The people's voice of reason

Tuberville says that special operator teams were risking their lives fighting terrorists, President Biden was avoiding his presidential duties

On Friday, U.S. Special Forces, aided by drones, and the Iraqi armed forces launched a raid on ISIS in Western Iraq. 7 U.S. service members were wounded and 15 terrorists were killed. U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-Alabama) was upset that while U.S. service members were engaged with enemy combat forces President Joseph R. Biden (D) was away from Washington on another extended vacation.

"Here's what the media won't mention: While special ops members risked their lives, @JoeBiden was enjoying early retirement at the beach, avoiding his presidential duties."

U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) announced the results of the action Friday night.

The ISIS fighters were heavily armed. They had explosives and some were wearing suicide vests.

"During the operation, five U.S. personnel were wounded. One of the wounded was evacuated for further treatment," the defense official told reporters. "Two additional U.S. personnel were injured from falls during the operation, with one also evacuated out of theater for follow on care. All personnel are in stable condition."

CENTCOM said that it was targeting "ISIS leaders" in the operation.

"This operation targeted ISIS leaders to disrupt and degrade ISIS' ability to plan, organize, and conduct attacks against Iraqi civilians, as well as U.S. citizens, allies, and partners throughout the region and beyond," CENTCOM wrote in its post to X. "Iraqi Security Forces continue to further exploit the locations raided. ISIS remains a threat to the region, our allies, as well as our homeland. U.S. CENTCOM alongside our coalition and Iraqi partners, will continue to aggressively pursue these terrorists. We will provide more information as it becomes available."

CENTCOM did not disclose which elements of the U.S. military were involved in this mission.

There are approximately 2,500 American troops still based in Iraq ostensibly there to train and advise Iraqi forces in the ongoing war with ISIS.

Some fighters with ISIS affiliation have been captured in raids in the U.S. earlier this year, raising fears in defense circles that the group is planning a future attack on U.S. soil.

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