The people's voice of reason


I was pressing to get on these two gobblers. I knew since it was the middle of the season and the first thing in the morning, that after they flew off the roost the gobbling would end. So I chose to gamble a little and get in their bedroom. Since it was already breaking day, I knew I had the chance of being seen. I was right. But fortunately I was only seen by two hens that were roosted just above my set-up. They shortly flew away from me and more importantly, away from the two gobblers who were only about seventy-five yards away. After the hens left, I softly called to see if the toms were still interested, and they were. They responded loud and clear. A little later they flew down and never offered to gobble again. But I was close enough to see them when they landed. After a little coaxing, a dead tom lay at my feet. This is not the first time that I dared challenge getting between the hens and the gobblers. I know if I can separate the two, the path for them to reunite runs through me. But there is a risk. It is one that many times I am unwilling to take. Most of the time, I prefer to rest on the side of caution, patience, and surety. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. One method, however, is not always the best, but I like getting close – real close.

There is something about closeness. If you have ever witnessed the hot air coming from the nostrils of a wild animal on a cold day, you know what I mean. If you have ever been greeted by a coyote while you’re calling a turkey, you know what I mean. Closeness focuses the mind and the perspective. No longer is the image a panoramic one; it is now zoomed in on one particular subject. Everything else is mentally cropped from the picture. Sometimes God calls each one of us to do the same. His words to us are so gripping, yet so quiet, that it compels us to draw a little closer in order that we might hear more, and more clearly. At these times He is not satisfied with where we have been sitting. That view is too general – too encompassing. He wants to bring one thing to our attention, and in order for Him to do that; we must be willing to draw a little closer. Are you willing to do that? Are you willing to close the distance? Are you willing to risk putting yourself in God’s path? The results might not be certain, but your success will be.


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