Currently the jet stream takes warm air off of the Southeastern United States and Gulf of Mexico and takes it to Europe making Europe warmer than comparable latitudes in the U.S., Canada, or Siberia. A new study by scientists however suggests that all that could change due to global warming, changing the direction of the jet stream and plunging Europe into ice age conditions.
Rome is near the 41st parallel. So is New York City, Iowa, Wyoming, and North Korea. London is just south of the 51st parallel – roughly analogous to Calgary, Canada. Oslo, Norway is near the 59th parallel – roughly the same distance from the North Pole as Alaska and Churchill, Canada. The weather is very different in Europe than in similar latitudes on the globe and that is due to the jet stream.
The University College of London study warned that global warming could lead to a total collapse of the jet stream leading to temperatures in Europe dropping by as much as 15 degrees C (27 degrees F). The average July high in London is 70 degrees F with a low of 58 degrees F. A 27-degree F change would mean an average high of 43 degrees F with nighttime lows well below freezing at 21 degrees F according to some of the scientists' models. Average December temperatures in London are 46 degrees F for the highs and 38 degrees F for the lows. Even a 15-degree drop would mean Arctic conditions with highs well below freezing and frigid nighttime temperatures.
Dr. Jack Wharton is the lead researcher on this.
"If in the future winds are weaker, as shown in a recent study using climate models, it could mean a weaker Gulf Stream and a cooler Europe," Dr. Wharton warned.
Dr Wharton said that he and his team reached their startling conclusions after studying the ice age, and the climate conditions at that time.
Wharton said that the evidence suggests the strength of the Gulf Stream depends on factors in the climate, which is currently undergoing global warming.
Professor Thornally told MailOnline: "The ocean moves vast amounts of heat around the globe - equivalent to the energy from millions of power stations."
Changes in the strength of ocean currents will impact how much heat goes where. Stronger currents mean the ocean currents can carry more heat warming Europe further while weaker currents, as this study is suggesting, means that the jet stream has less of a warming affect. The worst-case scenario – a total collapse of the jet stream would end this warming affect altogether.
The researchers admit that they are still unsure how much of an impact this would have, should the Gulf Stream completely collapse, temperatures in Europe could fall between 10 to 15C (18-27F).
They claim that the current climate already indicates a weakened Gulf Stream and has already "wreaked havoc" on continental agriculture and weather patterns.
They claim that this will lead to rising sea levels.
U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-Alabama) dismissed the whole climate change theory as a "hoax" in discussions with reporters on Wednesday.
"Keep electing these people that believe our world is coming to an end because of this climate hoax, which ever since the 1950s and 60s I have been hearing ozone, acid rain, global warming, freezing, I mean it is just one thing after another," Sen. Tuberville said. "Folks this climate situation that the Democrats continue bringing up is nothing but a tax. It is nothing but a tax so they can gain control of more of your money."
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