly help. The Dems have already realized that Harris/Walz is a lousy ticket, but they’re stuck with them. Now they’re having to deal with a major defection from their party, and he didn’t go gently into that good night.

The Democrats, their RINO co-conspirators and the Blob (aka the Deep State, or Swamp, or whatever you want to call it) now face an alliance between two of the greatest Populist figures of our time—Donald J. Trump and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Both have made names for themselves by standing in opposition to the Blob and Washington’s business-as-usual practices. Both have been attacked by the Blob, and both realize that together their chances of success are greater than if either stood alone. Both have loyal bases who are energized, highly motivated, and more than a little bit miffed at how things are going out here in Flyover Country.

Most importantly, both men have agreed to disagree on some things, but actively cooperate where they have common ground.

That common ground revolves around restoring the greatness of America and her children. It involves the ideals of America that old-school Democrats like JFK and RFK, and Republican icons like Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan, held dear. That common ground is so far removed from the communists, kleptocrats, malcontents and crazy cat ladies that call themselves “Democrats” that it forced RFK Jr. not just out, but to Donald Trump’s side.

That common ground is what the Blob detests and fears, because it is anathema to the Blob’s power-centric, globalist agenda. Trump and Kennedy, working together, have the potential to greatly harm the Blob and at least partially restore the Constitutional Republic the Founders gave us.

The Democrats have played divide and conquer as their principle strategy since Obama, but now it’s working against them as their factions turn on each other. Meanwhile, in sane America, Trump and Kennedy are leading by example, unifying Americans in ways the Democrats can’t understand, much less counter.

If we have an honest election on November 5th, there’s no doubt that Trump will win, and that RFK Jr will be a prominent part of his administration. Assuming, of course, they both survive.

What are the chances we’ll have an honest election? Somewhere around zero. The signs there, the plans have been made, the groundwork laid. The Democrats and the Blob are literally fighting for their very existence, and they know it. Given the chance, Trump and Kennedy will destroy the Blob and allow the Democrats to finish collapsing under the weight of their own failed policies—and everybody knows that, too.

So, the two sides are now in position, the battle lines drawn. This election is for all the marbles. Will it fall to the Dems and the Blob, so they can finish that “fundamental transformation” of America into an Orwellian communist/totalitarian third-rate cesspool of wokism, deprivation, surveillance and neofeudalism?

Or will We The People—all we deplorable Populists, MAGA Patriots, anti-vaxers, climate deniers and such—follow DJT and RFK Jr to victory and Make America Great (and Healthy) Again?


Kennedy’s MAGA post:

Kennedy on Fox News Sunday:


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