The opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics was a slap in the face to tradition, faith, and the hardworking athletes who have dedicated their lives to competing on this prestigious stage.
Let us cut to the chase. Paris decided to kick off this global event by transforming the grand stage of the opening ceremonies of the Olympics into a runway for drag queens. Ther final act positioning them in a manner eerily similar to Leonardo da Vinci’s depiction of Jesus and his Twelve Apostles in “The Last Supper.” This tasteless stunt was not only an eyesore but a blatant act of disrespect to millions of Christians around the world.
In an era where we are constantly lectured about tolerance and respect, the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics chose to ignore the core values of millions. Instead of honoring the athletes who have trained their entire lives for this moment, the organizers decided to showcase a group of drag queens in an attempt to make a “fashion statement.” What message does this send to our athletes? To our children watching at home? That mocking religious symbols and sidelining true achievement in favor of political correctness is acceptable?
Athletes from around the globe have spent years, if not decades, preparing for this moment. They have sacrificed time, energy, and often their health, to compete at the highest level. Yet, instead of being the focal point of the ceremony, their dedication and hard work were ignored for a cheap, offensive display meant to provoke rather than inspire.
Let us not mince words here. The portrayal of drag queens in such a manner was a deliberate mockery of the Christian faith. How dare the organizers trivialize one of the most revered religious paintings by turning it into a sideshow act? This is not just about artistic expression—this is about a profound disrespect for the Christian faith that has stood for centuries.
The Olympics are supposed to be about unity, about bringing the world together through the spirit of competition and mutual respect. But how can we talk about unity when the opening act itself is a divisive, offensive spectacle that alienates a huge portion of the global audience?
Jill Biden’s comments concerning the Paris Olympics opening ceremony were nothing short of disgraceful. She stated for the world to hear: “It was spectacular. The rain did not dampen our spirits.”
In reference to the US hosting the 2028 Olympics here are her unbelievable thoughts, “Every step of the way, I was thinking to myself, "’Oh my god, oh my god. How are we going to top this?” As the First Lady of the United States, her words should have reflected the dignity and respect befitting her position. Instead, she chose to praise a display that mocked the deeply held religious beliefs of millions of American Christians. By endorsing a spectacle that desecrated one of the most iconic depictions of Jesus and his Apostles, Jill Biden showed the true colors of the leftist Biden administration, and they are not pretty.
To all the athletes who have worked tirelessly to be here, you deserve better. To the millions of Christians who felt mocked and disrespected, your faith should never be trivialized in such a manner. And to the viewers around the world, let us demand that the spirit of the Olympics return to its true essence: celebrating the human spirit, honoring tradition, and fostering genuine respect for all.
Perry O Hooper Jr is a former State Representative who writes columns on his political perspective and has been published in a number of publications around Alabama and beyond. He was an early supporter of Donald Trump and was the 2016 Trump Victory Chair.
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