The people's voice of reason

Sewell calls Trump case Supreme Court ruling "disturbing and anti-democratic

On Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a 6 to 3 ruling that likely upended all of the Justice Departments, already legally dubious, case against former President Donald J. Trump (R). Congresswoman Terri Sewell (D-AL07) was extremely disappointed with the Court's decision.

"This disturbing and anti-democratic decision by the Supreme Court's conservative majority is contrary to our nation's founding principle that no one is above the law," said Sewell. "At a time when our democracy is already facing serious challenges, this ruling gives a green light to future presidents to abuse their power and sets an extremely dangerous precedent that should concern every American."

Special Prosecutor Jack Smith has claimed that the President acted unlawfully when he disputed the 2020 presidential election where then President Trump was unseated by approximately 35,000 votes in Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, Arizona, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

Chief Justice John Roberts wrote the opinion for the majority.

The court found that the Constitution gives Presidents absolute immunity from prosecution in their official actions. The court did rule that Presidents do not have presumptive immunity in their non-official functions.

The court ruling effectively guts Smith's case against Trump concerning the events of Jan. 6, 2021.

President Joseph R. Biden (D) had been relying on his Department of Justice to assist him in his re-election campaign by tying up Trump for weeks in court trial. Monday's ruling was a major setback for the President's re-election campaign, and he angrily lashed out at the Supreme Court over the ruling.

"For all practical purposes, today's decision almost certainly means that there are virtually no limits on what the president can do," Biden said.

Biden acknowledged that the devastating legal setback for the DOJ means that it is "highly unlikely" that Trump would be prosecuted before the November 5 election. It was another major blow for Biden after his debate meltdown on Thursday.

Biden said that the court rule was "a terrible disservice to the people of this nation."

A desperate Biden called on the voters to reject Trump.

"So now, the American people have to do what the courts should have been willing to do, but will not," Biden said. "The American people must decide whether Donald Trump's assault on our democracy on January 6th makes him unfit for public office in the highest office in the land."

Biden renewed his growing attacks on the court system for failing to rule in his favor.

"This decision today has continued the court's attack in recent years on a wide range of long-established legal principles in our nation, from gutting voting rights and civil rights to taking away a woman's right to choose," Biden said.

Terri Sewell represents Alabama's Seventh Congressional District.

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