On Sunday, President Joseph R. Biden (D) finally acknowledged what most Americans already knew and that he was increasingly a drag on the Democratic ticket and that they would have a better chance of winning the White House in November if someone else ran as the Democratic nominee.
Republican Executive Committee member former State. Rep. Perry O. Hooper Jr. told the Alabama Gazette that everyone already knew that Biden was experiencing a sharp mental decline.
"Joe Biden's decision not to run for a second term is a stunning admission of what many of us have known all along: he's unfit for the presidency," said Rep. Hooper. "For years, we've watched the mainstream media cover for him, spin his gaffes, and prop him up as if he were capable of leading this great nation. It's time for those who've perpetuated this farce to be held accountable."
A number of Alabama Republicans have released statements commenting on the historic moment.
Alabama Republican Party Chairman John Wahl released a statement claiming that Biden was pushed out of the race by powerful Democratic elites.
"The Democratic establishment has once again shown their true colors by pushing President Biden out of the race for President," Wahl said. "This move showcases their elitist mentality and their complete and utter disregard for the voice and will of the American people during the primary election process. Democrat voters chose Joe Biden as their nominee, and this shameful manipulation of the election process is disrespectful to the American people as well as the democratic process. This group of power-hungry globalists will stop at nothing to keep themselves in control."
"President Biden's declining support was not due to his age or debate performance, but rather the result of his failed and ineffective policies," stated Wahl. "The DNC's solution seems to be Kamala Harris, but as Vice President, she has been an integral part of these same failed policies. Her nomination would represent nothing more than a continuation of the same destructive agendas that have made America weaker, our citizens poorer, and our communities less safe."
"America needs real change, and that change cannot come from leaders who have proven their inability to address the needs and concerns of the American people," Wahl concluded. "We need a new leader with fresh ideas and a proven track record of putting America first. Donald Trump is that person. He has shown time and again his commitment to restoring our nation's greatness, defending our freedoms, and ensuring prosperity for all Americans."
U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-Alabama) said that Biden was not "mentally fit to be President.
"For 3 ½ years, the corrupt media and the deep state bureaucracy have lied to the American people," said Sen. Tuberville. "Today, President Biden finally admitted that President Trump was right all along: Joe Biden was never mentally fit to be President. Democrats and the media knew Joe Biden had serious cognitive issues and they used him as their puppet for as long as they could. Now, they're trying to gaslight Democrat voters into thinking they have a say when clearly the Democrat elites are running the show.
On Sunday, Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (R-Louisiana) called for Trump to resign from the presidency immediately. Sen. Tuberville agrees.
"Democrats and the complicit media must be held accountable for this massive cover-up," said Tuberville. "If Joe Biden is unfit to run again, he is unfit to hold the nuclear codes. I join my colleagues in demanding that President Biden resign immediately."
Congressman Gary Palmer (R-Hoover) said that any Democrat they choose will continue to push policies that cause costs to go up and leave our border open.
"The Democratic Party has now succeeded in pushing Joe Biden out of the presidential race," said Rep. Palmer. "It was evident well before the debate with Donald Trump that Biden's mental acuity was severely diminished, but the Biden White House and the Democrats covered it up. The question now is whether or not he has the ability to continue to serve as President."
"What the American people should clearly understand is that it doesn't matter who the Democrats choose because whoever they choose will continue to push policies that will keep the cost of living too high, leave our border open, and make our communities less safe," said Palmer. "They may change the person on the Democratic ticket, but the policies will not change."
The logical choice for the Democrats appears to be Vice President Kamala Harris. Hooper said, not so fast.
"Kamala Harris, who's been complicit in this deception, must be impeached," said Hooper. "She's lied repeatedly about Biden's fitness, assuring the American people that he was up to the job when clearly, he was not. Her actions are not just misleading; they're a betrayal of the trust placed in her by the citizens of this country."
"This administration has been a train wreck from the start, and now, the American people are paying the price," said Hooper. "It's time for accountability, transparency, and justice. We must demand that those who've deceived and failed us face the consequences of their actions. Kamala Harris must be impeached, and the media must answer for their role in this debacle. Enough is enough!"
The Democratic National Convention will be in Chicago from August 19 to 22.
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